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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi At the start of the war, the Battleships only have minimal Destroyer support, which means that they are vulnerable to submarines unless and until they are upgraded with Anti-Submarine Warfare. Fortunately the enemy submarines aren't at that stage as powerful as they will become, so there is an arms race between submarine attack values and (generally the British) in providing greater protection to their capital ships. The best protection is to invest in upgrading as many dedicated Destroyer units as possible, to actively hunt down enemy submarines, while also upgrading the most important Battleships, i.e. those that start upgraded in Naval Warfare.
  2. Hi You didn't do anything wrong, but what happens when you edit various aspects of the campaign and go to save it, is that the editor may then need to run through the scripts to check whether or not any campaign changes could have affected any of the scripts. When you get this message, you can either say Yes which saves the campaign but doesn't check the scripts, or say No and this will bring up the screen to check the scripts. Clicking on Update* is the easiest, but if there really are any errors, highlight the relevant script type and just click the Update button underneath. This way when it finds an error it will tell you which line the error is on. Note that there are separate screens for both the Events scripts and AI scripts, so sometimes you'll have to do this twice. I hope this makes sense, and it pays to always save as you go, and possibly make a back up copy of your campaign just in case (I've been there!!). Bill
  3. Hi Colin The discrete battle scenarios come more with the Breakthrough expansion than with the base game, though that comes with some too. I would suggest playing one of these smaller scenarios to start with, to get the hang of the basics, and the Manual will also help as that does contain a lot of useful information. The Manual can either be accessed from the Manuals folder, or in game itself from one of the buttons near the bottom right of the screen, during play. When it comes to the larger campaigns, taking a look at the AARs on this forum, and reading the Strategy Guides that are also contained with the Manuals folder will help a lot. Finally, we're always happy to answer questions, and when you're ready, my recommendation is to go for a multiplayer game as not only is it the most fun, but learning how others play really can be a great experience! Bill
  4. Well, our so called allies, the Makhnovists, have shown their true colours, and in typical anarchist fashion, they have allowed the enemy to enter their territory, leaving one of our Red Army Corps in a predicament to the west of Huliaipole. Remedying the situation will be a mission and a half for Comrade Trotsky, and he has already begun by launching an attack on the White Tanks. Far from being invincible, they have taken a battering! Heavy fighting is reported from Tsaritsyn and the Urals. What else did we expect when we embarked on our revolution?
  5. You'll notice in the Production Queues for the various nations that more ships arrive during the game, so yes, if you add quite a few more then the seas will be rather busy!
  6. Up to a point, no, but you will need to increase the relevant countries' Build Limits.
  7. Hi They'll show in the relevant installation, so that the 20 that come with Breakthrough will run when you play that, and the others that come with the base game when you play the base game.
  8. It doesn't matter for Breakthrough, you simply need to have the base game installed.
  9. Hi Hellfirejet There are a few upgraded Cruisers in 1914 Call to Arms at the start, such as HMS Lion which is Plymouth harbour, and I can see a few others dotted around. Plus within a few turns there will be what was one of the most famous Battlecruisers of all: the Goeben. Bill
  10. Very intriguing. Do you happen to have any saved turns? I suspect that France's National Morale might have something to do with this, though they should receive some substantial boosts if they are still in the war through 1940. Assuming this is a standard campaign too?
  11. Congratulations Peter, well done, and we'll sort out a copy of Breakthrough for you!!
  12. It looks great, and nice to see the 1914 Ostaufmarsch campaign in action! By going to this link on the wargamer's site you can click on the images to enlarge them: http://wargamer.com/forums/posts.asp?t=584749
  13. The intense fighting in the Ukraine continues as we smash those overconfident Cossacks and drive them back from Huliaipole! Here is a picture of Trotsky watching our forces launching their attack Our units are resting and refitting at Tsaritsyn and in the Urals, while more reinforcements are on their way. At the same time, we advance on Kiev just to test the enemy’s defences here. One division is holding the city. Ok. The first major clash with US and British forces near Archangel is now underway, and we do feel sorry for the enemy’s soldiers forced to serve far from home in a cause that is not their own. Especially as they, and not the politicians who sent them here, are the ones suffering from our bullets. We predict that the French will soon pull out. Lenin is working hard behind the scenes on the other Interventionists too!
  14. The first White unit falls victim to us this turn, as our Red Army coordinates an attack by two Makhnovist units to destroy an enemy division in the Ukraine. Such cooperation shows that we can work together in the struggle for a new world! We’re holding our positions well at Tsaritsyn and our attacks fared better this turn. The fighting near Samara in the Urals is hotting up, and an enemy Corps fled after receiving a severe battering to the south of Syzran. Well done comrades! Beware the Bolshevik Behemoth, for it is growing in strength all the time!
  15. Makhno returns home to a warm welcome, for the White cavalry have retreated in the face of our counterattack in the Ukraine, and who can blame them! The siege of Tsaritsyn continues, as we launch some attacks over the Volga using the four new Red Army Corps that are now joining the battle. Our turn ends with some good news, as we can now start improving the training and equipment of our infantry and cavalry. The French are mutinying, the US is riven by strikes and Germany is seething at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Here is the situation map after 8 months of war:
  16. Don't worry about it Kommandant, real life sometimes interferes with all of us, and there's no need to feel bad. Definitely, and I'm very much looking forward to ordering it for the winner!
  17. Hi Mathias For the empty slot, you just need to copy the unit sprite files into the Bitmaps folder for your custom campaign, and paste the relevant artillery image into the area where the paras would normally be (you can always look at 1939 Storm over Europe's bitmaps to see where they are). Make sure that in the campaign's campaign.ini file, the following is the setting: #CUSTOM_BITMAPS= 1 I'm afraid that the rocket subs option doesn't look like it's currently possible.
  18. I can confirm that all the changes we discussed recently have been squeezed in to Breakthrough ready for its release. To recap: 1) To ensure the British can always have the Basra option. What I can do is give them the Decision earlier, but not charge them the cost until the expedition is actually sent from India to seize Basra. Effectively, the UK will be able to decide now, pay later. 2) To make it so that a diplomacy success won't bring the Ottomans into the war quite so soon. 3) Make it so that if Italy is attacked in 1914 then it will collect some MPPs in her first turn.
  19. Well, Makhno won’t take kindly to having his home occupied by the Whites, so the siege of Huilaipole is on and the White Kuban Cavalry take a hammering! It looks as though the enemy believed our lies about advancing on Kiev, as that was just a feint, and now there are lots of war weary French troops in the eastern Ukraine. Let’s hope our agents working among the French forces can succeed in stirring up a mutiny among them. Meanwhile at Tsaritsyn the Don Cossacks are still in a bad position, though we’ve not yet been able to attack them effectively. New and fresh units are arriving in greater numbers so Stalin has moved his Headquarters slightly to make room for them. In the Urals, the Whites have brought up an Armored Train in an attempt to batter us at Kazan, while further south they are preparing to attack Samara. Good luck to them, and even if they are successful, it’s a long way to Moscow from there. There is an inconclusive skirmish to the west of Archangel, and in the Baltic we’ve repaired some of our ships so that we’ll be able to challenge the Royal Navy for control of the sea.
  20. The problem with the international date line is that it passes through an area that was fought over, so dividing it there would cause complications, whereas as the USA wasn't fought over, and is the least likely area in the game to be fought over, dividing it there is less likely to cause any issues.
  21. It’s April 1919 and spring is nearly here! With the warmer weather comes warmer allies, and Makhno’s hordes have taken up arms in the Ukraine, while our Red Army is continuing its advance, threatening Kiev and liberating Ekaterinoslav and Alexandrovsk. The loss of our units near Tsaritsyn was to be expected, and the arrival of our reinforcements shows how the enemy has overextended himself because we’ve managed to cut off some Don Cossacks. We’ve encountered some rather cold, hungry and wet British and American units near Archangel. Poor fellows, being sent all this way to suffer like that! The front near Petrograd has been quiet so far, but we’re mustering some forces here and using them to liberate some towns to the east of the Pripet Marshes.
  22. Things are hotting up as British, French and even Greek forces are arriving in Russia in greater and greater strength. Yet this help doesn’t assist the Ukrainians, who suffer a severe defeat as Trotsky’s forces continue to advance! Here is the situation at Tsaritsyn, and we aren’t going to pretend that it will be easy, but reputations aren’t built on easy victories, and Comrade Stalin is surely capable of maintaining discipline and order among the defenders. The situation in the Urals is developing, as White forces are inching westwards. But the longer they delay, the better prepared we will be, so come forward Admiral Kolchak, and let’s see who is the one who determines the future of Russia. We’ve also spotted a British division advancing south from Archangel, so we'll soon have some action in the north. Workers’ Republics are declared in Bavaria and Hungary, world revolution is near comrades!
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