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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. The patch they posted is okay, but it is labeled as a 1.02-1.03 incremental patch incorrectly. Its really an All-Inclusive patch (hence the larger size) and will work on ANY previous Paradox CD version of the game. I should have the Gamersgate patch ready by the end of the day, if not sooner. Madmatt
  2. There are other download links posted now on the regular download page. Try one of those. http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmsf/downloads.html Madmatt
  3. Combat Mission: Shock Force v1.03 Battlefront Version Game Patch WARNING! The following patch is only for the Battlefront.com release versions of the game (v1.01 or v1.02). If you purchased the game from Paradox Interactive, in a retail store, or if you downloaded the game from Gamersgate.com, DO NOT INSTALL THIS PATCH!!! Instead, download the v1.03 patch specific to the Paradox or Gamersgate version. This patch is all inclusive and includes all the fixes from the earlier v1.02 patch. If you install this patch and then get an error message when trying to run the game that says, "This application has failed to start because elicen40.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." then you have applied the wrong patch for your game version and will need to download and apply either the v1.03 Paradox Version Game Patch or the v1.03 Gamersgate Version Game Patch. PREVIOUS SAVE GAME COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Save games created with earlier versions of the game are NOT compatible with v1.03. Please finish your in-progress games before applying this patch. AN UPDATE ON PROBLEMS WITH THE nVidia 7xxx (GeForce 7) and 8xxx (GeForce 8) SERIES VIDEO CARDS We are still trying to fix the compatibility/performance issues reported with some nVidia cards on some systems. The problem is relatively poor framerates no matter what settings are used compared to other people running similar configured systems. We are convinced it is not "user error" despite the inability for us to replicate it with our own nVidia 8800 equipped system. We are continuing to investigate this issue and hope to have info on a fix very soon. Please do not mistake the lack of an nVidia solution in this v1.03 patch for a lack of commitment on our part to find the cause and to address it as best we can. As soon as we have a fix we will release a new patch. What we can recommend, now, is that for nVidia 7xxx (GeForce 7) users they should update their drivers to 163.44 or later. Apparently this significantly improves the quality of the CM:SF experience. Unfortunately, there is apparently no difference for nVidia 8xxx (GeForce 8) cards with these latest drivers at this time. MANUAL ADDENDUM The manuals reference to the eLicense licensing and game activation system (pages 12-15 and 194) is ONLY applicable to the Battlefront.com version of the game. The Gamersgate and Paradox Interactive versions of the game each use their own licensing/activation/protection systems and you should contact those companies directly if you have problems licensing or activating those versions of the game. TROUBLESHOOTING INFO Included with this patch is the most up to date troubleshooting guide. It is located in the game folder (filename Troubleshooting Guide.html) as well as in the Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force Program Group located under the Start Menu). v1.03 Patch Features * LOS/LOF issues improved around areas like walls, buildings, and earthen berms. * Fixed a bug that caused orders given in the setup phase to be ignored in Play-By-Email games. * Vehicle pathfinding improved. It is important to note, however, that the slower speed commands will yield better results in more restricted terrain. * Infantry no longer tends to wander into buildings except when specifically ordered to. * Improved terrain graphics (the degree of improvement depends on your Texture Quality option, but note that the higher quality options run more slowly). * Better unit placement in Quick Battles. * A new "Show All Move Paths" key added to the Hotkeys Menu. * Fixes to the "stuck soldier" problem. * Fixes to the "stuck unit" problem. * By default, infantry moving "Slow" (i.e. crawling) do not stand up and run to their destinations after halting for any reason. * "Adjust Artillery Mission" function is fixed, along with other minor artillery bugs. * Gunners are less likely to use high-explosive rather than armor-piercing ammo against armored targets. * Improved anti-tank missile accuracy, especially with the Javelin ATGM. * Clicking on enemy soldiers that were not previous spotted are no longer shown. * Very slight downward adjustment to M1 Abrams tank front armor strength. * Javelin missile armor penetration increased modestly. * Speed of the autoloaders on the T-72 and the Stryker MGS are reduced. * Soldiers do a better job staying prone when under fire in the open. * TacAI is more likely to fire on prone infantry. * Computer player is less likely to use slow/crawling movement with its troops. * Syrian troops (except forward observers) cannot call in artillery. * Blast movement now works properly. * Fixed a bug where a soldier sometimes uses a Blue Force specialty icon in the UI when it should be Red, or vice-versa. * Improved seated poses for certain crewmen of M1 MBT, pickup trucks, taxis. * MMGs rarely, if ever, fire single-round bursts. * Clicking on an enemy's C2 display no longer switches to its HQ unit. * Fixed "choppy" sound from vehicles when turning. (see full patch notes for all of the earlier v1.02 fixes and additions)... Combat Mission: Shock Force Patch Download Page The Gamersgate and Paradox patches have now been released as well... Madmatt [ August 31, 2007, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  4. Combat Mission: Shock Force v1.03 Battlefront Version Game Patch WARNING! The following patch is only for the Battlefront.com release versions of the game (v1.01 or v1.02). If you purchased the game from Paradox Interactive, in a retail store, or if you downloaded the game from Gamersgate.com, DO NOT INSTALL THIS PATCH!!! Instead, download the v1.03 patch specific to the Paradox or Gamersgate version. This patch is all inclusive and includes all the fixes from the earlier v1.02 patch. If you install this patch and then get an error message when trying to run the game that says, "This application has failed to start because elicen40.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." then you have applied the wrong patch for your game version and will need to download and apply either the v1.03 Paradox Version Game Patch or the v1.03 Gamersgate Version Game Patch. PREVIOUS SAVE GAME COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Save games created with earlier versions of the game are NOT compatible with v1.03. Please finish your in-progress games before applying this patch. AN UPDATE ON PROBLEMS WITH THE nVidia 7xxx (GeForce 7) and 8xxx (GeForce 8) SERIES VIDEO CARDS We are still trying to fix the compatibility/performance issues reported with some nVidia cards on some systems. The problem is relatively poor framerates no matter what settings are used compared to other people running similar configured systems. We are convinced it is not "user error" despite the inability for us to replicate it with our own nVidia 8800 equipped system. We are continuing to investigate this issue and hope to have info on a fix very soon. Please do not mistake the lack of an nVidia solution in this v1.03 patch for a lack of commitment on our part to find the cause and to address it as best we can. As soon as we have a fix we will release a new patch. What we can recommend, now, is that for nVidia 7xxx (GeForce 7) users they should update their drivers to 163.44 or later. Apparently this significantly improves the quality of the CM:SF experience. Unfortunately, there is apparently no difference for nVidia 8xxx (GeForce 8) cards with these latest drivers at this time. MANUAL ADDENDUM The manuals reference to the eLicense licensing and game activation system (pages 12-15 and 194) is ONLY applicable to the Battlefront.com version of the game. The Gamersgate and Paradox Interactive versions of the game each use their own licensing/activation/protection systems and you should contact those companies directly if you have problems licensing or activating those versions of the game. TROUBLESHOOTING INFO Included with this patch is the most up to date troubleshooting guide. It is located in the game folder (filename Troubleshooting Guide.html) as well as in the Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force Program Group located under the Start Menu). v1.03 Patch Features * LOS/LOF issues improved around areas like walls, buildings, and earthen berms. * Fixed a bug that caused orders given in the setup phase to be ignored in Play-By-Email games. * Vehicle pathfinding improved. It is important to note, however, that the slower speed commands will yield better results in more restricted terrain. * Infantry no longer tends to wander into buildings except when specifically ordered to. * Improved terrain graphics (the degree of improvement depends on your Texture Quality option, but note that the higher quality options run more slowly). * Better unit placement in Quick Battles. * A new "Show All Move Paths" key added to the Hotkeys Menu. * Fixes to the "stuck soldier" problem. * Fixes to the "stuck unit" problem. * By default, infantry moving "Slow" (i.e. crawling) do not stand up and run to their destinations after halting for any reason. * "Adjust Artillery Mission" function is fixed, along with other minor artillery bugs. * Gunners are less likely to use high-explosive rather than armor-piercing ammo against armored targets. * Improved anti-tank missile accuracy, especially with the Javelin ATGM. * Clicking on enemy soldiers that were not previous spotted are no longer shown. * Very slight downward adjustment to M1 Abrams tank front armor strength. * Javelin missile armor penetration increased modestly. * Speed of the autoloaders on the T-72 and the Stryker MGS are reduced. * Soldiers do a better job staying prone when under fire in the open. * TacAI is more likely to fire on prone infantry. * Computer player is less likely to use slow/crawling movement with its troops. * Syrian troops (except forward observers) cannot call in artillery. * Blast movement now works properly. * Fixed a bug where a soldier sometimes uses a Blue Force specialty icon in the UI when it should be Red, or vice-versa. * Improved seated poses for certain crewmen of M1 MBT, pickup trucks, taxis. * MMGs rarely, if ever, fire single-round bursts. * Clicking on an enemy's C2 display no longer switches to its HQ unit. * Fixed "choppy" sound from vehicles when turning. (see full patch notes for all of the earlier v1.02 fixes and additions)... Combat Mission: Shock Force Patch Download Page The Gamersgate and Paradox patches have also been released now. Madmatt [ August 31, 2007, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  5. When I make a patch I try and always state cleary if it is ALL INCLUSIVE or INCREMENTAL. An all-inclusive patch means it will work on ANY previous game version. A Incremental patch must be applied to an earlier patched version. The new v1.03 Patch for the Battlefront.com version of the game is ALL INCLUSIVE. The forthcoming v1.03 Paradox and Gamersgate patches are also planned to be all inclusive as well. Madmatt
  6. There are two different documents which tell you how to utilize the Mission Editor. They are located in the Docs folder. I would suggest you read through them to gain an understanding of how to add/change units to a mission. Madmatt
  7. Yup, we are looking into the IED issue as well. Madmatt
  8. Thanks for pointing this out. We are looking into it and the issue with some IED's not doing appropriate damage. Madmatt [ August 30, 2007, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  9. The upcoming v1.03 patch offers improvements and fixes to the "stuck" infantry issue as well as problems with units wandering into buildings when they were not ordered to. Madmatt
  10. Make sure you using the latest drivers which I believe you can find here: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3 If that doesnt work, try and lower the DirectSound Acceleration level using the "dxdiag" program (accessed via the Start Menu RUN prompt). Try and set it one or two notches from the right. Madmatt
  11. As you are all well aware of, this is a forum for discussions of CMSF, not WoC or any other game for that matter. Madmatt
  12. Actually, I made up several hunderd different ambients sounds and variable backgrounds that I am still *praying* get implemented at some point. All sorts of animals, birds (and YES I made sure they are native to Syria this time!) and everyday sounds of the middle-east (city, rural, desert etc..) but due to the huge code footprint already required for the weapon-vehicle and voice sounds, they didn't make it in. Charles and I also talked about at some point implementing a system similar to ToW's editor and how to PLACE sounds on the map but again, time ran short before we could do this. Hope springs eternal though and I would love for the fruits of my audio labor to someday come out... Having said that, there are some other audio changes that should be coming in future patches/updates...Stay tuned for more on that.... Madmatt
  13. I believe the next patch will fix that ATI issue. Madmatt
  14. Make sure and launch the game "as Administrator" and see if that makes a difference. Also, were you ever prompted to license the game? If not, be sure and read through the full Troubleshooting Guide linked in the post above for a way to fix that. Madmatt
  15. Fair enough..Right now the patch is mainly focussed on improving Multiplayer stability. Early results with this patch have been very good but I am also hoping to get other, unrelated MP enhancements in as well. Can't really say much more than that at the moment but as I get more details I will share them here. Madmatt
  16. Then you didnt install the patch into the proper location. Make sure you select your current game folder as the location that the patch installs. Normally it does this automatically but sometimes you have to tell it where to install. Madmatt
  17. Discussions pertaining to game cracks hypothetical or not are not permitted. Madmatt
  18. This is something we can address easily enough I think in future versions of the manual. Madmatt
  19. We plan to offer both the mousepads and maps for purchase seperately in the near future. Keep your eyes open for that announcement. Madmatt
  20. I am going to ask Charles to allow greater customization and tweaking of sounds at large (alter volume for certain types of sounds etc..) in the future buts its a pretty low priority issue while there are still technical issues to attend to first. Madmatt
  21. Once we publish the mod toolset you will be able to do this by creating "blank" wave files for the three music themes. Madmatt
  22. Yes, just wanted to update everyone that orders and the earlier pre-orders of CMSF have begun shipping today (Monday). Madmatt
  23. Yes, KEA is our shipping/warehousing vendor. I do not know if those emails go to all customers or just domestic US/Canada/Mexico customers because international orders usually ship via a different vendor and I don't think they email people but I am not 100% positive. We are always looking at trying to improve communications between the warehouse and customers and have some new features we hope to implement soon which we think customers will appreciate. Madmatt
  24. Well, thank you for not only showing you lack of maturity in your post but also cussing and giving us NO info what-so-ever to try and help you... Perhaps in the future you could try and give us the tools to try and help, but then based on your post above, probably not. Madmatt
  25. Fixes to PBEM are being worked on for the upcoming v1.03 patch. Madmatt
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