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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Okay, this thread will be the new Official Peng Cesspool. DO NOT START ANY MORE PENGish THREADS UNTIL I TELL YOU! EVEN IF THEY GO OVERT 200 POSTS... THAT IS ALL... Madmatt Peng threads, making the Forum unlivable since 1903...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> must have been posted by an imposter. Not a single exclamation point in the thingy.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: [QB] Coming soon (and I don't mean the two in the back bedroom), a Mace/Moriarty mixup! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Anytime. QB or scenario. AI or we pick, no matter. Gimme some cool rules and bring it on.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: Please, let us define our terms. 1. Peng is a multirepresentational word. 2. "Where" implies a fixed point of spacetime. 3. Thus, Peng is one who is many places at once. 4. Therefore, Peng is God.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Uh, no. He is a self-admitted Pod, not God.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene: Last time I use a web translator....ROFL What I meant to ask was "Where is Peng?" Gyrene<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gyrene, you were correct . "Wo" is "where" auf Deutsch. Jeez, did I just say a Jarhead was correct? Oh, well, he was.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Londoner: Cheers tom , and moriarty do you TCP m8? [ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Londoner ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unfortunately, I haven't had the time due to work to get into TCP/IP play. I'm a pbemer at heart, I like to study the move before I lose. hehe. If you're up for one, I'm game.
  6. Londoner, sorry you ran into a loser on the ladder. As Yobobo and others have said, this sort of thing does happen. As with any community, there is a minority of jagbags who can sour just about anything. Fortunately, people like that soon will find they have no one to play but the AI. My experience has been that the majority of people I have played on the ladder (RD or TH) are stand-up folk ... whether power or historical. And if you want a game to get back on track, just send an e-mail.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: All hail the bald one! I have my account back, I have my account back! Yee ha!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, that ough to put a fork in Harpooner, anyway.
  8. Roight, an update then. Chuppy has been merrily shooting up anything that moves. He's just waiting to hoist my ineptly led forces by their own leeo-tards. Berlinktinkywinky is in true gamey fashion running his troops out of the buildings before I blow them up. Not very sporting. Lots of big boomie things going on. He has executed some very nice ambush thingies ... much to the chagrin of my armor. Blousemouse is resorting to deviously gamey tactics. Large map, large points, few turns. My valiant pommies will continue to eviscerate his blatantly hysterical use of fallschirmgerbils with pointy things. Geier is continuing to gut my feeble forces. He will learn a lot about how not to fight in a city. He should pay me for the lessons. Goanna, the sneaky, globetrotting lizard, slid his way into Chicago for about 35 seconds, leaving a message at work, before skedaddling out of town ... must be a portent of the skewering I shall give his feldgraus after he stops brewing up my armor. Lorak, to the best of my knowledge, is merrily blowing his own guys up with all sorts of things that go boom in the night. Interesting tactic. Senility is slowly making his way across the winter playground that the pseudoCanuck loves so much. Just can't get enough snow, y'know. Mebbe everyone should send him a winter scenario. He most generously paraded what appears to be a Crommie and another light armor thingy out so I could get the right range for my guns. Very considerate, old chap. PushBroom, you're on deck if you're up for another tussle. I'm thinking a game with lots of speedy, cheap armor thingies and sturdy troops. What say you? TTFN ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  9. Great work, Berli Always knew Marcel was a softie. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  10. Good. Now go away. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  11. Oh, for the love of somefink, puh-leez tell me this is my imagination. That gene pool MUST have ended with Meeks. That's all we need is another Meeksian pseudolifeform running around with sharp pointy things. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  12. Many folks would consider it gamey. If I was your opponent, I would hope I have a couple of MGs in the right place to gun down those crews. Why? Two reasons come to mind. First, crews are lightly armed and they're not likely to be charging very long before they say in their best Cartman voice, "Screw you, I'm goin' home." Second, the more crews you lose, the more it counts against you when the AI tallies up points to determine who wins by how much. Crews are considered highly trained units that can fight another day if someone doesn't get them mowed down in a human wave assault. Because of this, the AI assigns them a higher point value than a rifle team or squad. Keeping crews alive can sometimes mean the difference between victory or defeat. I'll only put crews on the line in a defensive situation where there is no way to get them out. Otherwise, I'll move them to safety. ... But that's just the way I approach it. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  13. I've been playing a few unrestricted games and I find my unit selections gravitate toward a Combined Arms setup anyway. I figure I've got to try and cover as many bases as I can. If I've got a bias, it's toward selecting infantry more heavily than anything else. Armor is nice to have around, but it's still the ground-pounders who carry the day. One of the best challenges yet, is playing Infantry defense against a CA attacker. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  14. You've said a mouthful. Enjoying yourself is the name of the game. I have played AI-choose and player-choose and I don't really have a strong preference. Sometimes I like choosing the units because it allows me to use things the AI typically does not select: bunkers/pillboxes, for example. Other times, there are specific units I like to take out for a spin. But I don't mind playing where the computer selects ... even though it sometimes is a lopsided affair. In one game, the computer chose for me a rifle company, an 81mm FO, 3 Stuarts, 2 HTs and a jeep. No mortars, no MGs other than those mounted on the vehicles. My opponent had a reinforced company of Panzergrenadiers, 2 StuGs, a Panther, 3 HMGs, and 2 or 3 FOs. Unbalanced? A bit. Fun? You bet. Damned challenging to try to do something against those odds. I lost but I enjoyed every minute of it. As far as worrying about whether my opponent thinks I'll make "gamey" force selections, I'll generally tell them before we get going that if it's historical, I don't know all the ins and outs of TO&Es and he or she might see some weird things, but it won't to too far off the map. Communicating usually eliminates the "gamey" factor. Just my 2 cents. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  15. I'll play ladder or not. I'm on two of them (TH and RD) but that was because some of the guys I play regularly like them. Personally, I don't care. I, too, am more likely to take historical unit setups ... to the limits of my TO&E knowledge. Sometimes I goof up ... like using Priests on front lines when, I recently have learned, the should be used as supporting arty. Oops. I would hate to be locked into a "system" ... taking the same stuff every time. Quite frankly, I enjoy the strategy aspects, the fight itself and meeting good people moreso than the victory (rare in my case). In a recent game, I was fortunate enough to witness my HMC from Hell kill a KT with a turret shot. I couldn't have cared less whether I won (I did, but that's beside the point) ... that memory is the one I'll take away from the game. And, that's something the uber-armor types won't experience. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  16. Aye. Where'd you leave that big hickory baseball bat after we had to teach Bauhaus the meaning of teamwork? ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  17. I'm trying. Your turn will be coming soon. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  18. Yes, all. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  19. Nah, no revelation, Mace, just plain truth. ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  20. My Morse Code's a little rusty but doesn't that spell out "I'm an idjit, too"? ------------------ Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball Crap -- Moriarty
  21. Greetings, brother. Every year a department to the south of us calls mutual aid for a swamp fire. The grass-brush can reach 7-8 feet, the muck can be knee-deep and stinks and the firefighters are stuck fighting this with Indian tanks, brooms, rakes and shovels ... except for the REMFs sittin' on the road with the deck guns. Glorious frickin' job, ain't it? ------------------ McHenry Township Fire Protection District, Co. 1, McHenry, IL
  22. Flamethrower will cause continued burning in rain/snowy weather until the fuel is burned off or heat/oxygen is diminishes. If the fuel is strictly flaming gasoline without a gel component, it will continue to burn on wet surfaces as gasoline is lighter than water. If the fuel is a gas/oil or gas/gel mix to prolong burn time, it will continue to burn despite its surroundings until the fuel is spent or it is in too lean of an atmosphere. As for wicks and such, some materials, when ignited, give off sufficient oxygen to support low-grade combustion ... such as a fuse. ------------------ "Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball "Crap." -- Moriarty
  23. Flamethrower will cause continued burning in rain/snowy weather until the fuel is burned off or heat/oxygen is diminishes. If the fuel is strictly flaming gasoline without a gel component, it will continue to burn on wet surfaces as gasoline is lighter than water. If the fuel is a gas/oil or gas/gel mix to prolong burn time, it will continue to burn despite its surroundings until the fuel is spent or it is in too lean of an atmosphere. As for wicks and such, some materials, when ignited, give off sufficient oxygen to support low-grade combustion ... such as a fuse. As for burning paved roads, my question would be: paved with what? If it's a tarred road or oil over gravel/dirt to keep down the dust, the combustion is not out of the question. Keep in mind, too, that if you see flames for 5 turns, that's only 5 minutes of burn time. ------------------ "Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball "Crap." -- Moriarty [This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 03-26-2001).]
  24. Abbott, make no mistake about this thread. It hasn't changed ... well, a little, but not what you're getting at. This thread is all about taunting, denigrating, being obnoxious, rude (in a civil sort of way ... obvious head-nod to BTS gatekeepers and specifically His Bald Immenseness) having a grand time doing so and, most importantly, gaming. We revel in the fight and winning is OK, too. We banter, bait and boondoggle. It is not for the faint of heart or thin of skin. Some of these guys and gals will give you the best games you'll ever play. In short, if you decide to leave, do so because consorting with the hoi polloi just ain't your cup o' tea, not because someone said something to which you took offense. Offense is what we do. Defense, too, but that's another matter. ------------------ "Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball "Crap." -- Moriarty
  25. Outstanding idea, Germanboy. (Nice work at Der Kessel, too) ------------------ "Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball "Crap." -- Moriarty
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