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Everything posted by killmore

  1. Stalin refused to trade his captured son for german general. He said he is not going to exchange General for private.
  2. Here is the real reason: Hitler was told that if he would use gas then all german population centers can be gasses in 24 hours by allies. There were tons of static lines of front in WWII - For example St. Petersburg was in state of siege for 900 days.
  3. New forest looks kinda sparse but you guys say thats CM engine fault right? [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-07-2000).]
  4. I decided to play as Allies agaist GE in CE. I gave AI +150% of troops. I was a FUN slaughter. I positioned my Shermans in hull down positions way behind the road that goes through the middle of the map. This way Shermans could cover relativly empty area on the Allied side of the map. It also kept them far from shrecks/fausts. Initially AI moved stug to the hill between church and forest. Shermans killed it. Next turn two Stugs showed up and were killed. Next turn 3 stugs were on that hill and got killed - I lost one sherman. The last stug germans had just moved to the far right side and stood there. Then the the human wave attack come on the left flank - where the single two story building stands beside the flag. 2 whole platoons were attacking. Shermans, mortars, and 2 machine guns and units in the "double building" to the left were able to kill them. But that was followed by two more human waves. Finally my machine gun and 2 squads in the bulding paniced and run. Sherman set the building on fire - denying germans their prize. I decided to kill that last stug. Sherman sprinted by the church and fired twice at the stug that did NOTHING! It just stood there. 3rd shot got it. I moved the shermans right on the hill on which church stood. (Not a smart thing to do but I wanted to see what will happen). It was assaulted repeatedly by Volks in human waves waves. I got 50 kills. Exits from church toward the tank were also covered by one machine gun and 2 squads. I finally reversed sherman out of trouble to discover that two "squads" - with one man left in each kept chasing it! I would reverse sherman back and GE squads would follow it through hail of bullets. These finally got suppressed and just decided to relax in the middle of the wheat field. On turn 40 all shermans runned out of HE and smoke (they kept firing smoke for some reason). I got Allied tactical victory. Loss ratio was 7:1 in my favor. Approximate numbers: Ge___________________Allies 350 infantry_________50 infantry 7 tanks______________1 tank 180 men left_________200 men left [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-07-2000).]
  5. "Hole in one!" shouts gunner of 105 after taking out 75 pillbox with its first shot. (Yes it happened to me)
  6. I had that in mind for selecting hull down position. For example select the target and then go directly toward the target until it becomes visible. Then open fire. This would simplify search for hull down position
  7. Sorry MadMatt! When I noticed the picture I knew I had to ask and searchinf for another picture would take a long time! By the way I am wondering not about the grenade but about the cylindrical box that soldier on the right is wearing. (and almost laying on top of)
  8. I was always wondering about this. On the photograph one of the german soldiers was this cylindrical box. What is in it? What was it used for? http://cmhq.tzo.com/images/germangrenade.jpg
  9. CC is not historically accurate but they are fun. Not a clickfest like others... Nice realtime strategy. And in CC3 games only last 20 minutes. I like that. I ain't got time for long games.
  10. See for me the accuracy mattered because Shermans were firing at it. So I was firing at shermans with 150mm from one side and panter from the other. When it comes to infantry accuracy is not as important. But sometimes one might want to hit broad side of the sherman
  11. Ok. I managed to keep the gun alive for 3.8 turns. I opened from 300 meters at sherman - kept missing for 2 turns. Then it finally killed it. Total score for the 150mm: 2 mortars, 4 fantry, 1 sherman. So far this gun has the worst accuracy of any gun in CM. (At least for me) Well Stugs are sometimes as bad.
  12. By the way can it fire indirect? Over the top of the hill?
  13. Sure show me a pic or two... (I tried to keep it hidden - but is was spotted from 200 meters...) Of course I had no idea it was spotted until artilerry started to rain on it. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-05-2000).]
  14. Did the gun ever lasted for more than 2 minutes? Where was it positioned?
  15. T-34 was available in small numbers before the start of the war - so it was NOT developed in response to superior German Armor. T-34 was superior to all (?) german tanks in 1941. I would make another point: germans developed Tiger/Panter in response to T-34.
  16. Was anyone able to blow up sherman with it? Did anyone was able to keep it alive for more than 2 minutes once it "decloaks"? (Starts firing)
  17. You think you got problems? I have seen "historical" books that say 4 million Jews died in Polish prison camps. (Instead of: 4 million jews died in German/Nazi concentration camps in Poland) Otherwise: Can you say "BraverHart"? Or "Bravehart 2"
  18. 15:1 casualty ratio was obviously wrong. I can only assume that Nazi propaganda kept quoting that number to prove that SU is winning only due to their "barbarian hordes".
  19. Tu-4 was a copy. But multiple B-29 were delivered to SU by USA during WW2. So it was not a copy of the one that was forced down. It was a copy of Lend-lease ones.
  20. My guess is that you got no directories.
  21. Agreed. Suspicious makes more sense. 1) Shows you that Germans belived that Russian were superstitious (ie very backward/uneducated) 2) I see no proof that Russians did not attack because of german action. Other reasons were possible. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-02-2000).]
  22. Hey he just gave us his credit card number! Now we can order anything we want for free!!! (Be more carefull next time)
  23. I don't think that CC is a click fest. I don't know why but I really like CC3 in multiplayer. (We are still plaing it now)
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