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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. I just finished testing the 12.41 and 12.60 drivers on my Win ME system and I see the same issue (blurred and misplaced text when FSAA is enabled). It's all related to FSAA and reminds me of something I saw back in the pre Det. 3 days when Nvidia was popping beta drivers like candy. The evntually resolved it when they released 6.50. I will let Nvidia know what I am seeing but due to the nature of the issue I don't *think* it's anything that Charles can fix ( he knows about this issue as well though and we shall see), and the fact that it works fine on 6.50 (and many of the later betas) tells me that it might be something that Nvidia changed in their latest driver set. Now, another concern for me are the reported issues with Windows 2000 and I have heard that the older 3.68 drivers apparently work very well there but I havent been able to test that as yet. I will though. So, let me just reiterate, we are listening, and we will do what we can to resolve reported issues but there is only so much we can do if the problem turns out to be one with a driver set as this one *seems* to be. If it turns out that the problem is in fact on our end (and there have been times in the past when it was) then we will make the changes neccesary to get the problem resolved. Madmatt
  2. It's a hit counter applet. It counts the hits and puts it on a webpage that I can access. it also emails me weekly reports broken down by hour/day. You can access www.thecounter.com if you want to see how it works. Madmatt [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. As a rule of thumb we do not make changes to the game to support one set of drivers or the other. This is made even more clear when you look at the fact that most users of Nvidia cards (like me for instance) have ZERO problems with their cards. Nvidia (and other video companies) are notorious for releasing many driver updates with features which either cut corners, have features not fully implemented or that just plain don't work. Combat Mission was designed and coded to be compliant with the standards as set down by Microsoft for a Direct 3D game. Video card makers, with regards to their drivers, want to squeeze out every once of performance though, and as such often implement features in their driver sets which break those rules. For that reason, and I can give dozens of examples, if you see graphic anomalies in the game it is normally attributal to faulty drivers. Newer is not always better in the field of video drivers. Sometimes these reference drivers do help alleviate problems, sometimes they do not. Recently I have seen people asking for us to release some sort of Nvidia specific patch or fix, but the fact of the matter is that the issue is not universal to Nvidia owners, doesn't affect all Operating Systems and seems to be related to a feature that the drivers themselves initialize, in this case Full Screen Anti-Aliasing. FSAA is being performed by the drivers, not the game. I saw the exact same issues with all the Beta pre-Det 3 drivers and Nvidia eventually got their act together and with the 6.50 drivers they got it working correctly at least on 95/98/ME. These new 12.41 drivers are now undergoing those same earlier growing pains it seems. Basically, when Microsoft laid down the principals and requirements of a Direct 3D API, they did so in the hopes that software and hardware devolopers would follow those guidelines and reduce any sort of incompatability. We did our part, sadly, not all the hardware companies have followed our example and even though these new 12.41 drivers are WHQL certified (and the regulations to get that certification are sorta a joke as well) they still have their issues. Now, having said that, we do not want to leave people who have issues in a bind. I will continue to investigate the issues and pass our findings along (yes, we have been in contact with Nvidia about some issues reported). I will also try and help people case by case (which I and others here have always done) as well as give out any updated info I have on which drivers perform well and which do not depending on OS and Video Card. But let me be clear, we do not release card/driver specific hacks to make something work when it isn't broke on our end. **By the way, a quick survey of the newgroups shows that Combat Mission is NOT the only game suffering from odd behavior with these new reference drivers. There are also newer 12.60 beta drivers that are floating around that *apparently* have resolved some other issues with these new reference drivers (havent tested them with CM as yet though but I will).** Thanks for you time... Madmatt
  4. Please do not post when you KNOW it is the wrong forum. Madmatt
  5. It's Freedom baby Yeah! CMHQ qas been afflicted with Austin Power Fever, so grab your Sharks with Freaking Laserbeams and Liquid Hot Magma and hop on the mod Mod Train as we gots plenty of goodies for you today! Madmatt [ 06-10-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. ***YAWWWNNNN**** Huh? Someone lookin' for an update?!? Already?!? But the Back to the Future Marathon is still on! Okay, I will get working on it right now...Damn, running a website would be a lot easier if I didn't have so many damn fawning admirers.... Madmatt
  7. Ok, there are certain topics that will get an instant padlock. Insulting Mac users, or PC users for that matter, will get you the Instant-Madmatt-Lock-O-Lovin. Insulting ANY mod authors work will getcha a Padlock of Petulance. Diverting a thread which had as its sole purpose the idolation of my webpage, will also bring out the Shackles-O-Shame. And guess what this thread did kiddies? Thats right, all of the above. Ted, thanks for trying to get this back on track but I think it's better to shut this one down before someone says anything else that will have much more long-term consequences.... Madmatt
  8. In what is the first of many exclusives that CMHQ will have in the future of CM2 coverage, BFC today gave us permission to post four new CM2 preview pictures. These same pictures were recently featured in the July Computer Gaming World magazine in their CM2 Preview. Please remember these pictures are *works in progress* and do not neccesarily represent the finished product. Check um out! Madmatt
  9. Ok, moving this over to the General Forum where this love in can continue. Madmatt
  10. I believe that the original poster is refering to the new 3 page CM2 preview that is currently running in Computer Games Magazine. Unfortunately there are two rather LARGE mistakes in that preview. #1 CM2 will NOT repeat N O T include relative spotting!!! That is a HUGE undertaking and would not be possible until we completely re-write the game code which is slated for CM II. I think the author of that article might have gotten his roman numerals confused there. That is something for CMII and NOT CM2... #2 CM2 will NOT include the Winter War Campaign (1939-40). CM2 is only 1941-45. Sorry for any (and I am sure there will be tons of it) misunderstanding that is caused by those mistakes in that article. Madmatt [ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. I beleive that the original poster is refering to the new 3 page CM2 preview that is currently running in Computer Games Magazine. Unfortunately there are two rather LARGE mistakes in that preview. #1 CM2 will NOT repeat N O T include relative spotting!!! That is a HUGE undertaking and would not be possible until we completely re-write the game code which is slated for CM II. I think the author of that article might have gotten his roman numerals comfused there. #2 CM2 will NOT include the Winter War Campaign (1939-40). CM2 is only 1941-45. Sorry for any (and I am sure there will be tons of it) misunderstanding that is caused by those mistakes in that article. Madmatt
  12. We do not advocate that site hosting our products. They were contacted before as I recall and asked to remove them, that doesnt appear to have happened as we requested. The way those files are currently packed and distributed is the exact same as piracy and a quick perusal of the file archives even shows that they still retain the original warez hacker group sig file. We will follow up on this ASAP. Madmatt I am removing the links posted above as well... [ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. Thank you gentlemen but this topic is better suited in the General Forum. Thanks, I will move it. Madmatt
  14. Finally a decent thread title! Have at it people and I will see you in about 290 replies... Madmatt
  15. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=019380 Your new home....scum
  16. Ok, its getting time to lock this bad boy up and (hopefully) start a new and more aptly named successor thread. You know the drill, email me FIRST and wait for my go ahead... Madmatt
  17. God, I am really not in the mood to deal with where I know this thread is headed. In short, Peng is, well I dont know either what he is, but his name is synonymous with the Peng threads aka The Cesspool aka the Mutha Beatuiful Thread which at its very core is where a group of people (to be generous) swap insults back and forth and have a hell of a good time playing Combat Mission against each other. Enter at you own peril. Madmatt
  18. It only reports the server time which is EST. Madmatt
  19. YEah, those barely obscured Thermoplyae references just refuse to die don't they?!? Now where is Burt Lancaster when you need him? Ok figure out THAT reference Pengoids! Madmatt "My command is spread thinner than the hairs on a babies ass..."
  20. Jesus, Could you have a picked a MORE LAME ASSED THREAD TITLE?!? My head is hurting from just reading the damn thing! Since no one else submitted anything I guess this one will do but PLEASE GOD KEEP HIM FROM COMING UP WITH ANOTHER TITLE!!! Madmatt
  21. Okay, its that time, you know the drill, submit a title to me via email and I will bless the best one and close this travisty up. Madmatt
  22. Make sure that your opponent is sending you a valid game file. Is it the same size as all the other files you have gotten in the past or is it very small? See if your opponent can't reload the previous turn and re-issue his orders. My guess is that the file that he sent you is corrupt or truncated. Madmatt
  23. CM does request that the file writes immediately. I have seen issues with Win2K that seem to be related to some of the file/directory settings that are selectable including indexing. Play with those advanced settings as I have a Win2K box here and I have never had a corrupted autosave and I have tried like hell to replicate this issue. Madmatt
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mike8g: Madmatt: Just two words regarding the Stuart mods: Outstanding artwork (once gain). But there's a small issue with two of the files. File #14432 (M8 HMC gun barrel) is missing in these sets: gem_swos_stuarts_hr.zip gem_sws_stuarts_hr.zip Marcus<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> FIXED!
  25. Yes, you can still order via Mail Order. Expect about 4-5 weeks turn around though! Address and directions are located here: http://www.battlefront.com/products/pro_ordering.html
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