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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally a very nice looking water tile!!!! Please send them to stoffers@wanadoo.nl and if you can make a nice high ress tree mod than that would be even nicer
  2. Other point is the use of different coloured setup areas I have played scenarios where C platoons HQ was in a blue setup area and the platoon itself in a red area on the other side of the map Very irritating
  3. Hallo Gryphon Nice to see another Dutch player,we have a small group of players,all of them are listed in the Rugged Defense ladder hosted by Cyberfox ok I continue in Dutch sorry for the rest of you non dutch speaking people op het moment zijn er 7 nederlandse spelers die ik ken,we wonen niet echt ver uit elkaar dordrecht,amersfoort,soest en huizen,eindhoven stuur me maar een email met een setup als je een game wilt starten email is in mijn profile
  4. I think its very normal to spot a foxhole from a distance Normally you dont have much time to dig that,so traces of your digging always are visible If you do have time it isnt a foxhole but turns into a fortified position with sandbags and camouflage So a good commander with a binoculars can spot these things from some distance Though I remember from my time in Germany,I saw a british tank dug in and camouflaged in grassland we only saw it when we were close by,too late
  5. I killed two churchills in a 300mm rocket barrage it was in a scenario from the depot,I thought it was named something as armored ambush in it were all guns,FO's and vehicles from germans and brits
  6. Assault on Amsterdam is a very big city fight blocks of nouses are divided by small ccanals with bridges lot of armor,its nice to defend against the AI as the germans
  7. you should try the Gotterdammerung scenario,its big,the map looks nice and its playable from both sides you can find it at the scenario depot I forgot though who made it
  8. good point,but the tile should be coded as road not track A vehicle can bog down in tracks. Happened to me in Chambois with two halftracks
  9. if you like bridges you can try my: cross the bridge , scenario its at the combat mission scenario depot see the link written in the other reply
  10. Hi Marder, thanks for replying,you should send me your email cause it not in the profile stoffers@wanadoo.nl
  11. that little thing is the stielgranate 41 it was ignited by a blanc round fired from the barrel it had a range of 300 meters and could penetrate 180mm of armor from that distance it was a poor fill up the gap effort untill a better gun emerged
  12. Well I made a battle on it,but Mc Auliffe's operation is really good,in fact its even better. I am born in that region (not living there anymore though) but Mc Auliffe still lives there. He knows the terrain and he had a very accurate map of the area,these two facts together created a very nice map. Also did we combined our knowledge,we did a lot of research on the forces present on both sides. So when the operation is posted at the scenario depot,download it and play it I can know because I spend many hours playtesting it with him. Besides as a sort of shameless plug,look at Day of the Wasps too.(my own scenario) Its on the scenario depot and on Michael Dorosh site. btw if you want to make a canadian scenario you should check that site too,uit has many nice to know facts
  13. I have created a new scenario It is a big scenario with lots of infantry I tried to create a typical german assault in 1940,so you can expect units and weapons found in that era.I had to be a little creative though and in some cases you have to use your imagination No panzerfausts ,schrecks ,piats and so on. Also no ubertanks! Its looking good so far,I tested it myself a dozen times and are playtesting it now in Pbem. SO if anyone wants it,let me know and I send it to you. Stoffel
  14. Hey ,my Belgium friend is back again I allready told him you had the scenario but I didn't want to send it to him without your permission. So I told him to contact you,but it looks like you were faster than my typing
  15. ah you are right! I saw a picture of a Tiger with a prototype turret that looked like a Panther turret but with an 88 mm gun The turret wasn't build though. Thats why I got confused But its nice to have dreams
  16. Christmass ??? that is a two day period of peace on earth you are not ought to make war during that period at least thats what my wife said when I try to start the computer on christmas day
  17. SS divisions in the Arnhem area had no Dutch units All these dutch were volunteers many had no feelings for the Nazi party though. Most of them thought when they volunteered that the war was a lost cause for the allies and that this was a good way to defend there countries against communisme. good work from the german propoganda there were two divisions Horst Wessel(18th)and Nederland (23rd) both were panzergrenadier divisions they fought together with the Belgium SS forces and were among the decorated units I will not debate the so called seperate branches which will end up in a flamewar but I can say you need to find and read a copy of Charles Sydnor's Soldiers of Destruction This is a very good work on the SS and in special on the units from which the entire organisation grew,the Deaths Head unit or SSTK this book systematically deals with all myths and has many facts that will give you a different look on the SS soldiers of destruction by Charles C Sydnor ISBN 0-691-05255-7 published by princeton University Press
  18. I did some research on the German 15th army In 1944 almost all their units depended on horses for transport
  19. Instead of a Maus I rather would see the Panther II if rare vehicles would be alowed easy to code too,since its a Panther with an 88 gun
  20. there were no maus vehicles used in actual fighting. they will not be in CM 2,the brummbar will be. If you do a search you can find the topics on the discussion about these two vehicles
  21. and dont forget if you use TRP's that a mortar can fire on the TRP as long as you dont move it
  22. sounds interesting! Why dont you send me a setup,for a pbem fight? email is in the profile
  23. send me the setup and I will play it with you stoffel
  24. Hi Gyrene numberstatus is not relevant you beat me twice allready and maybe now for the third time And look at my member number I have been around quite some time now,even played the beta demo
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