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Everything posted by killmore

  1. Never tried to use them at longer ranges. Maybe I should try! Dano6 if they are so effective at 400 meters... WOW. Maybe I should start thinking if I can use these in offensive roles... Too bad there is similarly effective AntiInfantry Super weapon.
  2. I don't know about that. My skill is poor compared to Fionns and I was able to crush Sherman attacks repeatedly with 9 pupchens. You just have to position it right. But with 9 of them for the 90 points it is much easier then positioning 3 AT guns. It is all about defensive positions. Sure it is not for city use - but for defense with LOS under 150 meters (hilly, foresty terain or at night) with some choke points it is a WUNDER weapon. I had incredible success with them. Sure 3 of them miss but I don't care because 4th one got the kill and ammo is plentifull. Here comes C&C Level 1 AT-Pupchen rush...
  3. Two rumors: 1) Atomic plans 3D CC6. For this purpose they are talking about buying out BTS. 2) Microsoft (the old Atomic pupet master) wants to buy out BTS. They gave them an offer they can't refuse. Now that I scared you... I made the above two rumors up!
  4. Or even post them on the web. (In a downloadable way)
  5. Maybe I should not have open my mouth. Now the secret is out. I no longer use my super-pupchen-rush gamey defense against allied hordes. But seriously for 10 points this is incredible gun. Even for 25 it would be worth it. By the way I believe this is first time Fionn agreed with me (at least partially) [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-27-2000).]
  6. Depends on the lay of the land. If there are multiple and separated points of possible breakthrough then defender must distribute the assets. Attacker can easily create local superiority and shash the defense line, after that outflank the rest of the enemy.
  7. If there is no armour - the money is wasted. But then again it is only 100 points - the price of a single tank is about 100 points too. Rest of the money you can spend on the infantry. - You don't need anything else really.
  8. Ai also dienied me a win by scattering units and it just kept moving units away from me. Sure I killed 100 and lost just 14. But I was not able to prevent AI from just running around until time-out.
  9. I wonder how many of you are using pupchen now. It is cheaper then shreck (10 vs 15) and seems to me just as effective against tanks. You cannot position it in the houses and it moves quite slowly. But yesterday I bought 9 of them + some infantry and that was enough to rip Tanks to shreads. Infantry took care of the rest of the problems. It is the cheapest and surest way to kill tank at 150 meters or less.
  10. If BTS plans to make profit and sell only 1000 copies of a game then they would better release CM2 and CM3 this year.
  11. Game will be shipped in two days - then Post office may kick it around for a week or so. WAIT!
  12. Here is my take. 1 vs 6 - In this case maybe he attacked with "Command unit" - like Company commander. At 5 meters infantry should be either suffering losses or be out of line of fire. If tank is so close - its machine guns might not be able to turn far enough to fire at infantry 5 meters away. This goes toward infantry survivability which does feel a bit too high from time to time. But I have no idea what it is in real war. Guys when you try to defend CM try not to sound like you are saying "100 jeeps will kill one tiger!". Replying than infantry should never be that close does not unswer the question.
  13. Ok. 4 Air raids in My case. 3 times my already destroyed tanks were getting bombed. 1 immobilized and one top penetration - who cares these tanks were dead already. 4th raid droped a bomb between 2 JagdPanters and immobilized one damaged gun on the other.
  14. I know what it is! I am trying to position my ATGs same way as I would position them in Close Combat. - Gee I will have to unlearn those habits.
  15. Seems like as soon as the AT gun fires it is instantly spotted. (even at large distance) Maybe be it is just the way I position ATGs. (They are in the forest). Is the spotting ATG seems realistic in CM as far as you guys know? (CloseCombat is opposite - some guns you can't spot from 1 meter - Don't FLAME me for mentioning that)
  16. After running Random scenario 30 times: (I had no time to play but I had time for quick game setup) Hetzer appeared in 22 scenarios. PIV appeared in 19 scenarios. Panter appeared in 9 scenarios. Tiger appeared in 3. King Tiger in 1. JagzPanter/Tiger in 0. So yes panters do appear but less frequently than they should. Why did Hetzer showed up 22 times? Was it a common german AFV? Or did it happen because it was "cheap" to buy?
  17. I am not asking for Panter - all I am saying that Panters don't happen often enought. Yes it is OK to fight with pIV. It took someone else 8 tries to finally get Panter. (No other heavies mentioned) So it "feels" like there is just disproportionally many "lesser" tanks. People write that heavies are possible - I am very happy about it. My only question whether it happens often enought. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-21-2000).]
  18. I don't see the problem!!! It is already done! If behaviour of conscript/regular/veteran is correct. Germans have 50% regular troops and 50% veterans. SovietUnion has 50% conscript and 50% regular. So behaviour of conscripts should be "BAD". Set Soviets to normal conscripts. (Fanatical conscripts sometimes at times) I don't think we need any special case for Soviet troops. As for Japanese? - Just set them on fanatical conscripts. Just don't make game unplayable as Soviets. We can do everything correctly right now. I don't see why soviet veterans should be any worse then german.
  19. I think your priorities are a bit off. CM should never be a deciding factor in your life/vacations.
  20. These ideas are only good for early war, later quality of Sovit troops improved. The problem was not really poor troop quality but middle level commander who got the post only due purges and had no experience. Germans often found Soviet troops courageous and willing to fight to the death. (some did some did not of course...) If you are saying that most Soviet troops were that bad - then you are severly diminishing German tactical briliance, value of suprise attack and german veteran troops. Soviet troops were not veterans. Finally France and England had also more troops in 1940 but they had to flee/surrender. Was their troop quality also that bad? [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-21-2000).]
  21. I am at work right now - so I can not test it right now... Anyone wants to try? Parameter were: Wermacht, Armour scenario, 1000 points, Axis-defender - I think that is it. I had to go to sleep after 10 tests... It was after midnight.
  22. Is that 6500 pIV in 1945 or during the entire war? If that means during entire war then Panter should be as common as pIV due to attrition. And if it only means 1945 then in I should see panter 1/3 of the time I see pIV. That just was not happening.
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