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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. Lindan is a member emeritus of the Peng Thread as his Web site holds the very first one in its entirety. Mind your manners, Boo.
  2. Nah, he's either refilling his enema bag to get ready for his next post or he's selecting his troops for a pending battle against the carrion-eating Lizard King of Swing.
  3. PiggDogg is right. You need to put some "expendable" vehicles up front to find the AT mines. Once found, park an engineer squad next to the field for a few turns (better give them covering fire, though) and they'll take care of the rest. Be forewarned, though, that your opponent likely will do what he can to shorten their life expectancy.
  4. Pssst, don't tell 'im about CM:BB ... it's a secret.
  5. I learned to use HTs the hard way from a very knowledgeable opponent. I advanced my mounted platoons down a road (ground conditions were wet) and ran into a combination of mines, an MG, a zook and 2 forward squads. I took a beating. I mistakenly thought the HT armor would provide more protection than it did. What I should have done was use them in both roles. I should have stop short , i.e. not under fire, of where I expected the enemy to be, dismounted the infantry and had them clear the area with the HTs' MGs in support. Once I determined that this was a forward unit and the area was clear, I could have remounted the infantry and proceeded to his next defensive position. Or, if the enemy was still in the area, continue the battle with infantry and HTs in support.
  6. While I don't like losing that way, I guess I look at it as my responsibility to prepare for it with whatever forces I have left at the end. It's like the edge-hugging argument that sometimes comes up. I believe flank security is my responsibility. I played one game where I was in a good position to rush in the last two turns. I had a fairly strong infantry force and likely could have taken two flags. But, I had played the entire game up to that point using recon and bounding overwatch, i.e. a slow, steady approach. I felt it would be cheesy, so I continued the tactics I used all along until time ran out. The last turn was a shootout with our forces separated by about 40m. My opponent won a minor vic, but I didn't mind as we had a helluva good fight. If anything, I was disappointed in my own tactics for not pushing harder in early and midgame to have taken the flags in the course of my attack before the clock ran out.
  7. The general concept of armor supports infantry, infantry supports armor also was stated in a translation of a German armor field manual or somesuch document. Someone probably still has the URL available or you might find it at feldgrau.com The concept is valid that the tanks take care of MG positions, dug in infantry positions, while the infantry uses its concentrated firepower and ability to attack from multiple directions to kill the enemy's AT assets. In a situation where you have not made contact, whether you lead with armor or infantry or a combination is dependent upon other factors, notably terrain, ground conditions and expectation of where the enemy likely will be found. If reconning with armor -- likely light tanks, HTs, MG Jeeps or scout vehicles -- I would still want infantry close enough for support. I would not be leading with the pricier tanks or thin-skinned AFVs until I had viable targets. On the flipside, if my recon is by infantry, I would want armor support in a position to give support quickly if needed. Priest makes a good point about advancing together ... not necessarily tank-squad-tank-squad in a line across the map, but having infantry and armor close enough to be mutually supporting depending on what unfolds.
  8. That would be a first. If you're looking for a really brutal map to get to the killing right quick, I would suggest Red Marley Abitot by Andreas. Leeo and I had a right fine set-to on that one ... and Peng lost his name on it, too. [ February 26, 2002, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  9. Bismarck, onboard arty (SP or fixed) also cannot use TRPs. Onboard mortars can but only if you don't move them from the setup position. In CM, you end up using SP arty as thinly armored front-line tanks because the scale of the battle really does not allow you to put them in batteries a mile away for a more historical use.
  10. I, too, am playing Leeo, but contrary to some of the assertions made here, I have found him to be polite and very considerate in his e-mails and tactically correct in his selection and use of forces. Almost, dare I say, groglike in the precision and effectiveness that he brings to the battle.
  11. I send an e-mail his way periodically but I haven't heard from him in quite a while.
  12. Leave the good Capt. alone now Consigliori, he likes us, he just won't admit it.
  13. Anything specific or just general tactical woes? Here's a freebie lesson that took me a long time to learn (and sometimes still screw up): Armor supports infantry; infantry supports armor. Don't go racing your tanks ahead of your infantry. Tanks kill MGs and mortars, infantry returns the favor with AT teams and guns. [ February 13, 2002, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  14. Makes 'em feel like they accomplished something and keeps 'em coming back for more.
  15. Baited? Balderdash. I'll take you on any day, any time, any side, any conditions, bucko. [ February 11, 2002, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  16. Lorak , old chap, if you haven't succeeded in physically damaging yourself further, then please get out chiselly thing and mallety thing and scribe thusly: the FoM (forces of Moriarty) have been topplemented by the FoG (forces of Goanna) in a most glorious fashion with many splodey things, flamey things and much screaming and running hither and yon by the FoM. If in fact you are only noting losses, there is no need to scribe thusly anything for that gamey bastiche Goanna, who gamily brought in a Tiger tank and other unmentionable mobile armored type thingies in the corner of my defensive zone. It should be noted that my ATG crews were exceptionally nasty to his armored flatulating vehicles and left many ... hmmm, shall we say MANY, yes we shall ... burning, twisted wrecks about the map before they were ultimately and permanently demised.
  17. and then, the CMBOers are scattered by the MG fire and they run not for the cover behind them but first to the right, then to the left, then back to where they were and as the squad dwindles in size the 81mm smoke starts to land (plotted 1 minute too late) and the MG fire keeps coming in and the CMBOers crawl to and fro and the scream nasty words at their armor support which has targeted an AT team 400m away in the opposite direction and the enemy MG keeps on firing and the CMBOers are crawling in little circles now and their support tank is firing smoke instead of HE and backing up toward their position and it doesn't see the enemy tank because it's buttoned up and ...
  18. Oh, very nice, Moriarity! Nothing like a 'Noble Quest' where some pillock waltzes in and points at the third plain silver goblet from the left and says: that one there, lad, that's the goddamn Holy Grail! Well, I hope you're right there and ready with your helping hand the next time he's incontinent, so you can wipe his arse with a handful of thistle leaves! Bloody hell. A Knight of the 'Pool sets his Squire a Holy Quest, with a 'Lo, Forsooth! Go, thou, and seek out the Wellspring of the Peng Challenge!' (through the Broad Scots gibberish, mind), and up shows Moriarity with his paw waving frantically over his head going 'ooh, me sir, me sir! I know how to get there!' like some sort of poxy little pre-teen selling 'maps to the Quest for the Peng Challenge Thread' from a cheap lawn-chair by the side of the road. You're a nasty little know-it -all trollop, Moriarity.</font>
  19. Idjit Donkey boy can look here. Good grief, if he goes to Senility he'll have to fill out forms in triplicate and listen to myriad sing-songs. http://lindan.panzershark.com/cesspool/007077.html Provided courtesy of Pawbroon [ February 07, 2002, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
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