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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. As the readme indicates, you only get that error if you patch a NON Battlefront.com version of the game with this Battlefront version patch, which wont work! Sounds like you will need the forthcoming Paradox or Gamersgate patch versions which should be out shortly. Madmatt
  2. Well the important thing is that you got it working. That file is much more tolerant of changes than it used to be so while your solution was more extreme than what *should* have been needed, we are pleased that it worked for you. I will be on the lookout for other people with simular issues all the same. Madmatt
  3. This patch wasn't really aimed at addressing issues with Nvidia cards or multi-core processors. Those improvements will be in future patches as mentioned in the v1.02 readme file. Madmatt
  4. I was testing with infantry, I will try with a Stryker and see if that maybe triggers the same issue you are seeing. What movement command had you issued for you waypoints? I was using just the normal Movement command. Madmatt
  5. Indeed, that file was specifically designed so you didn't have to remove entire sections. If you want to unassign a given key, just remove the letter associated for it. For example, lets say I want to remove the default mapping for the top row, left-most key. That key is currently assigned to the U key on the keyboard. Here is the entry in the hotkeys.txt file: // Activate the button in the top row, left-most position < E >U To unassign it, you would change that entry to be: // Activate the button in the top row, left-most position < E > Thats it! Note: because of how the forum software handles special character codes, I had to add extra spaces in front and behind the letter E in the arrow brackets above. When you edit the file for real, do not include those extra spaces. Also, if you have a given button mapped to both a Relative and Direct key, we have it set so that only the Direct Key assignment is shown on the button. Thats why the readme suggests you use one or the other systems. Yes, you can combine them both, but I think with all many other keys assigned normally for the camera and other functions you are going to run out of available keys quickly. Madmatt [ August 10, 2007, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. Oh and make sure your using v1.02, just to be safe. Madmatt
  7. Well, i just tested it via hotseat WeGo and it looked to be working okay. Can you explain again what you are seeing? You placed a few waypoints and then went back and issued a 30 second pause on one of them, correct? Okay try this, do the same thing as above but put delays on each waypoint. Use a delay of 45 seconds or so to ensure the pause will carry over a single turn. When you watch the playback is the unit pausing at the waypoint at all? When the action phase is over and you go back to issuing orders, do you see a Pause marker any more on the other waypoints? It worked for me, but lets see what others report and what you get with my steps above. Madmatt
  8. Hmmm, I just tested in RealTime mode and it works as expected. I was able to plot a series of orders, then go back and give each seperate waypoint different Pause durations and they all worked as I wanted. I will do some tests in WeGo and see what I get. Madmatt
  9. Which is why we now give you freedom to reassign them at will using the hotkeys.txt file. Madmatt
  10. Which is why we now give you freedom to reassign them at will using the hotkeys.txt file. Madmatt
  11. Which is why we now give you freedom to reassign them at will using the hotkeys.txt file. Madmatt
  12. Between me and you, I heard that Deslock was a gamey bastiche himself... Now Khyron and Roy Fokker from Robotech, those two guys kicked respective ass... Well Khyron was 50 feet tall but I digress... Madmatt
  13. To be fair to Yamato, it did take rather a lot to sink it. And even then, it could still be retrofitted to save Earth from the Gamilons. So there's that. </font>
  14. There isn't much we can do at this time since development of the older CMx1 based games has been over for years. Officially CMBO, BB and AK do not support Vista but they should still work. The 8800 series of cards and their drivers seem to be problem magnets and nVidia has been less enthusiastic (even with CMSF) to update their drivers to fix various bugs we have reported to them. All the same, I will see if Charles can have a look at the older games once he gets his new 8800 based system, but I can not promise anything because as I said above, technically we are no longer working on these older games. Madmatt
  15. Refresh the page and then scroll down. Its there. Madmatt
  16. 308 posts, time to shut this one down and have a new one begun...
  17. We are happy to release the new v1.02 patch today. Please read over the full patch notes as it contains important info about what this patch fixes and our future patch plans. CMSF v1.02 Battlefront Version Game Patch (Paradox and Gamersgate version patches will be released soon as well as an updated demo) WARNING! The following patch is only for the Battlefront.com release version of the game (v1.01). If you purchased the game from Paradox Interactive, in a retail store, or if you downloaded the game from Gamersgate.com, DO NOT INSTALL THIS PATCH!!! Instead, download the v1.02 patch specific to the Paradox or Gamersgate version. If you install the patch and then get an error message when trying to run the game that says, "This application has failed to start because elicen40.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." then you have applied the wrong patch for your game version and will need to download and apply either the v1.02 Paradox Version Game Patch or the v1.02 Gamersgate Version Game Patch. v1.02 Patch List: * For recent ATI video cards a new option for "ATI left-click compatibility" has been added in the game Options Panel. Setting this option to ON (default setting is OFF) solves a crash problem unrelated to Combat Mission. If you have an ATI video card, yet never experienced mouse click problems with earlier versions, it is recommended that you do not use this feature because clicks are not registered as precisely. We are in contact with ATI and hope they fix the problems with a new driver release sometime soon. * New game "Priority Setting" option setting has been added in the game Option Panel. This option instructs Windows to assign "normal" application priority or "high" application priority to the game when it is run. The "normal" setting can fix lagging mouse and/or keyboard input issues for some systems. The "high" setting is recommended if you have not experienced any input lag problems. The "high" priority option allows Combat Mission to use more system resources and may result in better performance. * Alt-Tab now resets the screen to the original desktop display resolution (and back again) if different than the screen resolution setting in Combat Mission's Options Panel. * Better vehicle defensive TacAI. * Corrected a longstanding problem with sporadic inaccuracy of ATGMs. It was the result of the dust kicked up from the missile's own launch backblast. Sometimes it obscured the gunner's vision and (unfairly) stopping him from guiding the missile properly. * Corrected bugs in smoothness of ATGM flight path. * Infantry ATGMs reload more slowly. * Shaped-charge explosives (such as ATGMs) have a reduced radius of effect for shrapnel/fragments. * Infantry will often seek better nearby cover on their own if they come under heavy fire. * TacAI is more likely to open fire on enemy armored vehicles. * Commands may be issued when paused in Elite mode. * Fixed a bug that sometimes caused smoke to not block LOS when it should have. * Fixed a bug that caused parts of weapons to be positioned in strange ways during the reload animation. * Support units (e.g. artillery) in the process of receiving a cease fire command cannot be given further orders until the cease fire occurs (this also fixes a crash bug). * F5-F8 keys are now Command Category Keys and will jump directly to the Command Panel. - F5 Brings up the Movement Command Group - F6 Brings up the Combat Command Group - F7 Brings up the Special Command Group - F8 Brings up the Admin Command Group * New customizable hotkeys with more "direct keys" added. These keys issue a specific command no matter what command group is shown in the onscreen command panel. See further below for more information about editing hotkeys. * Blank entries are now allowed in the hotkeys.txt file. In the past this would cause a crash when loading a battle. * After using a "high level" menu button (e.g. Save) in the command panel, the display flips back to command buttons. * Replaced English language Tutorial Campaign with a native French language one for the French version of the game. Future Patches: We are aware of other issues affecting users and are already at work to fix them. The primary concerns for us are better compatibility with multi processor systems (in particular AMD Athlon), addressing performance issues with certain high end nVidia cards, and various PBEM bugs. Other issues noted by users will be addressed as soon as possible. Hotkeys Customization Help: Combat Mission has two distinctly different approaches for using unit Commands via the keyboard; Relative and Direct. The Relative system involves a set of 9 keys centered around three rows of three consecutive keys each. These 9 keys match the 9 Command Buttons in the user interface's Command Panel. Each hotkey controls the commands RELATIVE to the position on the screen. For example, by default the U key activates the Top Row Left-Most key which would be FAST, TARGET, and SPLIT depending on which Command Group is visible (Movement, Combat, and Special respectively). The Direct system, on the other hand, assigns a unique hotkey for DIRECT access to each Command. No attention is paid to the graphical representation on the screen. For example, if so assigned, F would issue the FAST command. T would issue the TARGET command, H would control the HIDE command etc... no matter which Command Group is visible on the screen. There are pros and cons to each system. The Relative system allows the player to keep one hand stationary on the keyboard and does not require any "hunting and pecking" to find the right hotkey. The downside is that when you wish to use two Commands in a row that are in different Command Groups you have to first switch the proper Command Group (now done using the F5-F8 keys). The Direct system allows you to string Commands together without concern for which Command Group they are in, but does have the drawback of requiring the hand to move and locate a specific key, which may or may not be easily memorized. Which is "better" comes down to personal player preference, therefore both are provided. Whenever possible, the order buttons under the various Command Panels will display the assigned "direct" key in highlighted green text. Note, we recommend that you decide which system you prefer and then assign the keys as you wish by editing the hotkeys.txt file. The default key assignments have all 9 Relative keys assigned (UIOJKLM,.) as well as a selection of the most commonly used commands mapped to new Direct keys (Move Fast, Move Normal, Reverse, Target, Target Light, Face, Deploy, Pause, Hide, Dismount, Vehicle Open Up and Pop Smoke) to give you an idea of how the two systems work. We have found that using one or the other systems exclusively seems to have the best results and do not recommend mixing the two systems together. While it's possible to do, it could mean getting the worst of both systems and not really getting the benefits. Therefore, if you wish to use the Direct system we advise that you edit the hotkeys.txt file to unassign the 9 Relative hotkeys. Also, be aware to not double assign any keys to multiple functions. In order to change the hotkey assignments, please see the hotkeys.txt file located in the game DATA folder. CMSF Demo and Patches Page Madmatt
  18. We are happy to release the new v1.02 patch today. Please read over the full patch notes as it contains important info about what this patch fixes and our future patch plans. CMSF v1.02 Battlefront Version Game Patch (Paradox and Gamersgate version patches will be released soon as well as an updated demo) WARNING! The following patch is only for the Battlefront.com release version of the game (v1.01). If you purchased the game from Paradox Interactive, in a retail store, or if you downloaded the game from Gamersgate.com, DO NOT INSTALL THIS PATCH!!! Instead, download the v1.02 patch specific to the Paradox or Gamersgate version. If you install the patch and then get an error message when trying to run the game that says, "This application has failed to start because elicen40.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." then you have applied the wrong patch for your game version and will need to download and apply either the v1.02 Paradox Version Game Patch or the v1.02 Gamersgate Version Game Patch. v1.02 Patch List: * For recent ATI video cards a new option for "ATI left-click compatibility" has been added in the game Options Panel. Setting this option to ON (default setting is OFF) solves a crash problem unrelated to Combat Mission. If you have an ATI video card, yet never experienced mouse click problems with earlier versions, it is recommended that you do not use this feature because clicks are not registered as precisely. We are in contact with ATI and hope they fix the problems with a new driver release sometime soon. * New game "Priority Setting" option setting has been added in the game Option Panel. This option instructs Windows to assign "normal" application priority or "high" application priority to the game when it is run. The "normal" setting can fix lagging mouse and/or keyboard input issues for some systems. The "high" setting is recommended if you have not experienced any input lag problems. The "high" priority option allows Combat Mission to use more system resources and may result in better performance. * Alt-Tab now resets the screen to the original desktop display resolution (and back again) if different than the screen resolution setting in Combat Mission's Options Panel. * Better vehicle defensive TacAI. * Corrected a longstanding problem with sporadic inaccuracy of ATGMs. It was the result of the dust kicked up from the missile's own launch backblast. Sometimes it obscured the gunner's vision and (unfairly) stopping him from guiding the missile properly. * Corrected bugs in smoothness of ATGM flight path. * Infantry ATGMs reload more slowly. * Shaped-charge explosives (such as ATGMs) have a reduced radius of effect for shrapnel/fragments. * Infantry will often seek better nearby cover on their own if they come under heavy fire. * TacAI is more likely to open fire on enemy armored vehicles. * Commands may be issued when paused in Elite mode. * Fixed a bug that sometimes caused smoke to not block LOS when it should have. * Fixed a bug that caused parts of weapons to be positioned in strange ways during the reload animation. * Support units (e.g. artillery) in the process of receiving a cease fire command cannot be given further orders until the cease fire occurs (this also fixes a crash bug). * F5-F8 keys are now Command Category Keys and will jump directly to the Command Panel. - F5 Brings up the Movement Command Group - F6 Brings up the Combat Command Group - F7 Brings up the Special Command Group - F8 Brings up the Admin Command Group * New customizable hotkeys with more "direct keys" added. These keys issue a specific command no matter what command group is shown in the onscreen command panel. See further below for more information about editing hotkeys. * Blank entries are now allowed in the hotkeys.txt file. In the past this would cause a crash when loading a battle. * After using a "high level" menu button (e.g. Save) in the command panel, the display flips back to command buttons. * Replaced English language Tutorial Campaign with a native French language one for the French version of the game. Future Patches: We are aware of other issues affecting users and are already at work to fix them. The primary concerns for us are better compatibility with multi processor systems (in particular AMD Athlon), addressing performance issues with certain high end nVidia cards, and various PBEM bugs. Other issues noted by users will be addressed as soon as possible. Hotkeys Customization Help: Combat Mission has two distinctly different approaches for using unit Commands via the keyboard; Relative and Direct. The Relative system involves a set of 9 keys centered around three rows of three consecutive keys each. These 9 keys match the 9 Command Buttons in the user interface's Command Panel. Each hotkey controls the commands RELATIVE to the position on the screen. For example, by default the U key activates the Top Row Left-Most key which would be FAST, TARGET, and SPLIT depending on which Command Group is visible (Movement, Combat, and Special respectively). The Direct system, on the other hand, assigns a unique hotkey for DIRECT access to each Command. No attention is paid to the graphical representation on the screen. For example, if so assigned, F would issue the FAST command. T would issue the TARGET command, H would control the HIDE command etc... no matter which Command Group is visible on the screen. There are pros and cons to each system. The Relative system allows the player to keep one hand stationary on the keyboard and does not require any "hunting and pecking" to find the right hotkey. The downside is that when you wish to use two Commands in a row that are in different Command Groups you have to first switch the proper Command Group (now done using the F5-F8 keys). The Direct system allows you to string Commands together without concern for which Command Group they are in, but does have the drawback of requiring the hand to move and locate a specific key, which may or may not be easily memorized. Which is "better" comes down to personal player preference, therefore both are provided. Whenever possible, the order buttons under the various Command Panels will display the assigned "direct" key in highlighted green text. Note, we recommend that you decide which system you prefer and then assign the keys as you wish by editing the hotkeys.txt file. The default key assignments have all 9 Relative keys assigned (UIOJKLM,.) as well as a selection of the most commonly used commands mapped to new Direct keys (Move Fast, Move Normal, Reverse, Target, Target Light, Face, Deploy, Pause, Hide, Dismount, Vehicle Open Up and Pop Smoke) to give you an idea of how the two systems work. We have found that using one or the other systems exclusively seems to have the best results and do not recommend mixing the two systems together. While it's possible to do, it could mean getting the worst of both systems and not really getting the benefits. Therefore, if you wish to use the Direct system we advise that you edit the hotkeys.txt file to unassign the 9 Relative hotkeys. Also, be aware to not double assign any keys to multiple functions. In order to change the hotkey assignments, please see the hotkeys.txt file located in the game DATA folder. CMSF Demo and Patches Page Madmatt
  19. Do you mean the intro video no longer appears? Do you hear the audio for it? Madmatt
  20. The CD's and manuals are not yet shipping and as stated on the order page from the very start the shipping date was expected to be 2-3 weeks AFTER the release date, so that means in about 2 more weeks or so. Madmatt
  21. The link abive is for the full Redistribution version of DirectX 9.0c (w/ August update). You don't need that whole 60 meg file though as you can go here and just get new material via the online update utility. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en As mentioned above, CMSF uses OpenGL, not DirectDraw, but these new DX updates often fix issues with other games so worth the download. Madmatt
  22. The Troublshooting Guide located here lists a variety of settings to adjust which have been proven to show increased stability. http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/troubleshooting.html Turning off Music, EAX and lowering water quality to LOW all seem to make a big difference! Also, if you haven't already, download the Battle for Moscow Add-on and Patch which is available here: http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/patch.html Madmatt
  23. Gravely, send an email to me at support@battlefront.com and I will help you. Madmatt
  24. Once we release the modding toolkit, you will be able to change the volume if you desire. There is another way too, but that will have to wait until I have some more time to write up the process and share it with you all. Madmatt
  25. Well the thing about option 7 is that the only change on your system would be that eLicense would be excluded from Windows trying to use DEP on it, which more than likely is causing the crash. It would not affect any other programs/games on your computer. Madmatt
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