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Everything posted by killmore

  1. No. I just came up with the name killmore for my X-Wing pilot. (It was my second choice...)
  2. What I really want is TCP/IP... When will that be out?
  3. Sudden strike will include outhouses. Now why would you do that? Are they healing stations? Will BTS also add outhouses in order to recover some of the infantry casualties? http://www.rts-suddenstrike.de/english/screenshots/
  4. I am glad Fionn got out of that naive "US goody/bady" topic.. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-13-2000).]
  5. Why don't you just put all textures into one big pack. I h8 downloading them one by one.
  6. Why don't we ask them man himself. Fionn? What would you throw the first molotov at?
  7. I was trying to figure out in the middle of the dream if 2 half squads and 2 ATG crews will be enough to assualt king tiger. (ATG crews were just for distruction)
  8. Call it "Goldfish with sarcastic sense of humor"... Notice that to give Fionn CM2 Goldfish just moved him up in time to 2002 (instead of giving him a copy...)
  9. Lets clarify. Polish did not fight Russians in WWII. Soviet Union entered Polish Teritory after it was 100% clear that Poland lost (17 September) Some Polish officers surrendered to Soviet army and were killed by KGB sometime after the Poland surrendered to Germany. There were prisoners - but they did not fight Soviets. There were no battles with Soviets until after the war. Polish units wer told to avoid confrontation with Soviets and Soviets did not fight Polish army. There was cooperation between Soviet and German army. My grandfather lead 800 soldiers toward the Rumanian border. They were spotted by the Soviet plane in the forest. My grandfather forced his tired troops to move to another place. An hour later German bombers bombed the area where Soviet plane spotted them. But they were gone...
  10. Fionn and goldfish (with Fionn’s permition) One day Fionn decided to go fishing. (Probably his wife needed computer…). And to his big surprise Fionn hooked a talking gold fish. The gold fish then said to Fionn – Please let me go and I will fulfill your 3 wishes. Fionn decided to do so. “Ok – goldfish – I wanna be rich!” – Flash ! Fionn was holding certification of ownership for million of Microsoft shares. “Ok – now I want a copy of CM2 !” Flash ! Fionn was moved to the year 2002 and was holding a fresh copy of just released Microsoft Combat Mission 2: Beyond Barbarosa. “Ok goldfish now I want... I want... I know ! I want to have a highest WWII Soviet medal “The hero of Soviet Union” (Only given for extreme bravery or fighting skill/spirit) Flash! Explosion! BOOM! Fionn is wearing in Soviet 1941 uniform and is running in the middle of the field. He is holding two bottles of Molotov cocktail and just in front of him are Panzer III and Panzer II… (followed by german infantry). THE END. (He got the medal after he died as a hero...) [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-12-2000).]
  11. Polish must be present too. Why? Polish army in the east (under soviet control) was larger then the one in the west.
  12. I wish this thread was closed before any opinions were stated - including mine. Now: Involvement in Yugoslavia was in order to stop YUG goverment from supporting/being supported by Russia. (and becoming ally) USA is needed to balance the world, it cannot be isolationist. We need more powers like USA. If EU, India, Brasil, Japan, and something is africa become "world powers" US will be able to become isolationist without much harm to USA. USA is actively working to gain control over everything - this counter balances bunch of other countries. When you talk about US aid (earthquake), news almost never tells you that other countries sent also aid. Or this fact is convieniently forgotten. US does not sent aid to earthquake victims in China. (well it didn't years ago) I would MUCH rather live under USA rule then Soviet or Chinese. It is better system. I lived in Canada, USA, Poland and Soviet Union. - I got understanding of all these countries and their systems. Canada is as much "colony" of USA as Poland was "colony" of Soviet Union. It is much better to live in US "colony" then in "colony" of USRR. USA propaganda is as bad as USRR was. Communism did "some" good to the world including USA. A lot of "socialist" policies were introduced to decrease lure of Communism. (See "Will Durant - The lessons of history"). Example: Health/old age policies. USA runs on darwinism/natural selection - strong survive, weak/sick die, because they often cannot pay for all of their medicines. This makes USA population strong, healthy and productive. Lazy/stupid people ussually don't make a lot of money in USA. Also it creates natural selection which makes USA stronger. I like this but I feel sorry for some people, they don't get many chances. Some bright but poor people don't get many chances in USA. (then again poor people frequently have more children so may be I am wrong) I am not saying that poor people in USA are stupid/lazy. I gotta go - bye! (flame me later...) [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-12-2000).]
  13. In that case Fionn: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: Kilmore, I don't think this thread needs to be closed. My simple point is that the viewpoint espoused in the article quoted and in some follow-ups are quite naive and seem based on a mass media based understanding of geopolitical inter-relatedness and realpolitik. [This message has been edited by Fionn (edited 07-11-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MANY good points Fionn. I like your comments. Can I post a joke about Fionn and CM2? (It is tastefull)
  14. Here is my opinion: Select target. Move toward the target until you get it into LOS. (No promise of hull-down) Pseudo code: Target = Selected target; While(thereIsNoLOS(Target)) { ...if(AnotherThreatInLOS()) ......Target = new threat; ......exit while loop; ...Sneak toward target. } Stop. Fire at target; //Can be selected one or new threat If there is hull down position on the path to target above code will get it. Otherwise it wont. Also above code may potentially get vehicle into hull-down with respect to new threat that just appeared. (I hope I did not post it before) [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-11-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GreasyPig: We extend a hand, its taken, then criticized. We don't extend a hand then we're chastised. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The hand is extended to the selected and there is always a price to pay for accepting it... Most people don't undestand that the hand is never extended without some gain for US. Not that I think USA is an evil empire - it is uncomparably better then Communism (Soviet Union) but once you lived in both countries you start to notice some similarities in some things. BTS PLEASE CLOSE ALL POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS DEBATES! (Like this one)
  16. By the way 51% of everything in Canada is owned by US companies... (I am against USA - just pointing out some facts. People just find convinient to ignore them because it fits their nice clean picture of the world or for propaganda purposes) [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-11-2000).]
  17. So called "generosity" was done in an effort to improve US situation. 1) Strong US dominated Europe was a counter weight to communism. Only poor countries become communist. Countries that became Communist (not by choice) did not receive economic help - where is the "generosity"? 2) Helping Germany was meant to discourage them from staring another war. (and lessen possibility of another war US had to fight with them). Germany was destined to become buffer zone just like Japan. Buffer zone needs to be dominated and cannot be poor. If it would became poor it would become communist. 3) Poor people had no use for US products - restoring Europe meant being able to sell them in the future US made products. Wake up guys - if it sounds too good to be true it ussually is. Even helping poor countries in africa is ussually an effort to buy tractors/food from stragling US companies/farmers with taxpayers money and "give it away" to poor people. Basically it is an effort to subsidize own industry - but such subsidy cannot start "subsidy trade war" with other nations. And if credit is given to poor countries - these countries frequently have to spend most of the money on US products. (Canada frequently does the same thing) [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-11-2000).]
  18. I wonder is there is any other vehicle with this great gun?
  19. I have used jeeps before to kill hetzers. If you know where they are - it is a lot of fun.
  20. 2 player is almost imposible without TCP/IP. Waiting for total of 1.5 hour for the other guy is unacceptable.
  21. I don't understand what the problem is. People continuosly ask for it - so please do it. Here is what we need: Move toward the target until you can fire at it. THAT IS IT. How to use: Select target. Select Move until in LOS. DONE AFV behaviour: while(target not in LOS) { ...If(any other threat appears) ......Target = new threat, exit while loop; ...Move slowly toward the target } STOP AFV! and fire at target Above code guarantees Hull Down position with respect to target if such position is possible. If it is not the AFV will stop when target will be in LOS. No more "HUNT" movement forward (I hate when AFV keeps moving forward after threat has dissapeared for a second in smoke or terrain)
  22. Well I was wondering about buying one. But then again - I don't think I would be able to restore it myself.
  23. There are 2 T-34 for sale. Can you tell me if these are T-34/85? Are these post war or WWII? Both seem to have running engines. The web page is: http://www.geocities.com/ichodnic/Anatol/tanks.html
  24. What he does is exactly the steel panters jeep drive by. 1) Use AC/jeep to do quick drive by. 2) Let it die. 3) Use artilery to kill everything spotted. 4) Repeat (use next AC...) Maybe 20mm flak will be good to stop him. It is pretty cheap... Also I like the wire mine idea...
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