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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. My son just become 1 year old,and when I put on the computer he looks up. When he hears the sound of the Combat mission cd he begins to smile,he does that with Tacops too
  2. Buy and play Opereation Flashpoint if you want to go through all that. leaving your vehicle and get back in it,using other members and enemy weapons I think the reasons why we dont have this are explained before So you can do a search first,but on the other hand the question was indeed polite asked so there is no need to be harsh against this fellow
  3. Yes,you can play Pbem as wel as TcP mode its a fine ladder run by a very good laddermaster enough opponents to be found there too
  4. Hey Don< Just send me a setup dont mind what side or what terrain or what wheater only rule no ubertankfights
  5. its very simple if I there is a chance that a german player can be attacked by planes he should be able to buy mobile FLAK nothing gamey on that,what would be gamey is that an allied player can buy planes and the german player than is not allowed to buy flak since there were no Wirblewinds around early 44 ,you must be able to buy the flaktrucks Use them in the role they are intended for and not have them move around hunting for vehicles Oh and I did a test with a platoon of these against an infantry company. They were gone very fast,60mm ,M2 andd light infantryfire kills them fast
  6. Stoffel

    Hi Guys!

    Hi Ted,how did you end up here? bit off topic for you I guess?
  7. try my cross the bridge scenario,you can find it at scenario depot I had a discussion on this with some other players and after it we came up with this battle. maybe you see something usefull,or better find a thing worth to be changed
  8. Why not? The Germans started these tactics in the beginning of the war with Mk 1/2 and 3 tanks with 37mm guns so dont having (king)Tigers/Panthers wont change anything if you ask me.
  9. Stoffel

    New TacOps

    Hi Tree burst, cant wait to see you online with V4 would be a revival of the old days regards Stoffel
  10. another way to encounter these guys are good tactics anyway just select a scenario and I will play against you
  11. chad, I play on RD from the beginning(must be because I am Dutch too and proud of it) Usually I do not play Quick battles but if I do I always tell opponents what I like and what I dont like This way(and by setting the right dates) you will not encounter king tigers/jumbos/smg squads and so on.
  12. hehe,try me I posted an answer on the opponent finder forum. you did not react though....... it might change my behaviour against you if you would dare to try
  13. Mwuhahahahahahahaha Tell me I am awake and not dreaming! After all the things you explained about yourself,your job,education,your skills and god knows what else,you are going to tell us you cant setup a pbem fight?????? even me a simple warehouse employee can do that
  14. yes totally agree on that he should be on BTS paylist
  15. Hey Gyrene,you are right even I a tolerant Dutchman can get mad :mad: Splash you can email Superted if you want to join them. Redwolf you can expect a setup soon
  16. Ted ,maybe we can have some exceptions give him an opponent with some 14 inch spotters
  17. Hi Redwolf do you play Tacops too? maybe you have the time to play a small pbem someday?
  18. why dont you join the newbie tournament? if you do,please post AAR's of the battles you are going to fight Than we all have something to laugh about Allthough I think you are just a big mouth like we had them before ,like a certain Jochem P and others but you can always prove yourself and join the tourney! But my other part says you are to scared to do that because you are afraid to get slaugthered by a freakin newbie,and your tiny little airbubble you live in rightnow might blow up so be a man and show that you are not afraid or else keep the big mouth shut or post something usefull , please oh did I said please??
  19. wasn't meant sarcastic,thats what the smiley was for so if you have questions ,shoot!!
  20. I suggest you should read the tips and tricks forum,if you dont find answers there on questions ,simply ask. But what ever you do do a search first You can use the search function or check the two archives below the forum page. All topics are there from two years in alphabettical range
  21. Thanks,I finally got a good mod now but I keep saying its time for a verryyyy high res tree mod
  22. Try to use them like they were used. they are very good to take out high quality targets Let the enemy advance,and shoot HQ's preferrably company HQ and platoon hQ's this will lower enemy units morale very fast
  23. far as I know the actual throwing of grenades you see during the game is an abstraction it is a way of showing you close man to man or man against vehicle/tank fighting is occurring
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