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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. stop torturing those of us who cant be there..... and please post pictures here
  2. Do What? being an average european who is able to find the US states and their capital cities
  3. Ha, I dont think I will play QB unless Fionn or someone else should come up with a new set of rules I think most guys will be playing russians in early war to get the heavy KV tanks,just imagine what would happen: few 7,62 mm guns set up in a line boosted up by a kv tank. Now if you have to attack as the germans with Mk I and II tanks...................... On the other hand the attacker still has an advantage. Only he knows where the attack will come from So my advice is to play on big maps (with lots of turns) only with lots of cover and lot of manouvring area Use the blitzkrieg tactic recon in force to find a weak spot and throw in everything you have,good use of combined arms with proper arty/air support should be able to bring you victory
  4. actually I do but can the average american tell me where my town(soest)is located? I mean country and province except the ones that have been stationed here
  5. ah,does that mean that we old guys get a discount of $20 on CMBB if we allready have CMBO?? just a form of typical dutch trademanship
  6. Ah !!! Wagners opera,one of my favourites brings back into mind that great scene from Apocalypse Now where the choppers destroy a Vietcong village. I want that one,can you try one of the popular sites maybe they want to place it. please
  7. one thing missing are normal AT mines like tellermines standard procedure was to let the T34 drive through your position. the tankhunters than would take em out, if one drove over a foxhole or a trench ,than a brave soul would throw an AT mine to the tracks. remember Steiner in Cross of Iron The first report I read of the usage of mines and grenades was about Hauptsturmbahnfuhrer Seela. he crawled upon a T34,placed a mine between the enginedeck and the turret and than used a grenade to explode the mine. Brave guy,he killed 7 T34's that way
  8. looks like I am the first here to report loosing a mk IV at 1400 meters(!) to a KV1 frontal turret penetration,with second shot nice bang and fire that spread out with a thick smoke cloud
  9. well the German infantry for example. their experience level is very low,this means you waist about one turn befor they follow a movement order. Than when I had them in a good ambush position,few shots were fired and they left the scene crying for their mum. very irritating
  10. if you send me a setup for that game I will play it against you as the germans send me a setup for a pbem or start a TCP game time enough today and tomorrow stoffel
  11. good,thanks for the explanation. maybe I read the word hate in a wrong way,I thought you made some other anti dutch replies not so long ago in another topic. But I can be wrong though,sorry if i accused you wrongly (thats my dutch tolerance )
  12. Hi Mattias, these captured guns were the M1936 and they were rebored to allow usage of the standard german 75mm AP ammo it had a lower velocity than the Pak 40 and was heavier than the Pak 40,was renamed 7.62mmpak36® another gun was the 7.62 mm M1941/SiS field gun this was a rare weapon though and in german service renamed as 7.62cm FK288/1®
  13. hmmm,what is wrong with a low member number? Means you are a well respected and veteran CM player. besides Gay-lord I really dont like that sig of yours,it has a tendency to embarrass people from a certain country Me for instance I rather would like to see you remove that sig. Very friendly asked for now.
  14. Just checked your page,I could not find anything about tacops being mentioned. Are you still working on that section?
  15. you mean you are actually playing the CMBO demo now? WOW! when everybody is playing the cmbb demo I suggest you do a search on the old forum there are many topics with good tactical plans to win this battle
  16. sounds as a nice initiative I am not sure if we can get the members of the email list(most frequent players) on a ladder,but its worth a try. Lot of them are busy with work,RL,Mbx and multiplayergames,some of us also with CMBB We hope more (younger) players will join our ranks once V4 comes out. Its a very new and fun experience to play a multiplayer game. I will do my best to support your effort if needed. Henk
  17. hmm looks like I am the first 3 digit number under 1000 to react here dont think the others thought it was a big problem,but please fodder crawl back under that stone in the desert you came from. you can always go play red alert or something else which you might think is better than this game only dont spoil our time and bandwidth
  18. I was curious for the damage on houses,so I ordered the KV to shoot at the two small buildings. First round impact the windows shattered and some planks fell from the walls Last round that impacted blew up the house,no atomic explosion anymore,but debry falling everywhere and a smoke cloud lasting for a few minutes,very cool
  19. hmmm,do you know more than I do Lindan? if you know the answer cause you are in the test team than there is a way I can get that answer too better tell it straight away befor its too late otherwise your next possible visit on Blukrainian soil can be your last
  20. Yep the tankhunter teams are fun to see in action. but what they miss IMHO are the normal anti-tank mines these were thrown between the tracks or between the hull and the turret. Cross of iron shows a good example by sergeant steiner. I miss that option
  21. I can only say,Buy Tacops 4 too. This game has a real multiplayer system! dozens of players can join you when you start a network game Henk
  22. what was it named,Bald mountain??? what a coincidence cant be that Matt has nothing to do with it
  23. Hey redwolf!! just finished the kursk battle! Total victory,no losses only a gun damage I really like that fatigue system for armor also bullets hitting the ground and ricochet sounds want a game?????? I havent played the other battle jet,but that wont take long I am afraid
  24. hmm,I must be good or I had a lot of luck. I read somewhere a person was afraid that cmbb could become to difficult to attack. Well I only lost 2 tanks due to gun damaged but destroyed the entire defensive position of the russians in 28 turns very great game guys!!!!! btw mind the spoilers!!
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