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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by hoolaman

  1. Its a fair point though because even if arty "makes it to the battlefield" once it starts firing there might be only a short period before it is silenced if there is the possibility of effective CB. Especially in CMSF, the Syrian guns really should in most cases only get 30 seconds of firing in before they are nailed or forced to move. So it probably does have an effect on the tactical game and would not even need to be directly controlled by the player.
  2. There are a lot of FOW cheats in CMSF and even excluding terrain based FOW it would be nice to clean them up. We still have: muzzle flashes, smoke from ATGM launches, the missiles themselves, dust from vehicles, exhaust from vehicles, camera shake from vehicles, shadows under unspotted units of all sorts, trenches, and some sounds in some situations (the sound might have been fixed, not sure). A dedicated player who really wants to win in a PBEM can scour the map and pinpoint (and I mean to the nearest cm) almost every unit. I have seen an AAR where half the discussion is about cheating to find out where the ATGM launches are coming from, and where the enemy tanks are. A good way to stop this would be to prevent the camera moving too far from your units, but ideally all those things would not be present for enemy units that have no eyes on them.
  3. Do you have the files which demonstrate this? Preferably before and after. Could you forward them to me with passwords and I will pass them along. Email in profile. Anyone else who has bugs as usual it is always useful to send a save or PBEM files to a beta tester or mentioning steps to reproduce the problem.
  4. This is the Jack o Lantern I made for Halloween this year. It's made from a $3 Honeydew Melon because a pumkin would have been nearly 10 dollars. Obviously we don't really do Halloween in Australia but he looks cool and a melon is a lot easier to cut.
  5. You know once upon a time a post like this would have been greeted with extreme suspicion. Check for the PDF on your CD if you have one.
  6. I can't reproduce this. I have a small scenario where I am sure NONE of my units can see an enemy vehicle, and IEDs and UAZs come up with a ? as well. This leads me to believe that this is right: How are you doing it?
  7. It really annoys me that we are still calling these people Al Queda. Al Queda as a functional organisation does not exist, they should more properly be called "unaffiliated jihadist" or "individually motivated mujahideen", but that doesn't sound as scary.
  8. You know you only have to click the enemy unit and the icon of the spotting friendly unit will be highlighted. But interesting observation. An empty vehicle should not be able to spot at all I suppose, so maybe this is a weird bug related to that.
  9. Has anyone tried messing with the hardware accelaration in the dxdiag panel? I'm running XP so I don't know if Vista has something similar. I had problems running an old (non-3d) DX5 game (the secret of monkey island) and it wouldn't run unless I turned down the sound slider I think.
  10. Yeah they lopped his arm off just in case.
  11. Wherever the LOS/Target line is traced from is the height that the game uses to calculate LOS. Generally it seems that the line is traced roughly from the turret or the sensors on top of any vehicle. So humvees can be in a hull/turret down position and spot as long as you can trace a line over the crest. Only if the line is traced from a spot lower than the turret will any problems come in.
  12. How about this one: Incidentally it's also from the Cairns Post. Most of the stuff is unlikely to kill you in Aus unless you are far from medical treatment, but will certainly make you feel pretty rotten for a while. You can easily get eaten by a Crocodile in the north, but not swimming anywhere it says "DO NOT SWIM HERE" is a good prevention. Similarly getting eaten by sharks is a pretty slim chance anywhere in the world. There are only two spiders that can kill you, a handful of snakes can kill you, some of which can be quite aggressive, but mostly will leave you alone unless you step on them. One of the most lethal nasties are box jellyfish which are fairly common in tropical waters. Most beaches have a netted area for swimming and a lot of beaches have vinegar on hand to treat stings.
  13. They do eat the giant cockroaches at my place though, so I tolerate them unless they are hiding in my towel on the towel rail. Now finding one there really is a surprise.
  14. Classic old game that. I'd recommend trying it on DOSBOX if you can find it.
  15. So what you are saying is if they are talking about planning to make a prototype of this fanciful craft, that is clear evidence that there is not just a prototype but a working model currently in service? So tell me again why didn't they use the working model on catching Osama? ...Or maybe they did and didn't tell us?!!! Seriously John would you please go away, I feel dumber just being a member on the same message board as your posts.
  16. I think the sudden death of the old scenario depot shows us that a community site is no more likely to stay around in the longer term and probably less so. If you were going to charge money for fan's work, it would be nice to cut them in to the proceeds for stuff of a high enough quality. That way there can be no accusation of profiteering and people have a nice incentive to make new stuff.
  17. I think a paid subscription service is an awful idea. 1. The community currently provides everything for free. 2. Battlefront would be charging its customers money for the hard work of its other customers. 3. If you can't match your competitors (who are a bunch of hardworking amateurs) for price ($0) and convenience what is the likelihood of the whole thing taking off? If you aren't going to make an awesome rating and discussion function then you are not beating what is offered by your (free) competitors. 4. The whole concept is a icing on the cake for people who have already bought a game, if you can't afford it, don't do it.
  18. I'm pretty sure it does say in the briefing to leave the scenario default setup. With that on it's quite hard, there are some MGs in tough spots and the open areas are covered by some killer crossfires. The light guns are trouble no matter where they go, hard to spot and deadly. I looked up some posts from the archived CMBB forum about this one, and the general consensus was that Andreas is an evil bastard.
  19. They are important simply from a UI perspective too. I mean when you initially plot them, it can be very tedious tweaking them if you put a waypoint in the wrong spot. Obviously in CMx1 moving them after they are locked in has a game effect too, but even ignoring that it would be nice to have them.
  20. Now that we have relative spotting and friendly relative spotting, it might be possible to tie command delays in part to whether a unit has contact with its platoon mates. For example if you are supposed to advance 2nd squad and keep 3rd squad in sight, if you lose sight of friendly units you might give a higher delay to that squad. Or something.
  21. You could black the screen and instead of showing a 60 second timer you could have a blue bar to count up the time. That ought to give people a warm glow inside .
  22. Yes I agree. The CMx1 order that seems more appropriate is "advance". Move, in CMSF might have the same intent, but your guys don't look like they move with the kind of alertness that you would have in a warzone. Quick and Fast seem like the fast move from CMx1 where they put their head down and sprint but that is not appropriate in most situations either, taking a big hit if they come under fire. There is also assault for a final attack, but smaller teams and most Syrian units can't use the CMSF assault. In otherwords there are missing orders in CMSF, you really need a move to contact type order in terms of speed and disposition. Bring back SNEAK, ADVANCE, MOVE TO CONTACT, ASSAULT (whether it uses the bounding movement or not).
  23. The command delay was always a conceptual problem for me. As Steve alludes to above, is the tank moving because the driver thought it was a good idea, or has it been ordered to move by its superior? With CMx2's C&C system the implications of communications, chain of command, unit initiative, area fire orders etc. etc. etc. means just whacking it in CMBB style is not quite as simple for CMSF. In CMBB I could believe that Red Army conscripts might sit where they are and not do anything until ordered to do so. In that situation a lengthy command delay seems right. But what about a crack SS unit? They might move decisively under their own intitiative 98% of the time, but the other 2% they might be waiting for an order from higher up, in which case a command delay as long or longer than a conscript unit might be appropriate. It's a discussion we have had here many times before. Unless you plug friendly units into the Strat AI, or allow a system for people to "role play" orders from higher ranks, command delays are a bit of an unrealistic fudge.
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