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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. It's not really separate but under British rule. The only reason it's mentioned is to allow for the possibility of German intrigue in the area and events like the Easter Rising.
  2. That's ok. It's honestly too early to say in the big campaign, because we need to balance out giving players the opportunity to develop strategies that are slightly different from those historically pursued, with what was historically possible. We shall see!
  3. Hi Syagrius I think the screenshot you're referring to might be from one of the mini-campaigns, as the scale varies from scenario to scenario and in those where you've seen more than one Tank, a Tank unit won't represent a Corps but either a Battalion or a Brigade. Bill
  4. 8 majors and up to 57 minors, so I don't think anyone will be short of country slots...
  5. Thanks Sergei, I will take another look at my atlases.
  6. Hi Amadeus I think the report you're looking at reports the losses to your convoys in MPPs due to enemy raiding. It doesn't show losses to your own raiders. There is a report which shows MPP losses suffered by all your units, but it is not subdivided by type - though the actual table of destroyed units is. Bill
  7. You'll need to use the Land Loops that are in the areas of the USA near the map edges, these are marked with red arrows. As to moving US armed forces around before the USA joins the Allies, this could be a big mistake because it will have political repercussions in Washington leading to reduced readiness. It's your choice of course.
  8. Have you got HQs near you Panzer units? If not, that would also be a big factor, because units without a HQ are generally only any good on the defense.
  9. Hi Will The movement of the units is a function of the game engine, so it may well be worth trying this out where you have an idea for something similar.
  10. Hi MJY Actually, that was quite interesting, thanks for the explanation and I guess that if I'd been Canadian I might have hesitated to choose that screen name. I think it was actually just the first thing to pop into my head! Bill
  11. Hi MJY Don't worry, it's not complicated to do. If you find the editor.exe in the game's folder, open it up and then once it's open, click on the Open File icon in the top left and click on the Case Neptune cgn file. With it open, click on Campaign in the top menu and then Edit Country Data. Now you will see a list of countries down the left hand side, and by clicking on the one you want, you will see various settings for that one. The setting for Max Occupational Efficiency is on the right hand side, and can be modified using the up and down arrows. I would change all the relevant countries to 80% and then click on Save As, you will have to change the name because Case Neptune is a protected file. Once you've done this you'll be able to start a new game using your modified campaign (it might take a minute to save because it will copy all the Case Neptune files over to this new campaign). As to my screen name, it actually has no meaning at all. I live in England so wouldn't know what Bill 101 is in Quebec - I presume it it's a bill for passing something in the parliament?
  12. Hi I've taken a look in the scenario and the reason for this is that Turkey and some other countries in the vicinity have been set to 70% Max Occupational Efficiency. I would suggest if you play this scenario again to raise their Max Occupational Efficiency to 80%, and hopefully you will then be able to operate in and out!
  13. Hi Morbius You can watch the AI battle against the AI by launching the game and pressing the keys F1, F2, F3 and F4 before selecting to start a New Game. As to your second question, only playing one nation isn't currently possible.
  14. Hi Robert I've fixed it and imported the campaign, so I'll be emailing it over to you shortly. The solution was to create a new scenario in the Global editor which was 40,25, and I did this by manually amending the first two lines in the map.txt file to 40,25. I then imported the data and saved the file. The scenario looks very interesting! Bill
  15. Hi David This has always been a possibility in SC2 but the default 1939 World at War scenario doesn't have it enabled, so I presume this must be either in a different scenario or in a mod? In the editor HQs can be given defensive factors against all kinds of attack, so in some scenarios you may find that you will take a little damage.
  16. I especially like Xwormwood's screenshots, though looking at the latest it just reminds me of all the Downfall parodies on youtube! Hitler loses at SC?
  17. Is this in an action where there is no other air action at all? Interceptors can inflict some small damage on the carrier if they are within range of it (representing crashing planes and interceptors following aircraft returning to the carrier and attacking it) but otherwise I'm not sure how this could happen.
  18. I'm not really sure, but it all seems to have worked ok and I could open the campaigns up in 1.03 without any problems. They're on their way over to you now!
  19. What I'm thinking of doing is amending the image's canvas size to increase the y axis downwards. It's probably easier for me to try out than to explain so please feel free to send it my way.
  20. Hi Borsook I've still got a version of 1.01 installed so if you want to send me the dat files I could see if I can get them imported for you. No guarantees but it might be worth a try. You can email them to me at Bill@furysoftware.com
  21. Hi Robert It's Monday now, but a Bank Holiday so great! I don't know if it's been done, but you can always send the files over to me and I'll see if I can get it to work somehow. Bill
  22. Hi Robert The only solution is to amend the size of the one you're importing so that it will create an even numbered map size. It can always be cropped once you've imported it, so you could always just increase the size of the source image file slightly along the y axis, and try it again until it imports as 40,26. Bill
  23. India gives MPPs either way, but by having it come in early you will benefit from Indian troops earlier in the game. However, Indian Nationalists will cause trouble if India does join early so the choice is yours!
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