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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. Close the thread, and before we get any more sophmoric homophobic statements (like last time) dollars to donuts this troll AIN"T gay, (or is seriously worried he is and can't admidt it)
  2. This thread has deviated a bit from wondering about CCJ to a discussion of pirating and warez. But as has been noted before he is a kid. Was what he did wrong, yes, and certainly wrong by the standards of this community. Remember our various "pledge" threads etc. Yes he upset and pissed a number of people off. But IF he can accept that he made a mistake (and what 14 yr old hasen't ... let he who is w/out guilt throw the first stone (BTW I am not a christian, but the principle applies nonetheless) and apologize then it behooves us as a community to open our hearts and welcome him back. Yes the prodigal son is applicable here. We have a chance to display our maturity here as well. So to CCJ, we are poorer as a group w/out you here. Your actions violated a common value, you made a mistake. Accept that and if you are able to see that , and wish to be a part of the community again, then an apology is in order. Not everyone will be forgiving, so don't expect 100% (but hey, consider it a life's lesson you would have to deal with in some way or another. But I suspect, if you do decide to re-engage you will find alot of support and appreciaton for your work. Maturity is NOT an easy bag. Being a responsible individual is not always a great gig. But we learn (hopefully) that it is how we grow and become a worthy human. It soounded, from your last post that you were upset and had your felings hurt as well. Whether you realized the nature of the act at the time I wonder. Most 14 yr olds have a bit of growing to do. But growth is being able to set forward and say , I screwed up, I'm sorry and take responsibility. Then it will be a challange for this community to have the courage to say we forgive and while we are hurt and angry about the past, we will start anew. [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-08-2000).]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: I know, I will just divert ALL MY FREAKING TIME TO CONVERTING OTHER PEOPLES WORK TO BE MAC HAPPY! How is that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why matt that is so generous of you. Hear that guys, Matt will take care of us always Actually for anyone w/ the knowledge (other than Matt) perhaps you can clue us in. Not that we aren't grateful, But we want to stand on our own, at least as long as the guvammit subsidy last [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-06-2000).]
  4. ======================================== Notice:If you do not want to hear wussy Mac Whining, skip this post ========================================= Sigh....are we forever condemned to stand outside and having our faces pressed to the glass? Is there anyway we run of the mill mac users can convert the .bmp so we can partake of the good life rather than depending on the generousity of others? Please sir may I have some more pudding? [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-06-2000).]
  5. At the bottom of the page there is a button labled "Hop to:" press and hold and then select Tech support. Then press go. You will be at a separate forum for techincal questions. Post your information and someone will try to answer. The CM forum was recently broken up into some sub-forums.
  6. The "operations" are a series of linked battles. Remeber CM is Company/Squad level. So whats represented maybe over a day or several days. Think of it as a Company advancing, taking the ground, re-supplying and moving forward to re-engage. You are NOT picked up and put in a totally different enviroment. At the end of each battle, the game adjusts new start lines based on what you have achieved. The hulks of previous kills remain etc. You may even "start" in contact with the enemy. What you have to work with is affected by your performance [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-06-2000).]
  7. Simplest is best for me. I just stick w/ numbers sequentially. Leave the title as whatever to distinguish from others. It's pretty impossible to keep it "on turn" so to say so the numbers do not have to match up w/ the game turn That way all I have to delete is the last digit(s) and save PBEM. That way my actions are ALWAYS even or odd for that game So if i need to easily KNOW the last move, I look for the higheest number
  8. From the "Play Game" screen you go to the scenario selection page. In the upper right there are two buttons "Battles" and underneath it, greyed out is "Operations" and there are two up/down arrows.Initially the arrows scroll you through the "Battles" but click [or whatever pc users do ] on the word "Operations" not the arrows, and the list of available Operations will appear. [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-06-2000).]
  9. Chances are my friend you will not like it....... you will love it and it will grow to dominate your life. I haven't played wargames since the 70's.And I hated the charts and tables! Now it is most nights, either a scenario or PBEM..or both. My wife is starting to get THAT look in her eyes You read the Gamespot review. Another brief summary at cdmag http://www.cdmag.com/Home/ said Wargaming will never be the same...and discover maybe the best wargame in years. It looks good, it plays well, and it caters to the grognard without losing the more casual player. Even if you don't normally play wargames, you need to check this one out. The reviews I have been seeing are ALL saying it's a MUST have game. If you search or scan various threads in this forum you will find links to them One other thing, others have said that the full game has more than the Gold Demo, that is true. But it does not overwhelm you. Rather it is a differnce of variation not mass. The full game plays like the demo, but you can play from tiny maps w/ small numbers of units to multiple map operations. You can design your own or have the computer do it[thus ensuring freshness rather than playing the same old scenarios over and over] You can play in the snow, mud, fog whatever. All these await you........ But you will be changed. And welcome to the most interesting, at times silly and inventitive and provcative forum/community I have seen. [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-06-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by anime586: Well for me i think CC is way more better than CM i mean in CM the commands are the same as i CM they just added more and put some graphics in it -anime<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm sorry counselor, asked and answered, go on to your next line of questioning. I am afraid we have exhausted the potential of this one. Oh and anime, Thank you for your sterling presentation. Remeber, you are a representative of your game. I am glad you have shown us our errors and we stand humbled, truly humbled. [Hey guys, do you think he got it? ] [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-06-2000).]
  11. As we explore the game we come across so many little things that show BTS's attention to detail. Last night a Hetzer suffered a catasrophic explosion. The DYO senario was a winter/snow so the explosion really stood out. What I noticed is that in the expanding shockwave is a tint of reflection of the fire/explosion! Now that is detail!! Great job guys , you and the design/tester TEAM continue to amaze [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-04-2000).]
  12. Madmat: Using iMac DV Dl'd them, easy install, no problems. Play wise I think I detect a "slight" slowing w/ the camera, a touch (only a touch) of jerkiness. Although I want to compare it to original set.Otherwise no problems. As to the graphics, look GREAT. They really help distinguishing wood/scattered trees. There is a sharpness that really helps. The Hetzer is so cool but riddle me this. Last night in a DYO my hetzer was about 45 degrees from an M3 about 40 meters away. The Hetzer was firing on AT gun, before leisurely turning to finish the 1/2 track. Suddenly a red streak from 'track,(very visible - and AT was firing at a PzIV anyway) BOOM, catastrophic explosion (love the fire streak reflection in the expanding shockwave!!) Didn't think 'track had such a weapon, if so what is it? Great job. Look fwd to sound and future packs. I guess we will keep ya.
  13. The Manifesto is at http://www.battlefront.com/about/about_festo.html
  14. Double HUGE mistake. Unless you are playing out an excercise, leave the FOW on Full. It's the only way to go and really makes CM so much better. OBTW, playing against a live body, they sometimes target the "usual places" just in case. So adjusting their siting in setup can save them as well [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-03-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Luca.RM: ..... See above....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Luca.RM Welcome to a great place and group of guys. As for your question about why not in stores, you might want to go read the Battlefront Manifesto http://www.battlefront.com/about/about_festo.html to see why and why these guys are differnt. Ciao
  16. According to Babel Fish (hey ya gotta luv it!) In English: Well, they are Italian anch' I. I would want to know from someone in how much time you have received CM and if you have paid it with the credit card or other way. There is from fidarsi of the payment with the paper? But why they do not sell it in the storees? Salutes to all.
  17. Pitz As Zulu1 noted, it's an abstraction. I think you will find that a FO in the woods/trees, isn't seen for quite a while even as they are depicted kneeling. Unless they move they may not be picked up at all. Many is the time I have rained down arty on a target that I had LOS but they had no clue where I was. Maybe try a hot seat w/ yourself to check out the relative LOS of each side. You maybe surprised how little (or how much depending on how you handle your troops) can be seen. Remember the terrain, woods, brush, light woods, will all have different effects on LOS depending on density. Do not think you are necessarily unseen because you are in "woods" Being near the edge is quite different than being further in. Experience helps you gage where to stop. The "sneak" command is invaluable to get LOS as you approach the edge. But take care. If you can see them, there is at least a chance they see you. So movement, stealth, approach all have to be utilized. Good luck and don't give up on it. We all are learning how much accurate depth is in this game, yet it is vastly playable <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Zulu1 Fionn is setting up a mega battle....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Go to CMHQ mega campaign at http://cmhq.tzo.com/cmmc/cmmcnews.asp [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-03-2000).]
  18. In the [CENSORED] scenario my Hetzer took shot after shot from the Allied Tank Destoyer. All front armor richocets. Very impresive. I know Madmatt considers it one of his favorite vehicles but is this a "typical" result. Have others seen such action. W/sharply sloped frontal armor it's effectiveness certaily is increased, but can it go toe to toe and survivie regularly or was this just one of those days? [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-01-2000).]
  19. Don't let it intimidate ya. Check out Kump's thread at http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/006720.html As he noted he was bitching, but ya know, hanging around here changes a guy. We get all warm and fuzzy [Group hug time] Sometimes we act like spoiled children, sometimes adults, sometimes we simply like to blow things up!!! Dive right in, the people are fine, united by a totally cool expeience, Combat Mission
  20. That's cool and welcome to one of the more interesting and stimulating sites on the net. But it can be sort of like the airline passenger who said Hi to his friend Jack as he boarded a plane and suddenly security descended. There have been some VERY heated reactions to the pirating issues. Just check Warez and pirate in the search function.
  21. Of course if it was a night battle, friendly fire can happen, as I have learned a couple of times
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jadayne: ....... should I bother ordering this game or just wait until the Russians pirate it? How long will it realistically take to ship here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think that you'd best either say "just kidding", or apologize if you actually hold that intent. If it takes you 3 months, order it, pay the money and support BTS and what they are doing. To access it by other than honorable means means that you are stealing their life's blood, and stealing from us the user community. If you support this game, and future CM, wait as long as it takes. The new CM 1.02 demo provides alot of material and should last you. Heck, many here have waited alot longer than you ever will. Consider it dues. Sorry if this sounds a preachy but you'll know it was worth it to do the right thing [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-30-2000).]
  23. In a VoT PBEM just before release I had a Sherman (immobile) in the wheat field on the left flank but w/ LOS to the area that the Panther arrives. The 76 back on the start ridge w/ overlook to the crest of the Plomville hill, and another Sherman near the crest. I try to avoid things that are based on my knowledge of senario, but this was how it played out anywy and I am thinking okay, Mr Panther you are dead.. Boom, my arty starts a fire over behind the church, the 76's los is blocked. No trouble he's still flanked from the wheat field on my left flank. Okay, wait for it, wait for it............BLAM the Sherman is toast! What the...... Somehow the Panther, balls out on a fast move pops a shot before I ever see him!!! Bummer.But ya got to love the full FOW!!!! [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-30-2000).]
  24. FYI: Yep, if it hasn't been noticed Valley of Trouble has been converted so it now works w/ the actual game. Now all your favorites, CE, LD, Reisberg and VoT are there for all time
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