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Everything posted by kmead

  1. Now now a void in our midst, as is said in many of the posts, it is an excellent snapshot and the mix of mods is really good. It is really nice to see a thread that isn't about some whiney insufferable whinning about the relative accuracy or lack thereof of unit X and why this game is such a loser. Great screenshot, thanks for posting where all the different mods came from.
  2. Really nice. Great job. I have a picture of myself in front of the Panther when I was 12 (1973), during a trip from Vermont to Florida I convinced our family that we had to stop at Aberdeen, where we drove down the boulevard with the massive US prototype tanks and then the field of relics and and the railroad gun. Not to mention the atomic cannon. Thanks for the awakening of old memories.
  3. I was able to open the file on both my iMacs so I am not sure what the problem was. I sent the original file several ways to John, to no avail (using my @home account whcih uses Outlook as its gateway as I primarily use MSIE). As a last resort, I opened the file, chose a side (John apparently has an affinity for the Axis at least in this case) according to his preference in his original post. Saved it, the new file showed the correct Mac icon from CMBO (the file he sent me did not but I was able to open it anyway) and sent it using my Hotmail account as an attachment. He was able to open it, so for him all is now well in regards to the tourney. So, what happened? Either CMBO was ignoring the .CMB ( which does not seem likely given that CM opened it albeit in a flawed fashion) or the way Outlook encoded the file which was only 6kb. I don't know what software Treeburst uses to send email/attachments but if he uses Outlook it may be doing something to the file when it embeds it. The only thing I can think of is that some seemingly minor byte got dropped and Johns CM assigned some default in its place. In other word I haven't a clue. I will send another test to John using the file that worked for him using Outlook. recently I enumerated some odd problems I have had with Outlook in PBEM file transfers that are larger than 500kb where we had to zip them for me to be able to open them in CMBO. We are certain this was an encoding/embedding problem as the text file in Outlook is embedded in the file as text and is not a attachment to the file, so one does a save as to end up with the pbem text file. That or Outlook has a max text file limit (I know this as Outlook often displays an error message saying it cannot display the entire message even though you can save the file). I may go back to the Netscape email solution and suffer their ads and so on
  4. The players using the computers and directing the game moves. For that matter all the parts of the Game are in fact gamey in that they are a part of a greater Game whole. OK, I will go away now, too tired and getting a bit silly...
  5. I run on a RevB 233 and a 400 slot loader imac so I would be happy to look at the file as well. [ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  6. Indeed. I had read that 10.1 would offer better Rave support, but do not know if that will indeed be the case. I don't currently run 10, so one of you 10.1 lab rats will have to test the waters. Good luck and report back.
  7. Or a crossover cable that will allow you to direct connect form one mac to the other. The Performa will still lack performance, but as stated above the faster computer computes the movie and at least that will speed up some of it.
  8. Running CMBO under 10 really is in Apples court at this point, if the Rave API in Classic was compatible with the original Rave CMBO was written for it would likely run fine. Again, as a Classic application. BTS has categorically stated that they will not recompile CMBO to run in OPENGL the current Apple standard. Sadly the same will go for CMBB unless Charles manages to whip a remarkable rabbit out of his hat. Compatibility of the CM series will come with the major engine rewrite for CMII in another year and a half at best. Then we will have the Med and the early war to look forward to. In regards to your secondary point, there are many of us here that would willingly pay even the entire purchase price to have a OSX compatible version of CMBO. I campaigned quite heavily some months ago, and I am sure raised the ire of some of our hosts before they would come out with a definitive statement on this issue. You're right to ask, but I would expect little response and even less chance of a change in the landscape at this point.
  9. TCPOP requires that you both have an IP address and generally to shut off your software or router protection while playing. The game does not care if you are running PC or Mac in any combination. The under tcpip the fastest machine will crunch the turn and then you both can watch the movie. Yes, the game only allows for one computer player against another. This is an excellent game, you will never suffer remorse over buying it. TCPIP is fast and furious even with the breaks to watch the film a few times.
  10. Zip your files and send them as an attachment. I have had the same problem when the files get @1Mb. Although less convenient it should work fine.
  11. Looks wonderful, great job by all of you. My iMac looks to be a CMBO only machine as CMBB will likely overtax my measly 8mb of Vram. I also was struck by the towering turret ring and am glad that these tattered pictures are indeed old and moldy... Anyway thanks for the wonderful tidbits of the future.
  12. Count me as a wish it'd work on OSX tyoe of person. Take us to the OT forum if you will ....
  13. Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for a truly excellent job above and beyond reasonable expectation in debugging so many peoples problems here on the forum. You have the patience of Job and the level of detail ( and the simple clarity with which you explain the process) that you go to in delineating how to fix a problem remotely on inadequate info is incredible. Just wanted to thank you again for your job away from your job. Many thanks. Karl Mead
  14. I don't know if this applies, but if you let your computer sleep with CMBO 'running' when your wake your Mac, you (will) may have graphics corruption. Try shutting down CMBO and restarting it, usually this takes care of the problem. You may need to restart your Mac as the last resort. In the past I have left CM, Explrr and Outlook up all the time but have found it more reliable to shut down CM since it starts so quickly unlike some of Microsloths offerings.
  15. I saw a note about a 3D WWII wargame on Macentral or MGL. Went to the site and began reading all the posts on the forum from beginning to end (mind you this was in June of 1999 so the number of posts was much lower TG). I preordered in August of 1999 as I recall. When the demo came out I sent out quite a few notes to among others Macaddict and hope I influenced them to include it on their CD. You know whats funny are the parallels between the history of CM and GI Combat. Both were at larger publishing houses and suffered a falling out over design or market appropriateness. I hope that GIC eventually enjoys a similar success, even if I will not be among the buyers of it. I think Apple has fixed the caption on the screenshot for CMBO. I wish they would include the fact that there is a scenario editor and the quickbattle generator. [ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  16. In some places in this world, the letter S is commonly used instead of a zed (Z).
  17. I piddle along on my 233mtz RevB iMac and most often on my Lime slot loader 400mhz iMac. I once set every thing to maximum, map, forces and so on. It took a long time to crunch the turn (@5min iirc), but once it was playing the movie it was fine, I really noticed the horizon on that map as i would scroll along and units would be popping up as I came within visual range. Overall my wimpy under vramed microscreened computers have done very well.
  18. Actually, I suspect that it is a problem with the mail software itself. I regularly play pbem with Steel1994. He is on PC an i am on a Mac, and we have had two different problems. The first problem was when I sent files thru my Hotmail account, he was unable to save them into a format that would allow CM to open them. When I used my @home account which uses Outlook Express he received files that could be saved appropriately. The second problem just manifested itself a few days ago when we started playing a 2000 point game. The first couple of exchanges went normally. On the second turn, with a file which was larger than 500kb, I had several different problems with Outlook on my end. I run Mac OS 9.1 (soon to be OS 9.2.1) with Outlook 5.02. When I receive the pbem files (up to now) they are the body of the text in the email as opposed to being an attachment. I then save the email to my pbem folder as a text file and then change over to CM and play the turn. When the file size went over 500kb, Outlook displayed a message saying that the message "contained code which your computer cannot understand" and displayed a blank message. I eventually got it to display the message with the usual (this message is too long for Outlook to display) error message which has never interferred with proceeding. I then saved the file in the usual way to the PBEM folder and attempted to open it in CM. Sadly the BING of nothing is going to happen in CM rang. I assumed that the file had been corrupted so I had my opponent send it again with the same result. I then had him send it again only Zipped. I recieved it and it worked just fine. So far I haven't had to zip the files going to him, but we will see what occurs in the future. All of this leads me to believe that the way @home (hosted by Excite) my ISP is futzing with my files is causing the problem or there is a problem with Outlook Express. It is a hard thing to test and so far the work arounds are easy, if a little frustrating. If anyone else has had similar issues with either @home or Outlook, I would be interested to hear. Thanks;
  19. Supposedly the rave extension has been updated to allow hardware acceleration under classic using OS 9.2.1. Anyone have the set up to try?
  20. My, what a happy camper you are. It would appear that others have managed to create a few somewhat enjoyable scenarios. Yes this is not ASL, it operates in a somewhat different fashion. Games against the AI are indeed somewhat lame, this game really shines when you play against another. Good luck and welcome to the board.
  21. With CMBO and many other games the "full install" option installs all of the textures sound and other game resources onto your HD so that you do not have to wait for your CD to spin up to make those available to the game. This saves time and reduces the likely hood of a read error which would crash the game. I think you may be misunderstanding what may be a poorly stated bit of information in the install sequence. The CD in the drive at game start is merely a simple method of copy protecting the game. Given that it is a very easily worked around form you may be right that it is an annoyance, but it is just that, an annoyance not something to get too upset over. Welcome to the 'club', we try to have a good time and we hope you enjoy the game. I, like many others who haunt this forum, have been playing this game since the beta demo in Nov '99. I hope you can enjoy this game as much as we do, it will take time to gain a high level of competence, as it is a significantly different game. Practice against the computer AI and when you are ready start to PBEM once you can beat the AI in 8 of ten battles. Playing TCPIP can wait until you are real comfortable as the pace can make it difficult to keep up, especially in larger battles. Good luck and welcome to the forum. You may have made the best purchase of your life with this game.
  22. As far as I know you cannot run CMBO under X, although no one has tried the latest flavors, or at least none have reported it. I beleive you will have to run under 9.1, 9.2 may be another possibility though not many have it as its shipping only on the latest G4 boxes as I understand it. CMBO will likely never run in an X environment, CMII the new engine for this software, will be out in a little over two years is expected to use the Open GL API and should run fine. Apple has seen fit to not work on supporting Rave the old API to any great degree, and BTS has a very limited programming staff (1) and cannot afford to make changes to the engine core at this time. So there we are, unless some miracle occurs (Charles makes CM2 CMBB change over to OpenGL and still meet shipdate, or Apple wondrously improves support for old technology) we are unfortunately stuck in OS9.x land. Sorry not much help but thats the story. I will look around for MadMatts definitive statement from some months back when several others and myself were on the warpath about this subject. You can take comfort in the fact that this software was "made on a Mac" originally.
  23. This must be a popular subject, I saw a similar thread at the GIC forum. Interesting but seemingly more apt for comic books, Arnold Schwartzeneger, and other last stand heroics. I am sure that if you were in a foxhole with a dead man you would scrabble for whatever came to hand if you ran out of ammo, but carrying stuff along on the off chance that you might need it is unlikely. Hand grenades or other easily portable weapons maybe, but not likely a second rifle or a MG to haul along with your other stuff. If anything this seems more suited to a individual/sub-squad sized/oriented game. Not really a needed feature in a squad game where ammo is assumed to be shared over the whole unit.
  24. As I recall from a previous thread, this vehicle will not be in CMBB. There has been alot of somewhat negative pushback on the Puma being included given its also restricted production numbers and the tendency to have them included in many QBs. The short barreled version is already in CMBO. 109 Gustav posted 04-14-2001 02:49 PM according to AFV Interiors http://www.kithobbyist.com/AFVInteriors/234/234a.html only 89 Sd.Kfz. 234/4 were built, and many didn't reach the troops by the end of the cease fire. It would be nice to see, though. Mattias posted 04-08-2001 04:15 AM The Puma is in because it was one of the very first vehicles BTS made. Later on in the design process time became more of a factor and priorities had to be made. Thus some vehicles that would have been just as qualified as the Puma, by numbers deployed, was left out. Among those the 234/4. And that particular one would no doubt have been found pretty far down the list in any event. redwolf posted 05-30-2001 05:30 PM SdKfz 234/1: 200 SdKfz 234/2: 101 SdKfz 234/3: 88 SdKfz 234/4: 89 This link is to a short interchange about the 251/22 halftrack with the same 75mm cannon. Although not a lock on the 234/4 not making it, I doubt it will. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=015418 [ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: kmead because he cannot typr for shtute] [ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
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