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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Guys, I am taking those files offline from CMHQ until we can finish the CMMOS conversion for them. Madmatt
  2. File received and confirmed, issued passed ahead to Charles for fixing. Madmatt
  3. Agua, email sent, CMHQ stands ready for that mod. Madmatt
  4. The unistall procedure is pretty clearly spelled out in the Demo's included readme file which says this: Uninstalling Demo In order to uninstall the Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Demo, simply delete the CMBB Demo folder. CMBB does not have any hidden files or registry entries. Madmatt
  5. This is one of those topics that invariably gets outa hand sooner or later. Bottom line, CC was the past, CM is the present and future. Madmatt
  6. Although we aren't making any widespread announcements about it, just today we did update the demo (Mac and Windows versions) to reflect the changes put into v1.01. Most notably fixed would be the old crash bug which could occur when clicking on bailed out crews. Madmatt
  7. Yo, you had best put away that attitude right now or else you will be facing explusion from this forum, we clear there mate? Insults and bad attitudes and immature posts are not permitted here. This is your first and last warning. Madmatt
  8. Email me directly with the name you used when you placed the order and I can check the order logs for you. Madmatt
  9. This is not a bug as such. In operations, vehicles that have already lost their platoon HQ in earlier vehicle in a earlier battle will be placed under command of a infantry HQ unit. It was either allow this or have them have NO HQ at all in subsequent battles. We opted to allow them the infantry HQ benefit instead of no HQ. Madmatt
  10. We are looking into these issues. Xerxes, can you please elaborate on the Destroy with HE issue you mentioned above? Or even better send me a file demonstrating it. Thanks! Madmatt
  11. The language specific stuff is just a few megs. Its those new textures that are what is beefing it up. Madmatt
  12. email sales@battlefront.com with your original order number and they will give you the details on how to order one. Be sure you specificy CMBB as the game you need the new manual for. Madmatt
  13. Guys, dont rag on CDV for the size of the patch. Its not really their fault. The Euro patch is for all three languages French, English, and German but the majority of the size difference is due to the inclusion of textures that WE managed to squeeze in at the last minute on the domestic CD that were't on the CDV version since they didnt have the extra time that we did. For those on dialup, set it to download overnight. Thats what I used to do when I had a 28.8k modem. Madmatt
  14. Charles will have to be the one to comment on this from a technical point of view but as I understand it "software rendering" will always result in a 640x480 screen. The problem with allowing that in CMBB is that none of the graphics (menus and interface screens) will FIT into a 640x480 sized screen since they were designed to run at 800x600 or higher. You would have a good portion of the right hand side and lower screen obscurerd and could not click the GO button for example. As we have said for some time now. Mac OS-X is NOT officially supported in CM and that includes Classic Mode. Madmatt
  15. Hubert has just finished the last planned update to Strategic Command. This v1.06 patch adds dozens of new enhancements, tweaks and bug fixes and continues with the full TCP/IP support added in 1.05. Grab it today! Strategic Command Patch Download Page Changes Made For v1.06 (December 3, 2002) Normalized research via 5->4->3->2->1 slow down and relationship with enemy research levels to represent captured equipment, spying, etc. ** New Formula ** (5% + highest enemy level - current level) * applicable chits Restriction: highest enemy level - current level > 0 - removal of research chits now acts as a reclamation with 50% cost - added South Atlantic/Suez Canal transport loop via new UK Suez port - 4 turns from South Atlantic to Suez (1 turn longer than running the Mediterranean gauntlet). Suez port must be Allied otherwise transports will be returned to the South Atlantic after 6 turns - added Turkish port at Istanbul - added experience +.1 to Axis subs from raiding - reduced kill experience from +.5 to +.3 - Soviet partisans now inflict a supply penalty by reducing the strength (variably) of any captured Soviet resource within 6 hexes when they first appear, simulates behind the line supply disruptions etc. - USA, Italy and the USSR now declare war on their opposite turns to take full advantage on their own turn - some FoW messages during AI turn now hidden to avoid giving away planning elements - bumped US and USSR start chits to 2 and 3 respectively for the 39, 40, 41 Campaigns - reduced Industrial Technology effectiveness from 10% to 5% - extended the game's stalemate date to May 7, 1947 (1 extra year from previous versions) - fixed the interception losses bug, entrenchment and defensive bonuses no longer affect losses - fixed the soft defence bug with respect to heavy tank research, air defence bug for carriers with respect to jet aircraft research and the naval defence bug for Cruisers and Battleships with respect to gun laying radar research - added increased Soviet war readiness to balance out German tactic of destroying Polish units but not taking Warsaw, earlier annexation of Baltic States also possible as well as a slight bump in initial Soviet start MPP's - adjusted French surrender rule for excessive evacuation of French mainland to avoid gamey strategies, France now surrenders once Paris is captured regardless of available French forces remaining - divided one Italian army to add a Corps in Sicily - fixed the escort icon bug for expected combat losses under FoW, sometimes icon was improperly shown revealing hidden enemy air fleet defenders are in the area - Campaign Editor updated to reflect recently found bugs with unit placements and neutral territory specifications - Campaigns updated to reflect new additions including: - renamed Gillingham -> Chatham - renamed Arachon -> Arcachon - renamed Caio Duilio -> Ciao Duilio - renamed Luftlotte -> Luftflotte - renamed Garibaldi -> Gariboldi - renamed Sevastapol -> Sevastopol - renamed Runstedt -> Rundstedt - renamed 4th Panzer -> 5th Panzer (4th x 2 in the 1942 Campaign) Note: These were only previously updated with the data maps but not in the campaigns USER MANUAL UPDATES and ERRATA (v1.06) NOTE: These notes reflect User Manual errata and some of the major changes since v1.0 of the game. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL RULES Sub Spotting - All spotting ranges for air, land and naval units are decreased by 1 with respect to spotting subs Rivers - Attacker is reduced to 50% offensive power when attacking from a river hex Reinforcement - Any unit that has all adjacent land hexes occupied will have a max reinforcement value of 5 Sub Raiding - Axis sub raiders now receive +.1 experience for each successful raid on Allied shipping Additional Partisan Effects - Soviet Partisans can now variably affect the strength of captured Axis resources in the USSR the first turn they appear within a range of 6 hexes. Simulates the disruption of Axis supply lines in the USSR STALEMATE VICTORY CONDITONS Axis Stalemate Victory Conditions (May 7th, 1947) - Both Germany and Italy have not surrendered, France has surrendered and either London, Moscow, Stalingrad or Leningrad are in Axis hands Allied Stalemate Victory Conditions (May 7th 1947) - Either Germany or Italy have surrendered or - England, the USA and the USSR have not surrendered and either France has been liberated or Italy surrendered and both London and Moscow are not occupied by the Axis DISBANDING FORMULA CORRECTIONS Land/Air Units - Recovered MPP = 5% unit's cost * lowest value of unit's supply or strength Naval Units - Recovered MPP = 1% unit's cost * lowest value of unit's supply or strength HQ SUPPLY CALCULATIONS supply = 0 -> HQ supply = 5 supply <= 5 -> HQ Supply = 8 supply > 5 -> HQ supply = 10 Note: Friendly HQ's can now be linked to supply each other over extended distances RESEARCH CHANGES Normalized Research - Slow down system using 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 Enemy Research Relationship - Formula now has a representation for captured enemy equipment, spying, espionage etc. Removal of RECLAIM button - Research chit reclaim function is now implemented whenever you wish to remove a chit from a category. This acts as a transfer penalty of 50%, i.e. the same amount as the old RECLAIM method NEW RESEARCH FORMULA (5% + highest enemy level - current level) * applicable chits in category Restriction - highest enemy level - current level >= 0 So if for example you have 1 chit in Jets with Level-0 and your enemy has Level-0 then it would look like this: (5% + 0 - 0) * 1 = 5% chance (same as before) If you have 1 chit in Jets with level 1 and your enemy has Level-0 then: (5% + 0 - 1)) * 1 = 4% chance Now if you have 1 chit in Jets with Level-1 and your enemy has Level-5 then: (5% + 5 - 1) * 1 = 9% chance SOUTH ATLANTIC/SUEZ CANAL LOOP With the addition of a port at the Suez Canal you will now be able to loop transports around Cape Horn via the South Atlantic to the Suez. In order to take advantage of the loop, transports must be moved on top of any one of the seven red down arrows located in the South Atlantic. Note: The port in the Suez must be Allied controlled Once a transport has been positioned on top of any one of the seven red down arrows, it will automatically be transferred the rest of the journey at the end of your turn. Transfer time will be 4 full turns (1 turn longer than running the Mediterranean gauntlet) and will appear in and around Alexandria/Suez at that time. Should the Suez fall into Axis hands or there is insufficient landing hexes around Alexandria/Suez then any remaining transports that have not appeared in Egypt after 6 turns will be returned to the South Atlantic. Note: Only the Allies can use the South Atlantic/Suez Canal transfer loop RANDOM POLITICAL TRIGGERS AND READINESS FOR WAR FACTORS USSR - Axis Declarations of War, highest when directed against the Baltic States, Turkey, Romania, Finland and Yugoslavia - Insufficient Axis garrisons along German/Soviet border - Large buildup of Axis forces along German/Soviet border - Prolonged battle in England after an Axis Sealion attempt - Delayed victory over Poland USA - Axis Declarations of War, highest when directed against the USSR, Switzerland, Spain, Vichy France, Sweden - Prolonged battle in England after an Axis Sealion attempt - Decreased readiness for Allied Declarations of War ITALY - Axis victories - Allied Declarations of War - Allied abandonment of land positions in the Mediterranean, naval movement has no effect - Axis near victory over France CANADA - Canada declared war on the Axis September 10, 1939 - 30% chance of entering the war on or after this date FINLAND - Winter war commenced November 30, 1939 - 40% chance of entering the war for every turn after the Axis and the USSR are at war so long as the USA is still neutral, otherwise may enter once Axis forces near Leningrad HUNGARY - Hungary joined Axis alliance on November 20, 1940 - 25% chance of joining Axis on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Spain, Romania ROMANIA - Romania joined Axis alliance on November 22, 1940 - 25% chance of joining Axis on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Spain, Hungary BULGARIA - Bulgaria signs military pact with Germany February 8, 1941 - 25% chance of joining Axis on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Romania, Hungary YUGOSLAVIA - Yugoslavia has pro-Allied coup on March 26, 1941 - 25% on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Romania, Hungary, Turkey and Spain SPAIN - Hypothetical alliance with Axis possible if UK is near surrender and status of fascist minors: Hungary, Romania TURKEY - Hypothetical alliance with Axis possible if UK near surrender and Balkans/Greece under Axis control and favorable status with fascist minors: Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria
  16. They have *roughly* the same blast value as a hand-grenade. I do not think the ammo is tracked for them as such but there are limitations built into the system to limit how often they will fire. Madmatt
  17. Yeah, the autopurchaser not buying troops was a bug in v1.0. It actually might still be in 1.01 but even rarer. What is happening is its trying to buy a force which isnt available but it thinks is. Usually it requires a very specific set of parameters to get this to occur and is VERY rare but I think in 1.02 we will finally root it out completely once and for all. Madmatt
  18. I looked at the save game but something doesn't add up. If it truly is a Aufklärungs Battalion '41A thats over 700 points. Add in the Platoon of 38T's and you up at almost 1000 points. But in your force pool you also have two more vehicles (a IIIG and a 221) plus a 75mm FO and that would put you well over 1000 points. The thing is you do have a Battalion HQ which would seem to indicate that in fact a Battalin was purchased. Okay I am out of ideas, I will pass this on to Steve and Charles as it sure *looks* like the autopurchaser traded in your AT guns for armor which I didnt think it would do but God only knows what Charles has added and not told anyone about! Madmatt
  19. I got the PBEM files and tested them and they opened fine for me without crashing so we will now pursue this issue via email for the time being and see if the fault may lie with something on your system. Madmatt
  20. Yeah, we chat with Nvidia ourselves frequently and are currently trying to get them to fix the FSAA issue in their latest 40.72 drivers. I will remind Charles to broach this issue with them once more. Madmatt
  21. Guys, we have a long standing rule here about threads in excess of the 300 replies mark. They tend to slow down the forum and can also lead to database corruption. As such am I going to lock this one down but feel free to continue this issue (if you must) in a new thread. Just call it the same thing if you want and add *Part 2* to it so people will know that its a continuation. Thank you! Madmatt
  22. Just some clarification. CMBO also downsampled but since the most textures were already lower quality than what you see in CMBB it wasnt always as easy to spot. The bug is a driver one, and we have told Nvidia about it on more than one occasion. What is happening is that the video cards are not releasing their VRAM properly and are also not always correctly reporting how much VRAM they have left. This same issue occured in CMBO, you may recall the black sky issue with some GeForce cards? All we can hope is that at some point in the future Nvidia will optimize their Mac extensions and once and for all clean this up. There is not much we can do from our end as the code is behaving properly since it gets its info FROM the drivers which control the card. I will make sure that we once more remind Nvidia of this issue. Madmatt
  23. This is the first I have heard of anyone having this issue. Let me get one thing clear. You are saying that if you start a NEW PBEM game and save that file, you cant open it either? Do me a favor and send me, via email, your PBEM files and let me know which version of the game they were created in and I will see what they do for me. Madmatt
  24. When I get some time later today I am going to check into this and see what I can find out. Madmatt
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