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Everything posted by killmore

  1. I am happy about it. It is one of a kind great game. I already bought it and I will play it for months to come. But I have my own reservations. Some of these are due to insufficient CPU speed - I understand that. I would like to see: 1) simultanious turns - no need to wait for other guy (Am I wrong about this? I have not played PBMs) 2) Option to play in real time. (Or do turns if you like) 3) "Move toward the target until you are hulldown" button 4) "Real trees" and their positions. Not just "woods"... 5) No LOS through vehicles. 6) No "my shot went right through sherman and killed one on the other side". 7) Better Strategic AI that can flank your forces (just try CE +150% for GE AI) (AI is still great) 8) Multistory buildings. Maybe ability to be on the roof. 9) Every infantry man by himself. Not a group of men. More like Close combat.
  2. Another movie "Four panzerman and the dog". (Bad translation from Polish) About 22 - 1 hour episodes. Some have german armor in them. I still recommend Kurskaya Duga in Russian it was made in the 50s or 60ties. Lots of german armor shown in a way you never seen it before! Ask about it in your local russian owned video store.
  3. Does the catastrofic explosion causes casualties to near by infantry? It definitly should.
  4. Here is a movie for you: "Kurskaya duga". About Citagel. In russian. You will even see tanks driving over other tanks and overturning because they played chicken.
  5. O RIGHT! To the Infinity and beyond overlord [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-12-2000).]
  6. When I was a starving student I have seen amazing AFV book. I should have bought it right then but I was short on cash. Book had the following: 1) Tank developments of the time 2) Engagements during war 3) What both sides learned from engagement and how AFV were modified as a result. 4) How new modifications played role in the next Tank battle. It was mainly East front. Lots of pictures and some battle maps. Has anyone seen such book? Other than that I would love to get a book that has color picture of ALL (or almost all) AFV in WWII. (with MAUS please) Picture should be from 3 sides (front,side,back). Every AFV has short description "life story" attached to it. Recommendations please?
  7. Sometimes I wonder myself. Seems like units just go directly forward and don't try flanking manouvers of over 30 meters. Unit own AI seems to the best I have seen so far in a game. But strategic AI feels unimpressive at times. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-09-2000).]
  8. Combination of unpredictability/winning against odds/history for me. But it takes a bit to long to finish a game.
  9. Try that with +150 for German AI. - Massive human wave attacks. (I still won but barelly)
  10. Sign me up for CM2 beta testing please!!!
  11. If the game is not being developed but only talked about/discussed that is as close to vaporware as you can get. While I wish the BTS all the best if CM sells very poorly I doubt there will be CM2. I am very interested in CM2 because east front is most interesting to me. I very much hope CM2 happens. But right now it is still a vaporware.
  12. I don't think it was impressive enough... If AI would just flank me on left or right I would not stand any chances. Squads do tend to flank a bit but I never seen AI do a real flanking manouver. Is AI incapable of doing it?
  13. Nope. But it is not smart to buy anything that early...
  14. I thought you guys knew. Fionn already got a Gold version of CM and is extremely busy now. Once he completes a couple of scenarios he might be back
  15. I am not as good as you think. I got a bit lucky and if only AI would try to flank me instead of human waves... My far left and far right were totally open. AI ignored that. Most of my strategy came from CC3! (Believe it or not) Defending against AI is much easier than attacking...
  16. They did fire one shreck at it from 210 meters. Then 3 shermans started to drop HE on shreck team. O well I guess I was really lucky.
  17. Volks were withing 30 meters. But BTS might be right they might have been to spooked to do anything
  18. I parked my sherman right by the church in CE. (30 meters?) I was assaulted by waves of german volks running directly at sherman from the church. Sherman killed about 50. Not a single panzerfaust was launched! (I gave germans +150% thats why they had a lot of manpower to waste) [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-07-2000).]
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