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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. In watching things develop here at the forum, esp since we have had alot of new blood, er fresh blood er, new victims, er newbies etc, we have been creating a shared history and mythos. I invite you to share memorable moments in CM history for the benefit of others who, by reason of their recent arrival may not have experienced them. My personal favorite is the "Night of the Refreshing Monkeys" when the GoldDemo came out and we crashed the BTS server Certainly, the Canadian delivery problem is an ongoing item that can enter the realm of fable Soon to be lost in history as things smooth out. There are other moments (and closed threads!!! about that HMG and running for instance, or being Penged.....So what do you remeber of your time here that brings a smile or chuckle to your lips.Share your memories.
  2. Well I answered it I think. I DL'd 1.02 and used it to try to open a old PBEM (Gold Demo v. 1.0 ) Said that it was old style email and that opponet had to upgrade as well. So it seems that the answer is no. Sigh If I am wrong or if there is a way to convert the current file format, please let me know.
  3. In an earlier thread..... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GriffinCheng+: ...Does the new demo compatible with the existing gold demo games? I am thinking bout continuing my PBEM games with it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can someone tell us if it is? I have a couple of PBEM games going and it'd be nice to have the additional tweaks...Catastrophic explosions yeah, shell burst etc. in the ongoing games. So 1) are the existing files compatible to continue w/ under 1.02 and 2) do both players have to have it implemented at same time to be able to use it? I'd like to know BEFORE using up another 30+Mb's on my HD
  4. For those of us who are relatively new to the computer game scene [at least one or two besides me] I'd like to know if there is a recognized award as "THE" game of the year award. Like the Oscars as compared to the Golden Globe. If so, when does it occur and how is it determined. We have seen the combined power of this forum to vote for fav games. Certainly, I think CM is the top, but as a Mac user my selection is limited, thus the lack of familiarity w/ the chance of any particular game copping this honor. But I do know that I'd like CM to achieve that and BTS, Beta Testers and all who made it possible know that they are the BEST.
  5. Oops, You're in Canada, my condolences...check out the "Any CM in Canada" Thread
  6. In case Madmatt doesn't get around to it, see his announcement in the large Mac Mod thread on the Tips and Techniques forum. Yahoo
  7. Matt (may I call you Matt) On behalf of all the Mac weridos out there, we say thank you (fall to ground knock forhead to ground) ========================== Now in the spirit of this forum............. •Is it done yet? •I WANT it NOW •Could you check on the status of my DL'd •Îs it done yeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttt!!!! [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-28-2000).]
  8. As it was back then, so it is now....Jabos are to be feared
  9. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE++++++ In a striking and unusual move the Dept of Defense has announced that the recent game, COMBAT MISSION has been declared a national defense asset and as such may not be shipped to countries whose population may, due to proximity to the US consititue a threat to the nothern border. All pending export liscense have been cancelled and any extant copies of the game have been impounded. When ask to comment BTS's President, speaking through his mouthpiece, er lawyer said, "Really, what a bummer." He then added cryptically something about a "weasel" riding again. Intelligence sources are trying to ascertain if this is covert reference to the Dr. Laura Sturmtruppen that have been rumored to be in the area. Again, due to the threat posed by our northern neighbor, eh, of crazed beer swilling, moose lovin' maple leafers, CM as it affectionally referred to by those who have embraced it's addictive potentional of the full version is just too potent to release beyond the border. That is all [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-28-2000).]
  10. I second that. I had no idea that the scenario I was playing last night had fighter-bombers until the diving buzz, the shadow crossing my positions, the explosions bracketing a tank and wiping out most of a squad and panicking a FO (who was in process of targeting some big guns!) Then shorly later he was back. I felt like ducking and grabbing ground, kind of like those on the end of a Stuka dive must have felt. Then that awful moment as the shadow passes over and you wonder, what is going to get blown up now. Up to that point it had been a cake walk. Totally Cool, baby ya gotta love it [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-28-2000).]
  11. You know things are changing....the old verities and expectations are no longer operant. 1) The beta demo is gone 2) The gold demo is history 3) The game was released 4) People are actually getting the game 5) Maximus/OB&G has been quiesent 6) Where's Lewis to argue w/ 7) Peng has not been excoriating us on smilies 8) And The Captain got his!!!!!!!!!!! It's the end of an era I tell ya. Change while inevitable is disconcerting. Oh well on to Infinity and beyond. [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-28-2000).]
  12. Advantage of owning a Mac. Couldn't play it anyway so I won't worry about disappointment
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sniperscope: Guys the key to sneaking is your leader.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Absolutely right! W/out at least a decent leader it doesn't work as well. Also level of troop training. Green vs vetran makes a big difference. Once had two panzerschrecks up on ridge in CE. Same movement, same leader. One (of lesser training) got blown away, the other took out one of the two Shermans. Good tip on the entry into buildings, JoshK, I'll keep that in mind to give it a try tonight.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dar: However, sneaking is good when you want to "sneak" up on the enemy and paste him when your unit feels it has a good shot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds a littl like relation "move" is to the hunt command. But isn't really slow? Sneak can get you from in the woods to the edge w/in one turn. I don't think crawl can.
  15. Actually, I love to sneak. It's a way ro stay alive, actually. Esp sneaking 'schrecks and 'zooks for that surprise shot. I'd like to hear how others find crawl. It's slow, tires the squad and I haven't really found a good use. When I tried to crawl a pinned squad away from being a fat target, they still were through out the turn. So as a retreat method not much to reccomend it. Also I am not sure it is quieter than sneak. So when does it confer a benefit? Enquiring minds want to know [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-27-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sublime: Can you gimme a link to the webpage you mentioned last week with the Geforce for sale for '100 bucks less and overnight shipping'? Thanks =)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You might give the Search function a try while waiting. Put in search terms "Geforce madmatt" and you'll get a couple of threads where Madmatt is talking about GeForce upgrade. The search function (ask guachi ) can really make things easier.
  17. I remember earlier that the armour penetration stats would be made available in some format or another. Might I suggest that the unit statistics - weapons, men, transport etc. be also included. Perhaps as a DL in .pdf format. I found myself wanting to compare some stats after observing the effectiveness of some new units vs the ones we are familiar w/ from the previous demo senarios. As it is we have only the screen dumps we can make. But it'd be nice to curl up away from the computer (at least occasionally!) and do a little research. CM is in many ways more than a game. I'd like to be able to understand more of the behind the scenes info at indulge my inner grognard.
  18. As I said on an earlier post: Vancouver, Washington Ordered 3/00 Shipped 6/20 Rec'd 6/23 So maybe living downstate has it's advantages (PS) Yes on Macintosh version [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-27-2000).]
  19. Madmatt: I read today the interview w/ you and Wild Bill and how you got started, esp w/ CMHQ. I have been perusing CMHQ & the Annex with a more critical eye to the visual look and feel and informational side. For someone who didn't have much HMTL or web design background, you have created a very spiffy (can we say that word?) and impressive visual treat. You certainly created something that enhances CM and the CM experience. My appreciation also to Fionn for his work as well but I am assuming much of the look and feel is your development. Again, BTS is fortunate to attract, even if you have to repeatedly pound on the door to get in , talented and dedicated people such as Fionn and yourself. Again thanks for your work and dedication.
  20. I'd bet on extension conflict. I have an upgraded PB 1400 running at 264 MgHz (w/ backside cache) CM Demo works on it. Although herky jerky as CPU isn't quite up to it. But good enough to handle some PBEM's when home server was down.
  21. Perhaps I could say by letting things go all will come........naw. Arrived!!!!!!!!!!! Vancouver, Washington Ordered 3/00 Shipped 6/20 Rec'd 6/23
  22. Capt One of the things age does is give perspective. Do I wish I had it now, yes. Is it frustrating, yes. BUT there are a lot of things to just appreciate in the menatime. We create misery for our selves by wanting the world to act or be a certain way. Ain't going to happen. Will a teenager really understand this. Probably not. Does a 49 yr old understand it, maybe some days. Smell the roses. Enjoy fully what you are doing now. A day or 2 or 3 or 4 extra is not the end of the world. Check the mailbox at noon. If it's there great, if not, well....... [excuse me I've got to run home now and check my own mailbox......LOL]
  23. CoolColJ How do your textures and the Mad-dog mods overlap if at all and are they compatabile or is it either or? [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-23-2000).]
  24. No matter how things change they remain the same [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-23-2000).]
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