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Everything posted by kmead

  1. I have noticed this in the past and have been frustrated by not getting any shielding effect from the brow of the hill. The only real advantage is hte one you already noted, you are sved form blast effects on the rounds that were long. Yes this would be nice to have fixed in CM2 and if the BTS gods were smiling a backdating of the feature to CMBO (theres so much time to fix up the older product, not!). I wouldn't mind paying for a "new" CMBO down the road with all the new features as I really like the "Western Front" alot and would like to continue to enjoy battles in this theatre.
  2. Combat Mission 2 Beta Area in the Forum Home area? The name used to be different a few short days ago...
  3. Or when 256k ram was more than enough (and 64k floppies), and then the jump to 1MB and a 20Mb harddrive wahhoo I'll never fill that up! Then those killer graphics machines with 4-6Mb of RAM, thousands just in the Ram sometimes more than the computer itself.... [ 04-08-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> 1) In preparation in playing the game, I've noticed many posts about downloading MODS to make the game better. After reviewing several sites, it appears that there are MODS in HI-RES and LOW-RES. Before I begin downloading these large files, which ones should I use? What kind of hardware should you have to run HI-RES? Any other considerations? Does it slow down performance? My system is a P450 with 128MB of RAM. My video card has 16MB of RAM.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Given your low Vram I would stay with lores as you will quicly max out your video card, to the point where it will default to a lower resolution (800x 600 or even 640x480). A faster processor and video card with more vram would allow you to run most anything you want. Some people here run 64 Mb video cards so they can run hires antialiased on large monitors. I am sure a person with a PC will be along shortly to cover this in more detail (I tend to run on a Mac with much less vram than you have). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> 2) When giving orders, I can't figure out how to string multiple orders together in one turn. For example, how would I make a squad go kinda do the following: a) Go to a waypoint Kneel down c) Check the area and fire at a target, if necessary, maybe pause d) stand-up and go to the next way point e) Get in the prone position. The key is that I want this to occur within a 60-second turn (of course assuming I have enough action points available). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can't micromanage your units to the degree that you are describing, this game relies on the AI to perform many of those functions. As you play the game more you will learn how far a unit can get in a turn doing different things. You can use the commands available to do what you describe in a sense. You can issue an order to Run to a place, then Sneak for a bit and then Move. You can only use Pause at the beginning of a turn, it doesn't work in the midst of a series of commands although you do tend to get a command pause as a function of how far you are from the unit's comander. This may seem limiting, but in my experience it has not been. Think about what you really can achieve in 60 seconds, you are unlikely to need that many commands in a single minute. Another thing to keep in mind is that what you see is an abstraction, you may see three guys walking blithely across an open area but what is occuring is the men in the section are actually performing the different functions you are describing (in effect doing overwatch, using available cover and so on). Also the faster you have them go, Run for example, the less of this they do. So in effect you can run into a ambush situation (because you can't see as much when you are running) when if you had given the move command they might have seen the ambushing units and attacked before getting anihilated. You can give as many orders as you want in sequence to each unit. Be careful of giving too many orders that take more than one turn as you can inadvertantly order your units into a bad position that had developed in the course of a turn (I did precisely this in a PBEM game I am embroiled in right now). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> 3) Any hints on how to manage your forces. For example, since the battlefields tend to be somewhat large, how do you keep a handle on what's going on with all of your units? How can you globally see the results of a turn without checking each unit?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you are playing the AI or an opponent by PBEM you can take as long as you want to issue orders and watch the movie as many times as you want to see what happens with each unit. Once you have played a few (hundred) times you can get the gist of what is occuring by keeping an eye on the activity level around each unit (tracers, targetting lines, your unit moving to a new position without you ordering it to and so on). Given the viewing options you can get a viewpoint that allows you to Gods eye the action and then you can get the units view by hitting tab to lock the view to the unit and zooming in or control clicking to go to a particular point and zooming appropriately. In a TCPIP game you and your opponent choose how long you are allowed for each turn, so this can eat into your viewing time considerably (or order time if you are not careful ). It also doesn't take too long to check each unit, all you need to do is click on each unit and you will see its current condition. I know other games do this differently, this is the nature of CM. I hope you enjoy the game, I have been since the Beta demo in Nov 1999. CM has become the only game I play (pretty much) as I don't have alot of time for gaming anymore. Others will be chiming in to correct and add to my statements so you will learn alot by reading what you immediately see and by doing searches of the stupendous number of past threads on every possible subject of this game. Good luck and good choice on buying. [ 04-08-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  5. Are you using Stuffit, available at : http://www.aladdinsys.com/ in both win and mac versions. A .bin file is a compressed file form.
  6. Michael emrys responded to my post: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by kmead: This may have been true in the self centered US, but the British and Dutch had been fighting the Japanese for a bit before we became engaged.
  7. [ 04-07-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  8. An iMac with a DVD drive and iTunes. [ 04-07-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> WWI used to be called The Great War, and for obvious reasons the number one didn't get applied to it until after 1940 or so, but my question is when did the name "World War II" start being used? If I'm correct, the term "War in Europe" was more common, at least before the beggining of 1942 and the war on the Pacific. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This may have been true in the self centered US, but the British and Dutch had been fighting the Japanese for a bit before we became engaged. The Chinese and Manchurians also had been defending their homelands all the way back to 1937 (IIRC). I suspect the WW2 tagline gained US prominence after we were dragged into the war. It was easier to propagandize a World War I suspect. Probably a silly question, but does anyone know who come up with the WW name and when? Was WWII ever called that while it was going on? There is a really interesting multibook set out right now (you can find it on the bargain tables at alot of bookstores) that shows war through newspaper stories and poptographs. I believe there are 10or 11 volumes. [ 04-07-2001: Message edited by: kmead ] [ 04-07-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  10. I have often found that I cannot see my additions to a thread, particularly when I am at work. A work around is to post another reply and then instead of psoting use the scroll feature to look through the posts. Once you are done just back out without leaving a message. By the by, the thread is there, I just saw it on the next page of threads. [ 04-07-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]
  11. This month they just so happen to have the 75mm armed halftrack on display in all its glory. http://www.kithobbyist.com/AFVInteriors/
  12. Alright I have finally done two things that most of you either did a loooong time ago in the days of the Demo/BetaDemo, and then as soon as the feature became available more recently. To what do I refer you may ask, why my first PBEM which extended over a couple of days for a short 20 turn meeting engagement quick battle. The first few turns went well with a few frustrations over email software and the general lengthy wait while files made the trips back and forth. It was a great experience as it was also the first time I have ever played another human. Who in this case was Steel1994, he requitted himself well and suffered the frustration of having several turns of bad luck. Yeah, I know what took me so long? Well until Dec 2000 I hadn't had internet at home and didn't want to subject someone to lengthy waits as I shuttled one turn to work each day. So last night another quickbattle (700 points), an attack this time only this time it was TCPIP. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! The turns went fairly quickly (25 in approx 1.5 hours), I was totally engrossed, waiting for each turn to play out. OK, so long ago (or so it seems), I pooh poohed the need for TCPIP and all that. OK so I was wrong, here I'll say it again, I was wrong. Man what a blast. Truely a new dimension, its like I just got a new game all over again. I doubt I will have time to spend on games that some of you seem to have time for, but I will look forward to meeting some of you in the future on the field of battle and take my lessons.... Anyway thanks for reading my gleeful little rant. Karl Mead
  13. Have you tried a full clean install to a new folder of CMBO? You don't need to overwrite the original or your downloads. Just a new folder. After the reload dump the prefs, agian. and start up the new one. Your iMac can run the basic graphics CM comes with, it is unlikely to be able to handle extensive mods with higher resolution with its 6mb of Vram. This is unusual as I haven't seen many problems myself, though i have read others posts and helped get others up and running. Good luck post progress. Many thanks Karl Mead
  14. M.Bates Actually no it is not embarrassing, at least not for me. I waited a long time for this game to come out and ship so I can be patient. I do have Steves email address and could email him if I wanted, though I'd rather save it for something really important like congrats for another great job well done. This thread is for all of the people in the Mac community and not just for me. An email from Steve to me would be my business with him and would not necessarily be something that I could share with the community. The statement in the thread says "I don't expect a reply today but soon would be good." Ultimately I don't 'expect' a reply, I would like one, but they are not obligated to answer. This is not a terribly big thing, I have wood to cut in the back yard, an old car to get rid of, my kids to play with, a job where many other people depend on me to do a great job so we (at Steelcase) all can have jobs in the future and things like that. Yeah, I am concerned about this, and yes I believe that it is important that CM be compatible as I truly want this software to be available to what I hope will become a widening MacOS audience. Anyway, this bumps it for another day. Thanks for your interest and have a nice evening. I think I will play my first TCPIP game tonight if Steel1994 is available.
  15. Start with going into the system folder and tossing the prefs file for CMBO. Start up CM and it should work. Next choice replace just the application cmbo from your CD or using the upgrade you downloaded for V1.12. Set real ram on the app to be @60mb Turn off virtual memory in either case. Have you installed any other new software or hardware of late? Maybe something new was replaced by something old (Ihate installer programs that do this). Run the new video drivers that came with the 1.12 upgrade, they generally work better for all games and so on. Madmatt has said that disabling the backside cache can help though I've never needed to on my revB or my slot loading iMacs and don't personally suggest it. Kindly post with any progress. Thanks
  16. Very pleased to have the opportunity to help out.
  17. Yes in a sense this is a double post. I have added to it and attempted to directly address it those who we would rather have respond. So, OSX is now out. 9.1 as classic and OSX will soon be the only choice on new Macs. Happily CMBO runs on 9.1 quite nicely. Could we get a date for when CMBO will run under OSX? In a similar vein, will CM Barbarrosa to Berlin (CM2) run under OSX or Classic? I know that this software was developed on a Mac and presume that development is continuing for Macs even though MSWin is likely the primary sales platform. I will soon be transitioning to OSX at work and will likely change over my machine at home so I can continue to work at home on my machine. So, it would be nice to have CMBO and the next highly anticipated installment available in both places. I know several early adopters have already made the attempt and given the Rave and nonCarbon nature of the current release it is not possible. In my case, I really enjoy the current game and hope to be able to be able to use it for a very long time. Eventually OSX and its future children will completely supplant the Classic interface, especially as new hardware comes along (over the next year or two). Given this reality and that I will be upgrading hardware again once we get to the next big leap of multiple processors and so on I am very concerned not so much about my investment (my enjoyment hours to cost is somewhere in the millicents and dropping), but in my future enjoyment. BTS, the company line is what I am looking for, and I know it will be straight. I respect your candor and your position, and I don't expect a reply today but soon would be good. Repectfully; Karl Mead karlmead@hotmail.com Would it be possible to have only BTS respond to this please? Do not post here until after BTS has responded. I will TTT this to the top until it has been answered. Many thanks to all posters and of course to our fine hosts. Oh and by the by, I have searched and been unable to ascertain a statement of actual intent. Thanks; Karl Mead [This message has been edited by kmead (edited 04-03-2001).]
  18. From Go2 Mac.com- OGrady's Powerpage perceptions and sum up of where things lie relative to OSX application development. Some of whats stated is not really applicable to CM as the input sprockets and so on are relatively irrelevant: Gaming: Another work in progress. Without DrawSprocket and InputSprocket, even much-hyped Carbonization in Oni is fairly useless. (You get to watch Konoko on a tiny 640x480 screen that drops frames and lacks input support to make her turn 360 degrees.) We’ll have to wait for Apple to get this finished. Current oulook: Bleak. Short term: Unsure. Long term: Environment friendly to gaming developers.
  19. Maximus, don't be a pain lest some large guy comes and smites you... [This message has been edited by kmead (edited 04-02-2001).]
  20. aka_tom_w Thank you for posting the info from Westlake Interactive. The info was encouraging coming from that group given the job they have chosen. I know that our hosts at BTS are very busy working on the next iteration, but generally they have been around so the silence on this subject is surprising. I intend to continue the ttt activity in hopes of eventually getting a rise. I don't think it would be productive (and not very appropriate) to be strongly reactionary and clamor for an answer, though it is tempting. Again, thanks. Karl Mead
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