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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. This is a piece from the Totenkopf division book by Charles Sydnor: To counter the possibility of breakthrough by the new Russian T34/KV1 tanks-against which the divisions AT guns were ineffective-Eicke(divisional commander) created tank annihilationsquads These consisted of 2 officers and 10 enlisted soldiers armed with bags of satchel charges ,mines,gasoline bombs and grenades. They were ordered to attack on foot individual tanks that penetrated the defensive lines,and to destroy or to disable as quickly as possible with their variety of explosives At Lushno one of them was Haupsturmfuhrer Max Seela companycommander of an engineer company At 26 th september his squad destroyed seven T34's in this fashion. To set an example to his man and to demonstrate the proper finess in hand to muzzle combat(I like the way he words this)Seela destroyed the first tank by crawling right up to it,placing a double-satched charge against the turret and detonating the explosives with a grenade. He than personally led his man as they tackled each tank Seela and his man than shot all the remaining crews which managed to escape their doomed vehicles
  2. that sounds like blackmail moon,very gamey use of powers given to you by the allmighty virtual warlords:)
  3. there is no gamey unit in this game,only gamey (read wrong)ways of usage by players
  4. If you look at the unitinfo window below the map,there should be a button saying keyboard,this should give you all keys
  5. bmp for the wall is 1208 since I use XP its much easier to find the bmp you want you get pictures of all the bmps when you open the map. thats handy,just scroll down for the bmp you want
  6. I used the walls too for extra cover,maybe its a good idea if some of the modders can change the walls into sandbags this looks better I think Oh and BFamily many thanks for letting us use your frontovik mods for our blukrainian forces!!
  7. All I can say is ,buy tacops 4 when it comes out. It isnt 3D like cm but its going to have all engineervehicles/units with all possible equipment you can think of bridges,barricades,minefields,mine clearing vehicles and so on
  8. BTS, with SOP menu I was thinking more like the tacops one. specially APC's and their onboard infantry can benefit from orders like: Unload if fired on and another important one: Reverse or stop if fired on and (!) pop smoke something thats not possible to do for the player rightnow Or, stop/reverse and pop smoke when enemy is spotted Henk
  9. LOL You forgot the engineering equipment-vehicles and obstacles and stuff,you also forgot to mentione the LZ's for choppers in dense woods so if you like all that and dont care for eyecandy 3D stuff go buy tacops!!!!!
  10. ?????????????????????????????? sorry for my ignorance but I dont get your point
  11. CM player you are to spoiled by Tacops, next thing you will be asking a SOP menu
  12. errr,green,green and green............... no just kidding I use Gunnergoz mods,found them at der kessel DL the ones which he made from actuall fotos of real grass
  13. Ah Finally,the gods of modding granted my wish this was the last mod wish I had,nice looking trees but these trees dont look nice they look way to coooool thanks
  14. I agree with Apex on that scenario I am playing it rightnow ,we are at battle 6 if you want a historicall one,very well made than just send me a mail
  15. Like I said it is a fictional campaign. And yes we need a referee to play this campaign. we play this just like the way Ceasar described his campaign thanks man,now I dont have to write that myself
  16. check the posts for the Magenta Onion wars we have it all, battles,between two states(fictional) a huge campaign which will last for months spies and secret agencies economics industries and anything else that conmes up during the fighting
  17. or the grafenwohr training scenario,also a good one
  18. Stoffel

    New TacOps

    Patience my friend,patience
  19. yeah ,the guy has pictures taken from each page of the Tigerfibel!! great side!!
  20. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! My dreams come true:) A camoudress tank commander I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where,where,where,where,where,where,where,where IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. If you like large campaign battles try Microphoses Across the Rhine from about 6 years ago. Look at how they managed to build up a campaign regarding casualties/replacements/fatigue of units Its the only nice thing about the game its 2D and you can man a tankturret as commander or gunner yourself
  22. Nice mod yes only that commander. I would love to see a TC in camou dress IS there such a mod???? If not please someone make one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. LOL,thanks for this comparing. What about the other german smg's not listed in CM? Like the mp 35 and 28? I read the Waffen SS units used them cause the magazines were inserted from the side instead of below.
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