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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. Last night the AI sent an allied squd into the Woods in CE. Right into the area of three squads w/ panzerfausts. Suddenly all three squads let go w/ the pf's at the same time. Smoke and roaring sound. I initially was watching a battle at the church and heard a really loud rushing sound and went looking to see what had hapened. Blew the allied squad all to hell and the dazed surviviors were quickly dispatched. Took all of maybe 4-5 seconds or less and no more probe into the woods!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead: Either that or we start passing around names of good divorce lawyers.! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As a good ex-divorce lawyer I'll be glad to help (for a nominal retainer like CM2,3,4,...etc!)
  3. Will there be garratroopers? Defined by Bill Maudlin as too far forward to have to wear ties but too far behind lines to get shot at.
  4. Same here, Hey if they give me DSL why not, besides I am one of the bosses. Easier that way (shush here comes my secretary)
  5. As soon as I played the beta demo, Feb or March, 2000 (nine more posts and I get to 100! But that should be the minimum considering the numbers some have racked up) [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-14-2000).]
  6. I am distressed that some of us have given into such cravings and desires. As a 49 yr old professional (we can make this the "mature" thread) and zen buddhist I of course after years of meditative training and practice have transcended the more mundane and earthy pulls of this troubled world. BUT: as a wise old master once said MY CARD GOT CHARGED, I VERIFIED IT, ALL RIGHTTTTTT! and so did mine!!!!!! awww the hell with it I want (crave and desire) it now!! Yours in tranquility (at least until you run into my ambush!) jd (since the level of irony here is sufficent, no smilies were abused in deferce to MrPeng) [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-14-2000).]
  7. Hey CDIC, you're not seeking any extra edge for our upcoming "titanic struggle" are you? Since I haven't yet started placement yet I am "interested" in any answers as well. LOL [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-13-2000).]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zamo: Captain, I heard a really bad rumour (of war?) that the manuals received turned out to be "Dress-up Fun Barbi" .......... Zamo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Zamo: Some things you do NOT joke about. This is one of them, or the plebes will roast your gizzard for lunch
  9. This is truly Scary! [insert smilie here- optional.] However I have to admidt to having a blessed DSL at work (so I check prob 4-5x) and at home it's cable modem, so I am connected most of the evening, except when my wife thinks it's time to have a life [insert smilie here- optional.] MrPeng is starting to have an effect around here, did my "sense of irony" come through? [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-10-2000).]
  10. Is there any consensus on a ladder, a semi offical site? Or is tyhis in the works. Iknow of a ouple that are set up but uncertain how active they are.
  11. Tried to find an old thread to bring to top, but oh well. There have been a number of posts about things we have seen that are cool werid and strange (such as the smoke out at the StuG corrall - Tonight as I played a game of CE a Panzerschreck squad was taking a line on one of my Shermans. Well he got caught in an ugly crossfire. His finger tightened on the trigger, the exhaust flamed and BOOM a 75mm blew him away, but the 'schreck, pointing up, fired and blew up on site, causing injury to the squad next to him! What I love are all the little nuances and details that are often not seen and that it's ALL modeled. Awesome [Note all smilies used in this post have be been sterilized by surgical procedure and cannot reproduce or spread] [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-09-2000).]
  12. a new "pc" peng? I don't know which is scarier
  13. heart break of limp barrel again madmatt, perhaps a Viagra Rx
  14. Happened to me a number of times. Just hit abort senario and reload, may need to do several times but eventually it wiil take orders and no harm done.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: We are not worthy, we are not worthy (appropriate sychophancy) [Well yes we are, so lay it on Bro'-looks great, can't wait] JD<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pc lovin' batard.......no Mac yet.......Figures , I take it all back. Since this a community I think that you should HOLD back release until we all can have it.......or better yet , do it for the mac FIRST (hey self interest always rules ) Hey Colin see if you can help! [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-05-2000).]
  16. We are not worthy, we are not worthy (appropriate sychophancy) [Well yes we are, so lay it on Bro'-looks great, can't wait] JD
  17. I live in Vancouver, Washington. I just got back from the 11th Gen. George C. Marshall Annual Lecture. This years speaker was Tom Brokaw and about half of the peopled profiled in his book were honored guests. It was a big whoop de do, The Wash. Gov., Sen Mark Hatfield etc. As I sat next to my father, who landed at Normandy, I heard snatches of converstaion of other vetran's Iwo Jima and Okinowa, Italy snd Normandy and Euope I was struck by a couple of points that Mr. Brokaw made and how they may apply to us here on the forum and other CM places. He was asked about that generations's greatest attribute. What he said was that he thought it was it's ability to put aside the differences, the variations and things that divide us and pull together toward the things that unites us. Be it victory in war, or a better vision for their children. They also were ordinary people that did extra-ordinary things. Yet in returning from the war they didn't strut about what they accomplished, rather they went back to homes, jobs, school to carry on about their lives. This ability to be the "we" gneration can be cotrasted to the development of the "me" generation. So what does this have to do with CM? For the most part we are not of that generation. We "play" at war, are fascinated, debate it endlessly. Some of us have fought in later wars, yet not as a genearation of common committment. As I travel through this forum as a sometimes poster and other CM related forums, I have been distressed at the lack of civility, the vituperation and discord in "flames" that we see from time to time.Frankly for many of us I suspect it is distressing and tiresome. Some threads of late have been horrid in their mendacity and sillines So if we are going to emulate this greatest of generationas at playing what they lived, let us strive to find the common ground in our love of Combat Mission, "The Game" Because that is what it is, only a game. One I love certainly but some pespective here please. This does not mean that we have to agree uniformily, or avoid debate, but we can do better. We are very representative of putting ourselves first and formenst in wanting things our way, or calling attention to ourselves. Well if we desire to see our selves the heirs of our fathers, I suggest that we collectively have some changes to do. So try to express your love of the game, of history or knowledge without the divisiness, find the thing that unites us, not reject that with which you disagree. Find the joy of comeradery of the shared expeience rather than gloating and setting your self above others. Enough pontificating. I love this game, I love the dedication of the people who created it, I love the passion of others who play it. It is beyond my expectation but not hope that some how this post or others that others have said before will make a difference. I know that in looking at my father, now in his 70's that his opinion and respect matter to me. He and others were heroes because they found a way to strive together to make something greater than the sum of it's parts. Let's hold the same vision for Combat Mission.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Comparing it to an iMacd DV SE with 256MB, the iBook (64MB) does well, but not as well. You notice the difference in VRAM, it looks a bit grainier. I also run it in 1060x768 on the iMac I think, and the best the iBook can do is 800x600. But it computes turns very fast, and the movie is fast, too. So for those who currently lack the ability to run CM on the move, the iBook is a decent-priced way to go. Battery time is quite good, too. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Absolutely G.B. Couldn't agree more. With the iMac DVD SE at home I am in heaven. An iBook as a portable (at office or where ever) is the way to go. Man, I wish I could swing the $ to actually go for the G4 powerbook. My Powerbook 1400 (upgraded to G3 level) still is a bit herky Jerky. and even w/ backside cache etc doesn't have CPU to really enjoy it (let alone finding enough disk space) But hey it's several generations old at this point.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: Really? I was wondering if they would be viewable. Anybody else?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No Joy on Mac platform and netscape 4.7
  20. In the beta - demo (RIP) we had the problem in PBEM games where one unit or so, usually a tank would refuse to accept orders. The solution as I recall was to quit and reload and after one or two repetitions this would usually solve the problem. With the advent of Gold I have continued to have this problem, not very often but it has caused a couple of hairy moments, [like I need to rotate & target with that StuG because 2 Shermans are headed over that rise in about 20 seconds and I am toast if i can't] Luckily the "old solution" still works, but it is irritating. It has taken 3-4 times to clear up such situations. Have others experienced this in the final code version as well and 1) any thoughts on cause and 2) any solutions that either are permanet or more elegant than quit and reboot? I am using an iMac DV SE w/ OS 9 [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 05-30-2000).]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bobbaro: Dang, old Bobb lost his credentuals and would not think of putting Steve to the trouble of digging em back up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So I had to check, am I here? Is this real?Do I get to think up a cool moniker? I guess Not!
  22. 48 almost 49 (yeah what YOU lookin' at kid?) Iguess I am the reason there is a bell curve married, oldest just finished sophmore year in college- told her tuition support will be decreased by cost of CM (hey we do have priorities ya know 2 chinese pugs and associated accoutrements of a well lived life (except CM- Final)
  23. My rule of thumb, don't take tank (on either side) ANY closer than 200m to possible hiding place, woods, houses etc.
  24. Pride goeth before the fall
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