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Everything posted by kmead

  1. Yeah, we are still recovering from the arrival of all you new guys. Once all those magazines gave CMBO good reviews, we saw a huge influx of people in a very short time. Happily it has leveled out. Miss the days leading up to the Beta demo and the waiting for the "real" demo and then the wait for the cd's. BTS was pretty interactive at the time. After that it was the betas of TCPIP and the variations of the shipping versions. You guys have turned into a nice crowd, though there have been times where we were beginning to wonder..... especially some of these loud mouthed jarheads... As you all have said, there will be the insufferable whiners and carpers some of whom will stay and become nice productive members of our little society (off to Peng with them). Others will become bored and go away. Either way, we will need to be patient, restrain ourselves from saying 'do a search' at times and eventually it will all smooth out until the next release. Which of course will never come too soon.
  2. Did the computer know it was in the drive? You need to allow time for the comp OS to realize its in there and acknowledge its presence. Then start CMBO. CMBO does require the CD to be in the drive at start up, after the game is running with a full install you can remove it. This is BTS minor copy protection scheme and has never given me trouble. Good luck.
  3. Nice puffed up chest on that Texan Sorta snarly on the Tiger and a little Pep Boys on the BT7. Would that they BT realy was that fast... Nice work. I can just see the mods now. What would the infantry that go with them look like?
  4. Hmm, not anymore. I sort of liked knowing who else was skulking around. When using a forum such as this, you know that there are others poking around while you are looking down one alley (thread) or another. It was neat seeing who and then seeing what threads they replied to. Prior to this brief feature being enabled, you would add to a thread and then find other threads others had been working at while you were busy on your own post. I found it interesting thinking about oh so and so is "here", I wonder what has piqued his interest... Ahh well another brief chapter swept away. [ January 30, 2002, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: kmead ]
  5. Sadly, yes we will still be waiting. You would think that our dear friends at Adobe would have been a bit quicker given the number of programers they posess. This had been a sore spot for us all, and probably nearly as much (or even more so given the amount of flak they have suffered for Apple changing the standard) for BTS as they did make CMBO on a Mac. The worst thing is that we aren't likely to be out of the woods for a while now that Mr Gates has the keys to the Open GL kingdom now as well. :mad:
  6. With CMBB that may all change. Hard to know for sure.
  7. In addition, occaisionally, the vaunted King Tiger (or some other uber wagen) wil be unexpectedly cheap in some games on particular dates. This will no doubt bring a much needed level of variability to games that might otherwise be staid interactions between relatively evenly matched opponents.
  8. My, some less than kind old hands have certainly stamped the use the search function into your fore head with a hob nailed boot.... The movie is not stored as far as I know, and thus the reason for why it is so difficult to implement the continuous movie feature we all covet. However if you have the turns as returned to you by your opponent with the resolution, the movie is always there from a PBEM battle. If you saved the turn at the end of the resolution, but before watching the movie, you can just open that saved file and watch the movie. If you did not save the turn, its gone forever as its generated on the fly as a result of the resolution. Sorry. If I am wrong, I am sure that some other person will come along and expose my ignorance, with a hob nailed boot no doubt Edited because my fingers lack the coordination to type the intended from, and instead give me form, over and over and over... [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: kmead ]</p>
  9. Using crews for reconn or search and destroy units is a poor, gamey tactic. I don't play people that utilize such tactics a second time unless they agree not to do so. IMHO I agree the game should only allow you to extricate the units from their difficulties and not allow them to be used in such a way. I don't think the game sufficiently penalizes such behavior or we wouldn't see so much of it occuring over and over. Nor would we keep discussing it over and over. We can debate the gameyness of it, but at this point I for one cannot be persuaded that it is anything else.
  10. Their US order fulfilment was out of Vermont. They do use US snail mail, so you can expect about a week presuming they have it in stock. That would be about a week after the first business day after your order was put in. Be patient, its worth the wait. Don't pester Matt unneccessarily.
  11. Many thanks for the speedy answer! As usual you guys have managed to think through even minor issues (well major to me) to make your customers experience great. Thanks again for taking the time and this is one for the FAQ for CMBB I would imagine. Heres to a happy new year! :thumbup: :beer:
  12. Dan, I know you are tremendously busy creating all the textures/skins for the all the fine multi-faceted vehicle models for CMBB. I have a question that I suspect it would be easy to answer. The increased number of surfaces you are covering with those presumeably higher resolution textures on each surface, requires a higher level of hardware to display all of your magnificent work. I am one of those pitiful souls with a mangy iMac or two that suffer the heartbreak of non-upgradeable video ram (6mb for the one and 8mb for the other). Sadly with the deplorable state of the furniture industry I work in I will not be buying that sweet G4 or some other fine product to replace my plebean computers. Which brings me to my question: If I were to buy CMBB and then duplicate all of the textures, then using a Photochop action reduce the size of the textures to one half or even one quarter (from 512 x 512 to 256 x 256) of their original size will they still map to the models correctly and run the software in a decent sized window on my miserable machines (all right the better of the two)? Would there be any possibility of there being room on the original CD to allow it to come with those scaled textures as standard (and therefore with two options for the install, lores and hires)? Or lacking that would a list of the ranges of texture names that should be adjusted be available to permit us to quickly make the changes when we receive our prized CDs? Thanks in advance for your answers.
  13. The really sad part was the engine blowing up during a trails test just before handover. What a bad break. The history of the rebuild is really great, what an excellent job.
  14. Although CMBB will be the latest and greatest, my HD will always have enough space for CMBO. Both theaters of are interesting and although there are some great enhancements with the updated engine, I suspect CMBO will still be bearable.
  15. Bland Vapids, MI (Grand Rapids) There is someone else on the board from GR as well I saw a post once and forgot to write their handle down. If anyone else knows who it is email me, thanks Karl
  16. How much memory do you have? Assigning 60 mb to CMBO is a very good start especially with OS 9.x. After upgrading/sidegrading your video drivers don't forget to trash you CMBO prefs in the prefs folder in the System folder. Please let us know whether or not it worked. CMBO and OS9.2 do not get along well together, I wouldn't suggest any OS above 9.1 and I run 9.04 on my 400mhz iMac and 8.6 on my Rev B.
  17. Another choice would be to apply undriveable terrain near the edge with an open plateau above it. This would also assist in keeping units away from the edges or at least observable when they are doing it. I have seen a few maps like you describe, and besides the battles at Der Kessel I haven't much liked them.
  18. If you go to the website of the company concerned they have a brief statement to the effect that this product was torpedoed by da man (!) with legal jurisdiction... or something to that effect. I have included the text below for someone whos German was more than one term in high school 24 years ago.... <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Brand new / Brandneu Realismus pur / More realism INtex Graphics Enhancement Pack Dieses Produkt wird nicht erscheinen, da man mit juristischen Winkelzügen versucht, die Veröffentlichung zu torpedieren. Address INtex Publishing GmbH Jakobstr. 9 D-53783 Eitorf Communication Tel.: 02243 / 9127-27 Mo.-Frei. 9-17 Uhr Fax: 02243 / 9127-28 Internet WebSite: E-Mail: www.intex-publishing.de INtex-GmbH@T-Online.de <hr></blockquote>
  19. As a reasonable entry system I would heartily recomend the 400mhtz models as a good baseline. I also have a 233 model that will only show the game in fairly low res (800x600). My 400 model is adequate for all but the largest scenarios, it reamains to be seen whether or not I like it with CMBB I would not recomend any but the most recent and fastest iBooks as they have gone to a 16mb video card and a 100mhz system bus. [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  20. Ensure that you have enough memory allocated. 60mb of memory is generally adequate and 90 would be preferable. If you don't have alot of memory available, you may want to go through and reduce your extensions to minimize the system heap, although 8.6 is relatively efficient. You can get by with 30mb allocated, but you will notice slowdowns. I would strongly suggest getting more mem if you have less than 96mb (it is on sale of late very inexpensive compared to what I payed). I used to run CMBO on my revB 233 iMac (now relegated to my childrens use). Sometimes it would be pretty slow with medium sized battles but generally it was quite satisfactory once I installed some extra memory (a 128mb chip). You can also download the CMBO 1.12 update and get the OpenGL 1.2 update that way. You can find it here: http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/index.html Good luck, this is a great piece of software if you its time period appeals to you. If you want to pbem sometime send me a quickbattle, full fog of war, computer chooses forces, random weather.
  21. iBook would also be nice, which uses ATI but does display fog on a Mac
  22. Karsten: BTS has 1 (one) programmer named Charles, who is a very fine fellow and a right dandy programmer. He also codes this game on a Mac and ports it to Windoze. In total BTS has 4 employees and a contract with an order fufillment house (in Vermont of all places (home sweet home for me)). Mad Matt, Charles, Kwazy Dog, and Steve (Schrullenhaft is not an employee or even officially afilliated though he works like he is ) are the total team charged with developing, marketing and selling the CM series. So, unlike so many of the game development houses they cannot just pop out a game engine rewrite in just a few months. So in buying this game, you are very clearly supporting some very specific people. For some of us that have been here for while, it is the fact that you are indeed supporting individuals that we are so enthused about the game because those individuals indeed are representative to a degree of who {I]we are and how we see the world. Go back to the manifesto that you agreed to when you originally signed onto this board and read it carefully, its an interesting read and they mean it. You might also carefully peruse the links in the main BTS site, you can see Steve and Charles firing some interesting weapons (for research only of course) and driving around in a WW2 vintage Studebaker M29 Weasel they (or Charles) own. Anyway, yes they have a small team, put out a quality product and stand behind it. SInce they are small they cannot change direction as fast as some of us would like, but they are making products we desire and they do support the Mac which is much much more than any of the big game producers care to do. Most of those here are MS Windows users and they are chomping at the bit to have the next step in the series (as are most of the rest of us). CMBO is the last game I have bought for myself in the last 2 years. I played the Beta Demo from the first week, then the Gold Demo until the shipping version came out and the shipping version to now. I would happily pay for a new CD/seat of the game in full to get OSX compatibility. We will just have to reboot into 9.1 to play this version until the main engine rewrite. Which if not perfect at least is a nonbuggy, reliable and very enjoyable pursuit. So, you might like to throttle back on the vitriole because you are not speaking of some huge faceless corporation, but of some people most all of us here respect and admire. PS: CMBB stands for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin not Barbarossa and Beyond or any other combo. [ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  23. Here: http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/index.html Choose your poison...
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