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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. Hi Jan, To answer your questions. Yes there are more UK players,you should join the TACops Maillist. there are no other forces in TAcops 4 than the ones currently available,i.e. US,canadian and NZ Opfor though has a lot of new weaponsystems including Chinese types APC and tanks abnd a lot of engineering equipment I suggest to buy 4.0 but the Major surely doesnt mind it if you buy both:)
  2. hmmm, you got a deal here. send me a message when you want to play,TCP or PBEM doesnt matter to me. email adress is in my profile,since you are new you may pick side and the scenario. I am registered at BoB and RD ladder if you want a ladder game. Stoffel
  3. For me it is something like a scenario where you have the actuall OOB for one side but not for the other side.
  4. Yo! email is in my profile. I will play it in pbem with a buddy from South Africa Henk
  5. Hey Volker,no offence. I suggest you do a search for answers ,this is posted a while ago too,and pops up every now and than. Henk
  6. Not of any use, You need at least a bn of infantry to protect the things rear and flanks things germany didnt have anymore at the end of the war
  7. Nice work Jingo, This might atract other players to buy the new game!! If you want to try a game with a human opponent,just let me know............... Henk
  8. Hi Guys I got this link to the dutch weatherstation few days ago. It is a link to the library where all historical data for all weatherforecasts and measurements is archived from this century. Its also available in English:) The data are from the 5 biggest stations from the country from north to south. Go to: http://www.knmi.nl/voorl/kd/lijsten/daggem/etmgeg.cgi Henk
  9. ha,good game! With my review you should make it into the dog house:) btw Dutch word for the title is: Heksenketel
  10. I suggest you try Operation Switchback. available at the depot and made by McAuliffe
  11. hmm,please send me the scenario . I can judge it better if I can actually see the problem. maybe a simple measure is to place woods along the road or little hills,or lower the road between the different VL's
  12. For the compound I use ICM to and smoke to supreass them,yes. But I meant the other teams and aaa guns near the town. there are too many of them to kill with arty. Thats where I use the M 1 abrams and the mortar crew,fast and deadly way to clean up all those nasty sams
  13. other option to kill the sams is look where they are and make a note of it. I used M1 to knock them out load a mortar team on the M1 and move to the area you want to clean in the rear near the big town. Smoke the guns and kill them,than advance against the sams Nice and safe way to clear a path for your choppers its also possible to use artillery for supression
  14. odd,most of the time they will not fire smoke if you want them to and engage a bunker (for instance) with He to get killed fast
  15. Which ones are that Marlow? I can have a look,I know the feeling. Some of my scenarios are dl over a 100 times and have only 1 review At least I review every scenario I play from the depot. I hope others will do the same in the future. feedback can make os only better,it doesnt matter if its negative or positive feedback! btw any one here that dl one of my scenarios from the depot??????
  16. Hi Guys I just finished this battle. Currently its been playtested by me and Eric martucci About the (doomed)attack of the 3rd Royal tanks/File and Forfar regiment. They were stopped by the germans with heavy losses,can you do better?
  17. Hi Jingo The C2 Leo 2 you mentioned isnt the german vehicle. Its a Canadian type leo with a 105 mm gun! Germany,Netherlands,Sweden,Switzerland and Spain use the Leo 2A5 version with a 120mm gun Next year we get the new upgrade 2A6 version
  18. Well,I always keep these artilleryunits together if I want to target infantry or AFV's More tubes in one marker give you a better hit chance. Only split them if you want to use them for smoke screens. About the delays,in 3.0 its not possible to change that. In v 4 you have a wide range of possibilities to change the delay times or the TOT for each off map artilleryunit
  19. hmm,odd story about the assistant I never had any problems with my personal mg in service. My assistent only had to link new ammo to the belt every now and than. Or change the barrel after 1 box of ammo was fired during rapid firing Thus he had time enough to fire his own weapon since both activities only took a few seconds to do.
  20. If you want a challenge game without any panzerfausts,piats and heavy armor than you must play my may 1940 scenario in PBEM Never thought I was able to do such a shameless plug myself
  21. send it to me and i have a look email in profile
  22. LOL! Agua is right,Meeting was a fun scenario. The reason it is very balanced is that both sides have the same types of units. The author did a great job there!!
  23. you can send it to me,email is in my profile thanks
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