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Michael Emrys

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    Michael Emrys got a reaction from NeoOhm in What unit is best for spoting for arty, using Drones etc   
    I have found that to be the case. If you run out of precision rounds, or you wish to conserve them, you can use this and set it to have several minutes of duration and you'll have a pretty good chance of hitting your target. I've used this for attacking enemy-ooccupied buildings, for instance.
  2. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from ctcharger in A question about cover   
    I bet your buildings weren't designed to resist high intensity armed conflict.

  3. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from ctcharger in A question about cover   
    You just stirred a memory. Back in the '80s I met a guy who had recently been part of the Berlin Brigade, and who informed me that post war buildings in strategic locations of West Berlin often had walls for the first floor that were ten feet of solid reinforced concrete. I've never heard this from any other source, but so far have not heard any source contradict it either, so take it for what it's worth.
  4. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from ctcharger in A question about cover   
    I do something similar; I label the first save "[battle name] 000". I give the first turn's save after giving commands as "[battle name] 001. I generally save every turn that way so that if I want to go back and look at any turn I can.
    The only downside to that system is that after that battle is finished and I want to clear all those saves out, it takes a hell of a lot of mouse clicks.
  5. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Liberator in A question about cover   
    It might be nice if the Hunt command could be revised in such a way that instead of dumping remaining orders, it would insert a pause as soon as it spots a target, but then continues as soon as the target is neutralized. In practice that might not make a whole lot of difference on most occasions, but in some it might.
  6. Upvote
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from General Liederkranz in A question about cover   
    It might be nice if the Hunt command could be revised in such a way that instead of dumping remaining orders, it would insert a pause as soon as it spots a target, but then continues as soon as the target is neutralized. In practice that might not make a whole lot of difference on most occasions, but in some it might.
  7. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from NeoOhm in Command Vehicle Radios vs Backpack Radios   
    @ MOS,
    Thanks for running these tests. It's good to know how things work, and the manuals often leave large gaps of information.
  8. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in I am split between...   
    A word about that. The summer of 1944 was one of the rainiest in Normandy for several decades. Due to the abundance of rain, vegetation did not dry out to the usual summer extent for that region. This resulted in brighter than normal colors on days when it was sunny again, which were still in the majority. Ergo, while what you see in BN may be a bit unusual, it is not really unrealistic or unhistorical. If you don't care for it, that is your prerogative as a matter of taste, but do not suppose that the designers got it wrong.
  9. Upvote
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Holiday Sale   
    And of course buying a bundle instead of all the parts individually will save you some cash.
  10. Upvote
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in I am split between...   
    A word about that. The summer of 1944 was one of the rainiest in Normandy for several decades. Due to the abundance of rain, vegetation did not dry out to the usual summer extent for that region. This resulted in brighter than normal colors on days when it was sunny again, which were still in the majority. Ergo, while what you see in BN may be a bit unusual, it is not really unrealistic or unhistorical. If you don't care for it, that is your prerogative as a matter of taste, but do not suppose that the designers got it wrong.
  11. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from ctcharger in Finally got in to the forum! could use some pointers   
    Interesting headrest you've got there. Must be especially appreciated on cold nights. I used to have a rat terrier that did that.
  12. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in The Mother of All Demos   
    Today is the fiftieth anniversary of "The Mother of All Demos", where many of the fundamental technologies of personal computing were demonstrated for the first time.
  13. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from ctcharger in Finally got in to the forum! could use some pointers   
    Another thing I would suggest if you aren't already doing it is to place the camera down on the 1 level and see how things look from there. A lot of small irregularities suddenly start showing up when you get down that low. Doing a real survey of the battlefield that way would take a lot of time, but just looking at particularly critical ground is not too bad and can really effect your tactics.
  14. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from ctcharger in Finally got in to the forum! could use some pointers   
    My, my, my, you do have a lot of questions—good ones too. I thought I'd pick this one to try to answer. If you have multiple targets that you want to hit, how many you can hit depends on how many spotters with legal LOS they have to the targets you have and how many artillery units they can call on. In other words, one spotter can call on one arty unit to strike one target at a time.
  15. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Vehicle Immobilization   
    Not wanting to dispute that at all, but it is ironic that part of the original rationale for the design of the tank a hundred years ago was to crush down wire barriers so that the infantry would not get hung up in it.
  16. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Freyberg in Upgrade price: I'm sorry, but you guys are insane :) :D   
    You betcha!

  17. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Anti tank mine   
    Can't say about in the game, but in real life just about any vehicle will set off an AT mine. Generally, a man on foot will not, but I wouldn't want to be the guy to test that, if you know what I mean.

  18. Upvote
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Cover   
    I don't believe there is anything official from BFC on this. Individual players have probably made comparisons from time to time in particular games and posted their results. Part of the problem is that protection is highly variable depending on a number of factors. Take buildings. Their composition and materials give different levels of protection, and that can be expected to vary in different geographical regions with their various styles of construction. Weather too could effect that. A huge question is protection against what weapon. A barrier that might stop rifle fire cold could be like soft cheese against a high velocity tank round.
    Bottom line is not to expect this information to be laid out for you. Your best bet is to form your own generalized appreciation from observing in play, and not to expect that to work every time. Just like real life.
  19. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Afghanistan - The Current Situation   
    He's British. Which doesn't preclude him from being a bit Bolshy, you know.

  20. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Blazing 88's in First Time CM Player Impressions   
    With me it was using a length of monofilament fishing line to check LOS in Squad Leader.

  21. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Infantry and Armour Tactics Info?   
    R-r-r-right. I don't know; never tried that. The only time I give infantry a covered arc is to keep them from shooting at something irrelevant. As far as spotting is concerned, I usually prefer them to have a 360° awareness. I want them to spot and open fire on anybody trying to sneak up on them.
  22. Upvote
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from sburke in The Best Battlefield Simulator Ever Made   
    Er...Erwin, much as I appreciate what you are trying to do, that's a commercial link to a competitor (sort of). I'd hate to see you get busted for it.

  23. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in Infantry and Armour Tactics Info?   
    That's a possibility. Either way, it seems to produce the same outcome, and that's good enough for me.
  24. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Demo Feedback   
    Okay, I'll be the first to ask: Is Steve here hinting that BFC may be leaving the door open to the possibility that BFC is considering the addition of such a feature in CMx3? Stay tuned.

  25. Like
    Michael Emrys got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in More drama in Ukraine--Sea of Azov   
    You're absolutely right. And there has never been a nit too fine to pick.  Thanks for jogging my aged memory.
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