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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. No problem at all, as soon as I saw your question I recognised the problem!
  2. Hi I presume that you're using the SC2 Blitzkrieg editor to edit the Global campaign that came with that? If so, this is what you need to do: In the folder for the new campaign you've made, you'll need to copy 2 files over from the Global scenario's folder. They are: campaign.ini localization.txt You'll also need to copy over these two folders as they contain the images specifically used by the Global Scenario: Bitmaps Interface
  3. In the game's folder where there is the exe for playing the game, there should be another exe for the editor. If you double click on it, you can then open up the campaign of your choice and from there I would suggest going to File; Save as and call it something else (it might take a minute or more to do this). Then have a play for a while, looking at everything in the editor to familiarise yourself with it. To edit the HQ's ranges and the number of units they can support, while in a campaign in the editor go to Campaign; Edit Country Data and these can be edited in there (on the right of the screen that pops up, nearly half way down). There's also quite a bit in the manual that may help.
  4. You will have to edit the national_tile_sprites.bmp file which is in the bitmaps folder.
  5. Hi Vespa HQs are really important both as providers of supply and also in increasing the combat effectiveness of the units under their command, and units commanded by HQs at the higher ratings (e.g. 8-9) will, all other things being equal, quite significantly outperform those commanded by HQs with low ratings (e.g. 3-5). One guideline might be to use the lower rated ones for defense and the higher rated ones for offensives. As to the best place to position a HQ, most of the time it is near the units they command, preferably adjacent to them but in the rear so that they are less vulnerable to air and ground attack (hopefully their position will be out of view of your opponent's aircraft). But like everything else in life, drawing hard and fast rules for every situation isn't easy, and sometimes keeping the HQ further back is advisable. For instance, a Soviet HQ during Barbarossa in 1941 may be an easy target for German Panzers as they drive east at top speed, particularly as HQs cannot retreat as fast as they can advance, so if the enemy is smashing through your front lines then placing them adjacent to units under their command could be a way of ensuring that the HQ has a very short military career!
  6. Hi Due to the scale of the game it was felt that some unit types didn't belong in the default campaigns, such as Anti-tank units and Artillery for everyone bar the USSR. But you can have these units in any scenario you want because the unit types are still included in the game, just hidden away in the default campaigns. If you'd like to have them in any of the campaigns, you would just need to increase the Build Limits in the editor so that each country can buy as many as you think would be appropriate.
  7. You've got to keep pushing east and capture their capitals at Sverdlovsk (119,10) and Novosibirsk (131,11). Having Japan attacking them from the east will help by diverting Soviet resources, and of course through capturing their eastern cities.
  8. Glad to see you sorted it out, and yes, raising the difficulty level should give you a much better challenge once you've got the hang of the game.
  9. Have you declared war on any of the Allied states in the Pacific? If Japan declares war on the USA then that should kick things off, but if that's not sufficient also declare war on one of the British Commonwealth countries with Japan.
  10. I think this change also makes fighters more important than they were before, where multiple bomber strikes always got through, so it does change our purchase priorities and makes winning aerial superiority more important as a result. If it also stops TAC bombers from getting too powerful then I think it will have achieved its objective.
  11. Napoleon 1813 modelled the friction SeaMonkey is talking about, because if you force marched units their numbers and effectiveness decreased quite sharply, whereas it was less so if you just marched at normal speed. Keeping troops in place had the least effect as far as I recall, but unfortunately that game lacked multiplayer, which for me is essential.
  12. There can still be Free French even if Vichy isn't formed, so I wonder if this explains the existence of the French Battleship you noticed?
  13. Hubert is right in that only a RESOURCE script, possibly tied into a DECISION event that is tied in to the situation you want, would be able to stop a resource from working when a country is neutral. But once the country in question is no longer neutral you will need a SUPPLY script to destroy a resource. Make it Type 2 so that its effect will be continuous.
  14. Hi Brian Welcome back, and I'm glad that you're getting a lot of fun out of Alliance of Evil! Patch 1.02 isn't out yet, but hopefully it won't be long.
  15. Ah, that could of course be it! It would be good to know for sure because we might be able to come up with a solution.
  16. That does seem a little strange, could you send me a turn so that I can take a look? Please send it to Bill@furysoftware.com (along with your password if applicable).
  17. Hi Geofighter I've been thinking about the list of items you posted, and I'd be interested to know what mobilization level the USA had reached when these things happened. If you like, you can always send me a turn showing them to Bill@furysoftware.com Thanks
  18. I've taken a quick look in the editor and I think it might be one thing we can't change. In the SC2 editor this can be changed, but not in SC1.
  19. If the US navy is busy patrolling German or Japanese waters then surely this is causing aggravation in the USA and therefore lowering US readiness? I would have thought that it would benefit the Allied player far more to get the USA into the war as quickly as possible, than to use their navy in annoyance missions like this well outside their territorial waters. Am I wrong, or is this in a mod which doesn't have all the scripts to cater for this that the main campaigns have?
  20. I must admit that it's been a very long time since I opened the SC1 editor, but if you open it up I think there may be a way to change the end date. Most things in the editor are fairly straightforward to use so I would suggest giving this a go. I'm glad that my advice helped, although I think that in your next game I should now give all my advice to your opponent to even things up!
  21. I was thinking some more about this today and it struck me that Romania in 1916 did exactly what Spain is doing in your game, waiting until the opportune moment has passed before joining in. It makes me wonder whether the current system is better because as well as having historic precedent, it keeps things unpredictable and means that the investors MPPs won't have been totally wasted?
  22. Buy some Strategic Bombers and use these to reduce the garrison of Paris's entrenchment, sending them in with Fighter escort. Then strike hard with any remaining air and ground units. But from your description above I think it will be a good and tough battle!
  23. This can actually be represented already through the mobilization scripts, simply by adding ones that would generate swings to one side or the other when certain positions are held, or countries surrendered. The only issue with adding any more scripts like this is that it could generate swings regardless of diplomacy chits invested, possibly even totally offsetting invested chits if the investor's side is doing really badly.
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