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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. When I start up the beta on my iMac, it goes to the main screen but when you select senarios it "unexpectedly quits" However, re-launch CM it with out restarting or shutting down and CM loads perfectly and you can continue play with no problems. What's going on. It's not a deadly problem, only a slight annoyance. Something w/ sprokets, quicktime or what? I did an archive search and didn't come across any answers, so if anyone has info on this, is it a bug or something about my configuration. thanks
  2. SO what's the buzz on "Gott Mit Uns"? Haven't heard any info on updates. Peter_NZ any tidbits for us or is this going ot be like waiting for the next Star_Wars episode. Hey I see a new line of action dolls!!!!
  3. Best laugh all day long!!!!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Black Sabot: ***If CM was a 6 foot blonde with Double d's then she would be fun to play but would have no AI <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wargames have their place, that's why I stay up late after the wife has gone to bed. Then again wargames don't cause break ups or strains, rather it's people and their relationship that deterines how it is handled
  4. Since there has been a lull waiting for CM release, there has been a few topics (name derivation etc) marking time. I hesitate to ask this as it shows my ignorance, but maybe there are lurkers or newbies that might benefit. I tell my clients that the only dumb question is the unasked one so here goes. In any closely shared culture there develops terms of art, slang, abbrev. etc that distinguish the insiders from the outsiders. Wargaming has it's own as well. While I started wargaming w/ AH's D-Day in about 1963 or so and bought and played them up thrugh Squad Leader (1978 ???) it was catch as catch can without getting into the gaming community except for a brief stint in the Bay area in the late 70's. Thus I haven't been following or involved for quite some period as the current language has developed. I'd be interested in getting definitions (let's see if even the community at large can agree) of various words, phrases definition, inspeak. Terms like Real time strategy (RTS) PBEM etc usually can be worked out, terms like Grognard etc take longer to puzzle out and are subject to misinterpretation. Also since much of communication (least my experience) is over the computer rather than face to face (FTF?) you don't get a chance as much to refine your understanding. So if you're inclined to create a thread repository of wargaming terms, just post.
  5. OBG: I think you have 1) too much time on your hands and 2) a serious case of prerelease CM cabin fever
  6. I gues I am just unimaginative, or didn't realize it when I filled out the registration and viola, there it was.......Gee can I change it? If so how?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts: But my true heart belongs with wargames. They're are the only type of games that you can play over and over with different outcomes and strategies. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hit it on the head OBG. The challange of most games seems to be to discover the "optimal" strategy and then it's the same result and you lose interest. Look at all the cheat codes (hey does CM - final have one for invincibility, or unlimited ammo, lives?-sorry Seriously look at the interest and passion that just the beta w/ 3 senarios has generated, Madmatt's CMHQ, webpages (w/ more to come no doubt) even our own film dept [Go PeterNZ] and it's knowing that even w/ the same approach in CE, if the StuG's get you, or you get them or some combination that the outcome works out differently. That's really why for me it works, plus w/ imagination you can realisticlly visualize it as personally experienced. [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-12-2000).]
  8. Coolj (aside to Colin) Once you undertake the Megaproject do you (or Colin) anticipate having a Mac version anytime soon thereafter? I have really enjoyed what you did for the Beta and it really enhanced the experience. I look fwd to your future efforts. Also, you talked about burning a CD of graphics/sounds. Would it still be available as download for those w/ sufficient download speed?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts: No, I don't have a cable modem, got the good ol' 56K deal. If I'm lucky I can get a 4.X Kb/sec transfer rate. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Man I love seein' that 175-212 Kb/sec go past my browser. If you CAN get cable modem, (even for the extra cost) it's worth it. 50-70 MB forgetabodit!! multiple attempts (passe) [God I hated downloading a chunk coming back to hve 98% complete and get transmission/line error.
  10. when you have a flank/rear shot at opposng armor crossing your line of sight but the AI deems that squad across the valley more threatening
  11. Duh so I tried to edit and wound up posting/quoting....so sue me [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-11-2000).]
  12. [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-11-2000).]
  13. Yep, I'd say the dambusters ....might....have a bit of a sticky wicket flying into those defenses....... [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-11-2000).]
  14. I have detected a bit aimlessness in the ranks as the long awaited day (*kneel-genuflect - eyes downcast*) of salvation approaches. So to kill time (I mean how many times HAVE you played those demos anyway?) it might be fun to hear what you hate........ * When you work out a great start position, send your units off to their positions, get involved in taking out the enemy armor and finally check back and find a unit or two (often a machine gun) catching a few rays while his buds are wondering where the enfialading fire went to. * When we all know when and where those Hellcats are going to appear. * When you have the opposition outflanked, on the run, disorganized and the AI insists that you have a 45% chance of victory, thereby forcing you to hunt down and waste other units, violating Sun Tzu's maxim on manuver over battle. I am sure those of you have played a lot longer have experenced your own particular frustration or circumstance........ [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-11-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: But first...I AM GONNA BLOW THE CRAP OUTA IT!!!...I doubt they will drop bombs on a hunk of pavement ... so we shall see what happens! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now if you get BTS to provide a little patch so we can see some skip bombs splashng up the river!!!!! BOOM!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DEF BUNGIS: Playing LD tonite, I decided to do things a little differently.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I also tried things a bit diffently last night in LD but as Germans. (Hmmm cabin fever from prerelease setting in?) I loaded up everybody, I mean everyone I could and tore like a bat out of hell down the road, dumped the squads in the town by the bridge, took the StuG's and Tiger up the hill (played @ being Hellcats!!!) then set up hull down ambush for the Hellcats (who showed up in turn 11) Blasted them and then waltzed the Tiger down picking targets as I went.Sort of Alesia-style encirclement in the middle and surronding the outside as well!! My question, is that in all it was a fairly unrealistic approach that I could buzz through town, grabbing off the center and doing what I did and the AI didn't really respond much. So how is AI in actual CM going to be different than the Beta? I've heard that it has been improved but in descriptive terms (no code for me thank you very much!) how has it been improved. And to bring it back to thread, the AI started to surrender piecemeal but didn't throw in towel till turn 29 and had all of 13 scattered (on both sides of river) effectives!!!!! [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-11-2000).]
  17. I was struck by the in depth versimilistude that went into your work. It was like I could see the whole concept leap off the page at me.Never has so many owed so much to so few (hey that's kind of catchy!) I always suspected the George Lucas Story-boarded Star Wars the same way. Keep it up.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: ... Also, how are we supposed to print out Fionn's pearls of armor wisdom without gobbling up a printer cartridge per page? After all, we're talking printing white on a black background using white paper.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> John: I'm not technical but I have experienced your concern. What happens is that the background is black, but doesn't print. So it's actually white on white (saving LOTS of ink ) What I do is to open the page/frame in Composer, select the text (deleting whats not wanted) and change the text color to black (it's on the composer banner next to font size) then I can print it out. Try that and see if it works.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook: ... Bill Mauldin got a Pulitizer when he drew a "Willie & Joe" cartoon that took issue with the typical home-news headlines of "Victorious, energetic Allied columns smashing through the ranks of the demoralized enemy." .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If any of you out there haven't see either that particular cartoon or Mauldn's book "Up Front" w/ Willie and Joe I think that you'll really miss the perspective of the GI's we see on CM's screen. [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-07-2000).]
  20. PeterNZ, am I missing something? When I access the web page I show some incomplete graphics. Is it simply not finished, or is my computer failing to load something. Keep it up and by the way I think your accent actually added to the film, at least for these Amis ears.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Teutonic: Ps. Wheres the color? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gosh 'durn whippersnappers, always wantin' the latest geegaw, why I remember the summer of aught eight... now there was a time....
  22. Hey BTS, get with it. I haven't seen a response by the corporate bigwigs to what is argualbly one of the coolest, most innovative and creative fan support responses ever (esp to a game that only has released a beta version!!) (ps) if I simply missed it...nevermind
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Miyamoto Musashi: I'd love to play Shogun (being a HUGE Kurosawa fan), .... unless the PC version sells like hotcakes... so all you Win users get out there and buy a copy or two <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Double Ditto
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