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Everything posted by killmore

  1. Just wondering - when/how are we going to get this fix?
  2. I had a very bad luck with mortars in CE. Mortar shell fell between two shermans. It damaged the gun on one and immobilized the second one!
  3. Practice makes perfect. AI sherman missed me from 28 meters in CE. I did not miss after that. With practice I was able to get into hull downs...
  4. I wonder if it means competition for CM and just how much of it. Will we benefit or loose if such CC-3d is released?
  5. Pardon me if it is the old news... I quote: The good news is that Close Combat 6 will be very different, with SSI hinting that we'll maybe see a 3D battleground model in use for the tactical battles...
  6. Yes it kinda makes sense Moon. "Dycha" means 10. So that basically means they hit the bulls eye. Makes sense. Just never heard it before...
  7. Most of us know that if bunch of monkeys keep randomly pressing keys on the keyboard they might acctually write a novel (given time of course)
  8. Dostal w Dyche? Do the Polish really say that? I never heard this expression before. (I left Poland when I was 15 and 15 years ago so I may have forgotten) 3042 - Translation should be: "We are dropping weapons - we surrender" [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 05-10-2000).] [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 05-10-2000).]
  9. I would love to see some pics of these vehicles. "I don't do requests guy" probably will not do it. By the way which vehicle is firefly?
  10. I hope you will be advertizing CM as much on their forum!
  11. You can call both sides barbarous. - I can agree with that. Just don't call German civilized and Soviets barbarians.
  12. Quoting smbutler: They played a sound bite from the Nuermburg trial of an English speaking SS officer talking (in a very matter of fact tone of voice) about one massacre. It went something like this: 'In the town of X we killed 80,000 of the inhabitants, give or take around 10,000. One can never get exact figures from these kinds of operations..." Now thats barbarism.
  13. I wonder if playing with Japanese tanks against shermans feels worse then playing with shermans against King tigers. On the east front equipment capabilities were more balanced.
  14. As far I I read recently the citadel was not very debalanced toward Soviet Union. The largest advantage Soviets had in numbers of artilery. I have seen lots of numbers quoting 2:3 toward russians. Definitly not 1:6. And I believe the citadels tank battle had 700 German tanks and 750 Soviet. Definitly not 6:1. ( I have seen such numbers quoted repetedly) Result was that Germany lost 300 tanks Soviets 350. Please gimme more accurate numbers if you have them. I would love to see them if I can. I also strongly object to Soviet being calls barbarians. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 05-05-2000).]
  15. 311 - you are sick like a cow eating hamburgers! !
  16. In the demo I noticed that pause before movement depends on the distance. For example minimal movement by a tank is delayed by 2 seconds. Movement of 30 meters will be delayed by 10 seconds? Why?
  17. On East front it seems that germans frequently used T34s. Russians used Stug, PIII and PIVDs. All you really need to to is to add American equipment into German Equipment pool (and vice versa) Of course you might need to have german marking on American tank. So new texture might be needed.
  18. Too bad. Equal equipment on both sides would stop some people from complaining...
  19. Nightmare scenario here! Imagine the following situation: In 1944 before allies land in Normandy Hitler is assasinated. Germany tries to negotiate peace with allies. They propose that Allies and Nazis fight the demon of communism. But allies don't want to hear about it - they demand surrender and start landing in Normandy. In desperation some Wermacht generals turn to Stalin. After a while this idea starts make more and more sense. After all Communism and Fasism are quite similar. Initially Stalin does not want to hear about it. But they promiss him the full control of Europe and triumph of communism over US. Stalin the magalomaniac agrees. The conditions for communization of germany are: 1) SS troops are shipped to Moscow so crowds can tear them appart with bare hands. 2) Himler, Gebels, Goring are to be tried as traitors to the people and publicly hanged in Red Square. 3) Germany looses parts of prussia but retains parts of Poland, Czech and France. 4) All T-34/85 get updated to T-34/88! (or panters 75mm gun) Short civil war starts in germany. SS troops fight and try escape to the west. France is runned over by allies who then start to fight combination of Soviet and wermacht troops. Japan signs pact with Stalin too. It gives large parts of China to Soviets (Mongolia, Manchuria, etc...) It keeps the rest of China. Now Soviets supply Japan with fuel, T34s, plains and weapons. Soon some Soviet pilots fight P-51D in the german jets over the pacific.
  20. I think it would be fun to play operation with german vs german equipment. This way no one can complain that he lost battle because of inferior allied AFVs. For example: Hitler is assasinated. Short civil war in germany follows. SS troops fight with wermacht. Civil war is short - you can't fight civil war and Soviets at the same time .
  21. I had to pack 500 games once. I had blister and paper cuts. I hated it I hope they will hire help. Here is idea that will never happen: Maybe we can just drive to steves home and pick the game myself. No packing required.
  22. I wonder if molotov coctails were usefull against tanks. I read couple of times that during Warsaw uprising Tigers were destroyed with molotov coctails. Was this weapon effective against Tigers/Panters?
  23. I belive CM4 was to be about early war. I think Poland had about 20 armored trains that were suprisingly usefull. Any chance these can be considered for CM 4? You know what? I think it was silly of me to ask this question before even CM1 is released - sorry! [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 04-27-2000).]
  24. Polish historians have two confirmed cases of cavalry charging the tanks. In both cases they were using the molotov coctails to light tanks up. Poland had also some tanks that were equal quality to 1939 german tanks. I don't know many details here. The fun thing might be the armored trains! The picture of polish cavalry charge with sword in hand was German propaganda tool. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 04-27-2000).]
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