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Everything posted by kmead

  1. You should also split your squads as this also makes them more likely to panic or otherwise react to save themselves like real troops do. I think another factor would be the tactics we are using which are different from those actually used. You also touched on the clarity of vision we have as commanders. I am constantly finding myself carefully creating very coordinated attacks against clearly understood obstacles. A real commander would not be able to do so to the extent that we do. In regards to being able to replicate a given historical outcome, that outcome was originally the result of exactly what happened in that time and place. Consider that you can rarely get the same turn run multiple times (from a saved file) to have precisely the same result twice. I personally do not expect to be able to replicate real events as the real commanders and foot soldiers are not present in the simulation. This is a simulation: an approximation of reality, which is to say something like the reality but not in fact reality. I liked your lucky computer thread, keep in mind that we all tend to play the game at about the same time of day (meaning after work and before bed) and if the computer is using the time of day as a modifier we are using a repeating modifier each day thus the appearance of a lucky computer. I can't imagine Charles would have chosen the time as modifier, did you Charles? :eek: [ 05-26-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  2. Agreed Runyan99, the uber panzer crowd needs to keep reminding themselves that the Germans really did lose the war, which generally entailed having all of their tanks getting knocked out. Even the uber ones My regular opponent lost Panther to a rear shot from a M8 Greyhound. On another occaision he lost a Panther to a side shot from a M8 HMC at very close range. The HMC was zipping around the side of the Panther so fast the Panthers turret could not keep up with it. [ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  3. Matt has had his hands full with getting the board back up. He has said in the past that if you need more immediate attention, such as this question to email him direct. The order email has tons of notes and he has a hard time keeping up with it. Knowing my luck, he will happen on this thread in five minutes and give you a direct answer and you won't need to send a note....
  4. As i recall there was a rhyming ditty to the effect of: Hitler had one big ball, Goebels had two, but small Himmler had no balls at all Mussolini bit his wheeny and now it doesn't squirt Sorry, its just a recollection from my childhood, and has no bearing on reality or anything else. Hi Mom
  5. Yes the software will do the job just fine. Makre sure you do a Disk Copy, not a ISO 9660 or any of the other choices. This will copy the Mac and Windows files, exactly as they are on the CMBO CD.
  6. I often see this when my Mac has been asleep with CMBO open. I often leave my Mac asleep all day with several apps open, such as Oultook to get turns and start it up to play the turn and return it to my opponent. For me restarting CMBO takes care of the problem, this can also be true for me with a scenario in progress if I leave it in mid game to do something else for a few hours. In my case I suspect that its a function of some resource reference getting garbled in the process of "waking" the system. I don't think CMBO likes being left latent for such long periods. I don't know if this is similar to your experience or if its just noise relative to your problem.
  7. I think Patton took alot of ribbing for the initial uniform. He did influence the actual helmet used during the war, it wasn't a football helmet for the real tankers, Notre Dame or West Point... Just trying to be a somewhat positive influence I've given up on the a** kissing, ask anyone I work with
  8. Kek1 The full back joke refers to Pattons head gear, which was a modified football (american) helmet. In the late thirties Patton came up with a uniform for tankers that used a football helmet and a double breasted bib coverall in green. It was dubbed the Green Hornet after the radio show character popular at the time. You did a fine job, the laugh was not at you but more a cultural bit of ignorance on Babra's part as it is well known he was a graduate of West Point and was never a football player. Patton was a horseman of note, and represented the US at the 1912 (?) Summer Olympics. keep up the good work and I like the Mod.
  9. Go to the folder on your hard drive that has CMBO in it. Make an alias or shortcut of the CMBO executable program. Place the shortcut on your desktop. Open the program with the shortcut, choose a scenario, make a minor change and save with a different name. Now abort out of the scenario, I believe you will now see your saved name scenario in the list. choose it to start the scenario. It should be the one you changed. Many people have done this same thing (run the game off the CD) so you are not alone in this. Hope this helps.
  10. An ethernet card in two machines and a crossover ethernet cable, TCPIP enabled. If you have more than 2 machines you will need an ethernet hub and sthernet cables. A four port hub 10mb/sec is aound 50 bucks. The cards are around 25-35 each. Cossover cable is 5-10, regular ethernet cables are 2-25 depending on length.
  11. Yes, with lesser experience you would get more troops as they cost less.
  12. ROFL Cats arre definitely funny things... we refer to ours as the aliens that we let live amongst us... Oh and very sorry to hear about your CD. When Matt wanders by, maybe he will take pity on you just before locking this one up and suggest that you send him your date of purchase and other original sale info along with a relatively nominal fee to replace your CD. Hi Matt! Does your dog bite? No. Your dog bit me! That is not my dog... [ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  13. the Mead name is relatively common in certain areas, the spelling does vary a bit (meade, meed, meede) and comes from the custom of taking a surname from the occupation. In this case makers (meaders?) of mead the nectar of the gods if someone around here's sig is to be believed. The Mead's in my family are English (big surprise there) and originally hailed from the area around Greenwich England. They came to America before the revolution and setted, Greenwich, Connecticut, later members moved into the Ridgefield area (just a few mile us the road). They were farmers in that area until the early 1900s. I am sure some members of the family did leave as Tories and wandered into the great white north . Our branch of the family sort of petered out in the CT area. My own family (watered down with Hungarian, German, and Swedish immigrants from the 1900 immigrations) moved to Vermont. I have since wandered with my wife back through New England, to California (for school), and now beautifull Grand Rapids , MI (bland vapids...) So there is the family history in one para... I hope that the stuffit works for you. Good luck
  14. Any possibility that you could take CM to the computer shop and actually try it out using this card you are interested in? Sometimes it is entirely in the eye of the beholder as to whether or not what the new card displays is more enjoyable to you. CM may not be the program to look at it with, the technology may be better suited to other games. So no I don't have an answer either, but I tend to trust my own eyes and not the opinions of others.
  15. That was 11% of registered forum users. That doesn't include all of the other people who have never posted and does include all of the extraneous threads that are about things BTS has nothing to do with like how to set up your router and so on. My apologies if my tone was not exactly to your liking, the way you posted your querry made it unclear as to whether or not you actually had a problem. Now it is clear that you do have a problem. I am sure MadMatt will be along sometime to give you BTS's take on your post and your issues. Generally I find that people will respond to the tone of a post, negative begets negative and positive can garner more assistance. In my time here on the board since the summer of 1999, I haven't seen nor heard about all that many problems, thus the thrust of my intial post back to you. Good luck and I hope that your problem gets resolved to your satisfaction. [ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  16. I don't believe all that many people are suffering freezes. Most problems tend to be related to video cards and drivers relative to direct X or in Mac OS just the base line drivers for earlier versions of te OS. Having a "good computer system" is no guarantee that it will run all games/applications correctly. Settings also can have a big influence on the reliability of the system relative to applications, and I think that is what we are seeing. Keeping in mind the variety of possible hardware/software combinations possible, I am frankly impressed at the small number of problems I have seen. If you look at the number of thrreads in the tech forum: 671 over more than two years (this forum has been in use since the beta demo) that is just over 11% of registered users, some of whom have registered just so they can get a tech question answered, thats pretty good when you consider that there are probably around a a 100000 copies of the software around (maybe more who knows ) which would bring it down to very small number 6/10ths of a percent that had problems that they couldn't resolve themselves. So, now that I have answered your question, do you have a problem with your CMBO installation someone here can help you resolve, or are you just here to Troll?
  17. bin is the Stuffit encoding performed in sending the scenario by your email software. Have your tester download the free Win version of Stuffit Expander from Aladdin Software, which they can find here: http://www.aladdinsys.com/expander/ Another thing you can do is use MS Outlook which most MSWin users have fewer problems with. MSWin is a little more difficult to configure to deal with files that are a little unusual. This is partly because they have the bulk of the market they can ignore the files created by Mac software because they assume a MSWin user will be dealing with another MSWin user and their associated files. I have also had this problem, even when I use my Hotmail account, you'd think MS would make sure it encodes things correcty for its main users. Hope that helps. Good luck
  18. The router will assign IPs if you have it set to be a DHCP Server. It will then tag the info each computer asks for from the net and will then route it to that computer as it comes back. Actually I suspect you are playing within the LAN. Your router is assigning your IP numbers,, and so on. Your router probably has a firewall setting and it is the firewall that will keep you from playing others on the net TCPIP. See this thread for more info on this: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=8&t=000986 The discussion about port 7023 is what I believe is significant in your case. You can either have it set up for the firewall or not, no firewall makes you easier meat for those unpleasant people on the net and also allows your ISP to see that you have more than one computer on the connection you are paying for. I don't know anything about the router you have, but I am certian that it behaves fairly similarly to others. Good luck
  19. I suspect that you have hit the memory limit of your graphic card. Velvet grass takes up a lot, and if you have filled the pipe so to speak it just goes back to the default texture.
  20. Depends on if you have DHCP server set up on your router which it probably is as your ISP is likely only giving you one IP address, the one to the router.
  21. By June 1944 the 2pdr armed Valentine was severely outclassed. It does appear in the form of the Archer, which was a Valentine chassis with a 17 pdr mounted facing backwards. IIRC they last saw service in the Sicily/Italian campaign and Western Desert.
  22. You may think that wargamers are a touchy bunch but in my observation they are frankly about average for all forum posters. I frequent quite a few different forums, ranging from cars, computers, to games. I see the behvior you descirbe everywhere. I believe it is an attitude that many people adopt given the relative anonymity of a forum. People feel little need to behave with the same decorum and respect for others they would if they were face to face. I frankly don't understand it. I know I have gotten into a few minor fracas's with Maximus, which showed my failures as much as his . I try really hard to behave and look at my post relative to the other individual. So, are wargamers really flaming a**hole posters, nope. Just average enthusiasts interested in theor hobby and getting a bit worked up. This does't make it any more pleasant to see, or to be on the receiving end of some of the flaming ripostes....
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