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Everything posted by killmore

  1. Whibelwind is somewhat expensive and does not ussualy rotate fast enought. Cars at "Fast speed" just zip past it. (Unless it is in open - but then any tank can easily kill it) It is very different story against AI. AI does not move it units at full speed. Against AI whiberwind is quite effective.
  2. My friend has a habit of zipping his armoured cars between my defenses. He does not try to kill anything just gets my units to show-up. (Sounds like forcing opportunity fire on a jeep - doesn't it?) It is gamey but it works. This plays havoc with them. This causes my infantry to "decloak" and waste panzerfaust on armoured cars. On the other hand MGs stay hidden and don't fire at all. My AT guns start firing and miss. After zipping 2 or 3 armoured cars between my defenses he just pounds all units he noticed with artilery. What is the best way and weapon to kill AC moving at full speed? Is it 20 mm flak? MG? Suggestions please...
  3. The point is to make "realistic" looking convoys/situations in the designed scenarios. Same goes for trucks. Otherwise is it not very usefull.
  4. I do think that at times the casualty rate is way too low. If machine gun wasted all of its ammo firing at squad at 200 meters in the woods and never hit anyone that just feels wrong. (squad was not in a fox hole and was not lying down) Please down ask for details - trust me. Either machine gun should be smart enough to limit ammo wasted or there should be casualties. At times MG is effective (at range 50 meters in Arnhem scenario it got 30 kills but the infantry was just running left and right in front of it) Other times running infantry was not scrached after running for 200 meters toward it.
  5. I have seen road that drop of the cliff. That feels like a bug to me
  6. Gee I must be getting old - seems like I keep misunderstanding posts... What was it that was killing hetzer?
  7. Just don't expect BTS to do it. We want them to keep working on CM2.
  8. Ok here what happened. My Tiger runs into Easy Eight sherman. Both were full down at 150 meters. About 30 secs of ricoshets followed. Then tiger had its gun damaged and decided to reverse. At the same time I got my second tiger into the fight. I poped up hull down just 100 meters in front of sherman. Sherman continue to fire at damaged tiger which reverses about 100 meters and then stops at 45 degree angle to the sherman. Sherman keeps firing at damaged tiger and ricochets follow. At the same my second Tiger is firing at sherman from 100 meters and also every shot ricoshes. Amazingly sherman did not change target to my healthy tiger. This situation continued for next 3 minuts. Finally sherman panics and reverses. Lessons: 1) Don't try to kill hull down easy eight with front shots. 2) Standing at 45 degrees to the enemy can prolong your life. (Maybe 20 degrees would be better) 3) AI does not change target from tank with damaged guns to the healthy one. My record for a single Tank is 17 ricoshets that my JagzPanter took without any damage (and it killed 76 shermans)
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dano6: Killmore, I am not stating that point values should be skewed due to rarity. I am just stating that some items on US tanks might be weighted a little too heavy in point consideration. dano6<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You didn't - someone else did. Stuart... vs panter?- Well to be correct first shot damaged panter gun second front shot killed panter. It came as a total suprise to me. I had 2 other stuarts prepared to attack from left and right flank but the Stuart in front just run into panter LOS by mistake. I could not believe it myself. My plan to have fun with panter was interrupted by a great shot from stuard. I did not notice "Weak point penetration" - but maybe thats exactly what happened.
  10. I had lots of fun with that. AVRO have short range but can out manouver Hummels. I was able to sneak them close enough to pop one shell over the Hummels top right into it. Large explosion followed. Couple of times Avro fired first then got killed by Hummel and then AVROs shell fell right into Hummel Next lets try AVROs vs Hetzers... Not historical but fun.
  11. I found that for some Quick battles (example: Armour vs Armour battles) 1000 Points was not enough. Why not give us an option to type the number in? Low point limit forces AI to purchase "cheap" price units to get close to the max points. Any one care to comment?
  12. Fionn - I am talking about the other side of the scale. (Heavy tanks) Over all except pupchen I don't think values are that bad. What I really hate is that Quick battles allow only 1000 points. By the way Fionn: You complained about survivability of hetzer once. I had seen many ricoshets of its front armour... So it could be usefull against lesser tanks. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-30-2000).]
  13. Please don't twick points to include rarity. Heavy tanks feel too expensive only because I had lots of luck in killing it with same number of cheap shermans. In Vot Panter feels tough but I tried once Panter vs 3 Stuarts. That was stupid. Stuart nailed panter easy from 200 meters. First shot and front shot. Call it luck. My problem is that tanks that should be tought are quite easy to kill. Maybe thats because most encounter take place at short distances on the maps I am playing. Also the problem is turret rotation/target selection. It is easier to kill tank which is not firing at you.
  14. Very cool picture. I want a MAUS in CM2 !!! I believe there might have been one MAUS in the factory - almost complete but never shipped to front.
  15. I do agree with you somewhat. I found German tanks too expensive.
  16. Only the first year there were civilians in Leningrad - after that it was mostly military and not much more. (My grand mother escaped from Leningrad in 1942 over the frozen Ladoga Lake) I believe that US people would be able to hold out too. You just have to have right propaganda machine. Besides a lot of Soviets knew that Germans were killing civilians and military alike. When you have no chance of survival under the enemy you fight harder. Bastogne did hold out. So did marines in Korea. US civil war was very bloody. I wonder how what % of population died compared to Soviet Unioin in WWII. Anyone can unswer that?
  17. While I understand while you would buy from pirates (80% cheaper and income is VERY low compared to US) - my hope is that the game will not be widely available from them. This is not the type of game that pirates ussually copy in East Europe. Now CM2 is bound to capture russian imagination - so I expect that one to show up in pirate hands. Note of explanation to US gamers about piracy in East Europe. Income per month is often under 800 dolars - it is hard to spend 50 bucks on a game when pirates offer it for $10. Some companies sell their software much cheaper in East Europe. (For example MSWindows is much cheaper than in US) I do not support piracy, I buy all of my games - but when you choose between food and paying less for a game the choice is obvious. (Unfortunatly)
  18. Again guys you are mixing army casualties with total casualties. The 25 million dead figure includes civilians killed by Naziz. And I believe that was over 10 million. Armies own casualties were not that bad. Think of German submariners - 80% of them died. Yet they still continued to fight. If you push the right buttons then people will fight to the end.
  19. Club SSI has Combat mission review ! Well it is actually a pointer to gamesdomain review. This came as a suprise to me...
  20. M22 Locust - perfect for paratroopers who otherwise have no tanks
  21. Joke: On the 20th wedding universary wife and husband are sitting in the restaurant. "What are you thinking honey?" - asks the wife. Husband replies: "If I would kill you on the wedding day I would be out of jail by now and able to play CM in peace"
  22. Really? Canadian mailman went beserk? You aren't joking? I left Canada for couple of years and things start to happen. Next thing suddenly Quebec separates... What is it anyway with those insane mailmen?
  23. Canada post ain't that bad. Ever heard of Canadian mailman going beserk and shooting multiple people?
  24. The trick is to have more then one pupchen firing. And at 10 pts you can afford 2 for sure.
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