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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. You can get stats for individual units by clicking the "info/kills" button on the unit information screen. Click on a unit and use the return key to access the window.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Crash-Neptune: What exactly IS the 8cm PAW (PanzerAubertiWerfer? Somefink like that :confused: ) [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Crash-Neptune ]<hr></blockquote> Panzerabwehrwerfer ... loosely translated as antitank defense thrower. For CM purposes, it's an 80mm gun that can punch a hole in a Churchill at 700 meters plus.
  3. More like chambering a round in the 12-gauge pump moments before targeting the monitor.
  4. The short answer is pretty much any ATG "can" take out "nearly" all the AFVs you'll come up against. It gets much trickier if you are really asking questions like: Will it take out the AFV on the first shot? Will it take out the AFV from any angle (especially a frontal shot, where the armor usually is thickest)? At what range, will the ATG you choose take out which tank? The 50mm ATG (German) and 57mm ATG (US) have the capability to take out virtually any AFV you are likely to see. That said, you'll need good position, close range, side or rear angle and a measure of luck against the more heavily armored AFVs or AFVs with more sloped armor. I'll stick to onboard arty that is primarily antitank in nature ... although the various howitzers and IGs sometimes have AP or tungsten rounds. I don't like spending a lot of points on onboard arty because they tend to be taken out quickly after they are spotted. For AT purposes: The US 57mm and 76mm guns are pretty dependable. The 76mm ATG will take out King Tigers from the side or rear. On the German side, I'm a fan of the Pak 38 (57mm) and 40 (75mm). The Pak 43 and 43/41 (88mm) are a little pricey for the return on points spent. From January 1945 on, the 8cm PAW is a dandy weapon, having a balanced AP/HE loadout, which makes it just as nasty for oncoming infantry as armor. Just a suggestion, but I'd also focus on learning what you can about the tanks you think you'll be facing. Example: If your opponent picks Hetzers, you'll be facing a tank that has heavily sloped frontal armor, so shells ricochet frequently. But, its side and rear armor is thin. Knowing a bit about the AFVs you expect to face may help you pick out the best antitank assets, either guns or AFVs, to deal with them. [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  5. Every once in a while, it seems, there is a need to follow Vizzini's sage advice and go back to the beginning. So, I take you back to the beginning for a restatement of purpose: Taken from page 2 of the "Cabbages" thread originally posted 22 April 2000 and authored by our own MrPeng. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> OK, lets get this clear... I taunt people. its what i do. i don't know squat about unit composition or weponry or versions of this or that particular APDS or yer sister's ass. I DO know how to taunt people, but here is the really hard part for some people to grasp. my tongue is ALWAYS firmly planted in my cheek. smilies or not. we are talking about a GAME that we PLAY. I talk plenty of trash and i bust balls and i poke fun and sometimes it may look like i am serious. i had all of my serious bones removed and replaced with funnybones a long time ago. seriously. so if you are in it to be mean don't ride my coat tails. I AM IN IT FOR FUN. it just so happens that SS is a terrific target for me because he forgets that this is a game and some of us are here ONLY to have fun: that we don't give a hoot about whether the game engine runs on unleaded or a gas-oil mix, or if the sum of the sides of an isocolese triangle really do gramafritz the 77mm post hoc do-hicky on the prefarkle calculation of the thing that does the trajectory for ausf higgity coneshaped dirt clods in a semi armored cod piece. Got it? good. forget what i said now. close this thread. leave SS alone. i am about to whoop his sorry but in LD: that will be enough humiliation for him for one weekend.<hr></blockquote> My fellow Cesspudlians, as long as there are grogs and Outerboarders who cannot stand the very existence of the Cesspool, there will be a need for one. Whether it bears the name of MrPeng or not is immaterial. I would like to think that it would, but the fact remains there needs to be a place for those who love the game and not only the gramafritzes, those who are in it for fun, camaraderie and taunting. There will be, methinks, but as Gerbiltoy pointed out in his own inimitable style, we've become complacent and stale. Why do you think I tossed out the lure for the wily Pengfish to bite? It is time to refocus attention on taunting and gaming. None of the Outerboarders have called to abolish the Cesspool, aka Peng Thread, aka MBT in quite some time. We've done little to make blood boil, raise hackles, etc., ad nauseam. Fer cripes sake, when was the last time we had His Baldness come charging in here, chasing our over-exuberant brothers back and berating and threatening us with closure because of leaks of Meeks and others et al. Have we been co-opted by the opposition? Have we become part of the establishment? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no! I have no idea where this is going, so I'll stop now. (edited repeatedly because that's what I do for a living and just because I feel like it and just because it allows me to thumb my nose at Andreas from time to time) [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wolfe: Actually it will stick even if he doesn't have LOS, but the line from the mortar to the target will be Red, indicating the mortar should attack that target when it comes into view. OTOH, if your HQ does have LOS to the enemy target (and is in control of the mortar team), the line will be Orange indicating indirect Area Fire from the Mortar. - Chris<hr></blockquote> Thanks for the correction, Wolfe.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: Lastly, I think GB is right. Time to put this thread - this whole series of threads - out of our misery. Peng<hr></blockquote> Then do it ... it's your thread.
  8. Nice to see the cranky ol' sodder hasn't lost the old touch. You got to feel a bit sorry for his wee Spaniel, though. Probably got a couple of swift kicks with a Scottish hobnail while he was composing that load o' Jabberwocky. [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Thompson: I've seen this discussed somewhat here, but haven't quite gotten an answer to one question that's been bothering me. I've understood that HQ units can spot for on-map mortars, however, I've been unsuccessful in achieving this yet. In one instance, I had my HQ unit in a second floor of a building while the mortars were some distance behind that building. The mortars were IN command but couldn't fire on targets visible to the HQ unit. I don't know why. The only time I've been able to use on-map mortars is when they spot for themselves (i.e. targets are in their LOS). How is this supposed to work? Will any HQ unit do for these spotting purposes? Do you use the mortar unit's Fire command or what? :confused: <hr></blockquote> Is there another HQ closer than the one in the building? Assuming that the Platoon HQ or Company HQ has LOS to your target and command & control of the mortar crew(s), you target the mortar(s) as you normally would. If the HQ indeed has LOS and C&C, the target line will stick. If the HQ does not really have LOS and C&C, the target line will not stick.
  10. Puppchens are pretty mobile (and you can slap them in a kubelwagen and take them anywhere) but the small crew is pretty easy to take out when spotted ... pretty much the same for any fixed arty. Think of it as a panzerschreck with 500m of range and 50 rounds instead ot 200m or so with 8.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rodimzew: Thanks a lot so far to all these Tips....I think i just wasn't careful enough...but with this understanding i'm going to improve my tactics...<hr></blockquote> One last (very important) tip to remember: Make sure the vehicle you purchase to tow the guns will actually do it. I suggest doing a test with each nationality putting a range of guns and vehicles on a map and see what will embark and what won't. I did this once, but lost the notes and paid for it in spades. I found out too late that the HTs I thought would tow the 88mm (25pdr) guns wouldn't, I spent three-quarters of the game having the crew push them into position only to lose them rather quickly without any payoff for the experience. Feel free to learn from my mistakes. I hope I did.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: Wha hey tha noo! Dance mae a jig an' Ah'll stand ye a wee dram! At's bin a string o' glorious victories fer tha hoose o' MacOberGruppenbloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy! Tae recall, tha recent abject admission bah Moriarty o' a spotty arse spankin'. Noo foller'd bah a handsome whippin' o' tha fiend o' tha bocage Goanna. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy<hr></blockquote> You squeaked by on that one, laddie, an' you know it. Your little band o' wankers were cryin' fer mercy when time ran out.
  13. The biggest problem I have run into with them is not giving sufficient time (or having sufficient foresight) to get them into position and unlimbered from the vehicles -- anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes depending on the size of the gun. Meanwhile, my opponent is wondering what that HT or truck is doing over there and proceeds to lay in mortar, arty or MG fire and ruin my grand plan. [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, So Pengs out for my blood now.... Oh well....<hr></blockquote> Why should anyone here care?
  15. That's the beauty of using third party battle maps, you can set them up any way you want.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bullethead: All Jarheads, wherever ye may be, Greetings on this the 226th Birthday of our Beloved Corps! Hope you all had as much fun celebrating as I did. I literally burned down a house <hr></blockquote> Never lost a foundation, eh?
  17. Not a dumb question, a logical one. The very simplified answer is that the Schutzstaffel (SS) was the security force loyal to Adolf Hitler. The Waffen SS (and you are correct in your translation as Weapon SS), in its most basic form, comprised infantry and armored military units. The issues of their relative fanatacism, superior training or not, superior ability or not and participation in war crimes have been the subject of long, sometimes rancorous debate, which I will leave to grogdom. edited to drive Andreas crazy. [ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  18. Time for a wee update. Not that anyone gives a hoot, a woot or a toot, he valiant forces ineptly led by yours truly have X. Achieved a draw against the evil minions of Berllichtingen on a small but fun battle concocted by Germanboy. Obviously, judging from the outcome, it was far too easy for the Allies (me) to deal with the feldgraus commanded by Him. A more competent commander would have squashed him like a bug. ~1.b – Lost to that gamey, sumnabatchin', haggis-spewing OGSF. Started out with some foolishness in Goanna's winter wonderland and was kickin' the snot out of the Gobbler himself when the turns were no more. 1z2b. Graciously allowed Senility to save face by forgoing the end-game rush and walk away with a draw. P2.5xz3. In ongoing games, Bauhausmouse started off with a terrific run of good luck and I am now kicking the bejeezus out of his feeble forces; no contact against OGSF in a new game; am under vicious assault from the Army of Peng, whose commander is using verrrry grog-like tactics (gamily leading his armor with infantry, bounding overwatch, etc., etc., ad nauseam; am luring the forces of jdmorse to certain destruction; am patiently awaiting for the forces of Joe Shaw to emerge from a deep gulley in one of the longgggessstt battles ever fought (Dunbar would be so proud of our ability to extend the length of our lives by playing this scenario, while Yossarian later will try to imitate us); Senility is still cowering; Steve the Rat has walked right into my trap and will pay dearly; and lastly, that little whelp Treeburst is pounding the absolutely crap out of my green and conscript Volksturms in the "Fatherland" scenario created by that raviing lunatic Mensch. edited to fix that durned bolding thingy. [ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: You all make me hate you. It's not that I want to hate, it is only the fact that you are so deserving of ire that forces me to the road more harsh. That, and the fact that you're a bunch of wussies.<hr></blockquote> Hate is such a nice, clean emotion ... much befitting a nice little Pishpoot (all rights reserved by OGSF) like you. Now, go away and play with the other children, boy-o.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: This is the Peng Challenge Thread, which brought you from the Outerboard, and out of the land of Grogs. et al Joe<hr></blockquote> Improper numbering Just-A-Caricature
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bodman: Does the British have the ability to use Priest in cmbo ? <hr></blockquote> No Priests in the Brit TO&E ... but watch out for the Sexton.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: *Ahem* SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy<hr></blockquote> You swallow the Spaniel or do you have something you'd like to share with the class?
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: As I suspected Lawyer has bested me. If I am not mistaken he is now the only one with a winning record against me. Lawyer - WINNER Elvis - loser<hr></blockquote> Yer still a loser in my book, boy-o
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cpl Carrot: Dumb question alert (maybe) Is it worth while IYHO to hide pillboxes. The scenario I am currently playing does not allow me to move them so I am wondering if I should give them the HIDE command? Should probably know better Cpl Carrot<hr></blockquote> Not a dumb question. Presumably putting the pillbox on "hide" will prevent the MGs or ATGs from opening up prematurely. You may find this useful if the pillbox or wood MG bunker is nestled in a stand of trees and is relatively well hidden. I have seen a 3-MG pillbox hold fire until the enemy squad was within 150m. The squad was gone in just under 10 seconds. If the pillbox had opened up at 400m, it likely would have been a prime target for an arty barrage.
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