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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. well I once tried that and the answer is no. with reinforcements the game stops at 256 units
  2. Rich, This is done a few months ago in the MBX We used mainly opfor materiel for the Argentinians but this is not a problem anymore since 4.0 can have M113 on both sides. Rikki also made some mapps for these battles,but the maps in the TACOPS HQ maproom made for Norway are of good use too
  3. again,a good example what will happen with a good weapon used in a wrong way
  4. though its rather big,I can sure have a look at it. email is in my profile
  5. yes 256 units are the max but not only do you need a very powerfull PC to play with that much units it takes a lot of time to give orders and keep track of what goes on. But if you like micromanaging and a lot of units you would enjoy hours to do a turn Biggest scenario I played so far was one named Cheux and August bank holliday
  6. 251/1 can load the 11 men Pzr grenadier pionier squad with flamethrower or schreck team. So basically the same loadout.
  7. send it to me I will have a look at it email is in the profile Henk
  8. No not a grenada version but there are two scenarios where you have to destroy a terrorist camp in v 3.0 Maybe the new v4.0 gets an editor but that is not for sure.
  9. Yes you can do that,I used to play Cm on an old compaq333 without a videocard,even with mods it worked,slow but it worked I suggest you buy some more memory,it cost nothing rightnow only a few dollars,256 or 512 would be desirable. there are many different sites you can go to. have a look at the scenario talk forum,various links you can find there to the Scenario depot,CMHQ ,der kessel and warfare HQ These are the best around for the mods,there is a cd in stores with lots of mods,not sure if you can buy it there where you live though otherwise just download them. On the CMHQ site you can find complete mod packages as well I say stick to low ress mods since high ress would slow down your system. Try to set the horizon low and select the 2 man icons for squads ,this also speeds up the game. henk [ March 14, 2002, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: Stoffel ]
  10. I will have a look at it for you. email is in the profile Henk
  11. LoL CA! I did the first AAR today I accept your offer and like to try it in PBEM
  12. Welcome on board:) I suggest you to do a search,not long ago there was a similar question. Every once and a while it pops up again. All setails on the gun were discussed including a detailed answer from BTS (to avoid flamey replies I have to say this answer is not meant sarcastic or angry ) Henk
  13. Dont forget to review it and even better to write an AAR!! That way more people might dl it After all feedback is all scenario designers want
  14. another cheap fill up the gap option are minefields! buy some minefields and place them on spots you think his tanks will pass through this in combination with a wet underground or better mud gives good results.
  15. Lol Rollstoy Try this: Have 20 Cessna planes up in the air 10 on each side,than let them fly towards eachother give them the same hight and the same waypoints sit back and watch the firework when they collide midair
  16. the answer to jeep rushes is a single 20 mm gun placed on a strategic position
  17. AArgghh!! The evil master himself rose up from his BTS tombe and spoke to us humble scared doomed and devoted CM peasants........... please tell us more
  18. As one of the playtesters for the operation Switchback,I can only say,get there asap and dl them! You will have a blast! thanks for noting my name
  19. I read good detailed reports of fighting in The Stalin line early july 41 near Opocha Lots of bunkers and entrenchments 8 miles deep!! Would make up a nice scenario with engineers and flamethrowers Are we going to have bunkers and other fortifications for the Russians too? If not it will be a serious shortcoming
  20. No not against the Ai as far as I know. I know the major works on an editor though to create your own battles,maybe later(on the wishlist)a blue AI too In multiplayer mode the umpire can set up a scenario and give every player his own troops All players will play against only the red opponent or they can choose for 8 different forces(8 colours)
  21. In short compared to V3.0 A 20 player multiplayer mode(lan or internet) Also two player internet mode. Lots of new units including most engineer units Latest russian weaponsystems Improved Artillery orderswindow Improved overall unit orders window Various functions now available under the right mouse button and lots of more goodies
  22. There are two ways A) Place minefields on the bridge,AP mines Than have engineers go in they actually need to walk in to it,6 demo charges will do the trick Place a TRP on it. You have to change the bridge area with grass in the editor and place the trp on the grass,than go back to the editor and replace the grass for the bridge again Voila a TRP on the bridge. Heavy artillery FO and fire away. Wooden bridges can be destroyed by 120 mm mortars, and 105 mm arty and higher. Stone bridges need the heavy arty,do a test for the affects I cant tell which one any more,at least 170 mm is to little You can also do a search,we have discussed this before Henk
  23. send it to me. I will have a look at it email is in the profile
  24. May 1940 on the scenario depot,play the germans bit of a shameless plug
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