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Sgt Joch

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Everything posted by Sgt Joch

  1. yes, the AI is very effective in its use of artillery...probably better than the Syrian Army in real life!
  2. I saw the first episode. It is better than I expected. The action, equipment, uniforms, terrain all seem fairly realistic. The dialogue and character interplay are good, striking the right tone between humor and drama and pro and anti-war sentiment..plus it has a politically incorrect streak which is refreshing. The look and story structure appear to have been heavily influenced by "Band of Brothers", which is not surprising. I am looking forward to seeing the rest.
  3. Pandur, to expand on my answer, my usual approach to dealing with enemy assets is to slowly do a lot of recon: -first, divide up the map in notional areas you want to search; -then move an infantry team (half squad/scout)to an area under cover from where it can look at the area while still being out of LOS of the other areas; -wait a 1-2 turns to see if they take fire or spot a unit; -move another unit to another concealed spot where it can watch the area you want to search from another angle. -Keep repeating that until you have a sizable force overwatching the area you are searching. -if they spot anything, either a unit or a question mark, you can then use your infantry, or if available, artillery or even maneuver a AFV to suppress/kill it. -then move on to the next area; Even on open maps, you can usually find some way to maneuver out of LOS. In a pinch, use smoke from your vehicles. I dont know if this is possible in "Al Hawl" since I believe it is short, but slow and deliberate is the key to survival in CMSF.
  4. The 4x4 km map size limit is a red herring. Unless you are designing a totally flat desert map, you will never even need a map that big for a company size armor battle. Using gently rolling terrain, you can create wide open armor battles on 2x2 or even 1.5x1.5 km maps. For example, just check GeorgeMc's' "Armour Attacks".
  5. If i remember "Al Hawl" correctly, the 1st time I played it as Blue, I lost half my strykers in the first two turns before I could even close the buildings, so it is not necessarily unbalanced. It is also supposed to be the 1st day of the war, so the US side would have a full load of javelins, altough the map is probably too small and open for the amount and type of troops. JasonC's comments on tactics is correct. You should keep your AFVs out of LOS and use your infantry to scout and hunt for the jav teams. [ May 26, 2008, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Sgt.Joch ]
  6. SOLD! will that be in the next build?
  7. I know the Corps is thrifty, but can't they afford one rope per man?
  8. within the scope portrayed by CM, whether in a modern, ww2 or Vietnam game (hint, hint), troops can be already on the board at the beginning of the scenario, no need to show the actual landing...although it would be nice to see...
  9. that just confirms my opinion that marines are nuts...I bet they are enjoying being dangled from a rope hundreds of feet up in the air!
  10. Very interesting scenario, although I botched my 1st attempt, triggered the ambush too early and got into a long winded firefight, then managed to take out most of a squad after the airstrike landed too close. Very well done.
  11. personally, I would love a CM:Vietnam game. The type of company to regimental type action in Vietnam would perfectly suit CMx2 and despite the commonly held belief, U.S. forces did not win every battle. My understanding of BFC's reluctance is the worry that there may not be a market for a CM:Vietnam game. There does not seem to be a lot of interest in the Vietnam war outside of the U.S. and even in the U.S., there does not appear to be great interest in remembering it.
  12. I had a chance to admire it in game and it is a very nice improvement, it has a more middle eastern feel IMHO, without going to a totally flat horizon. A modder named Undaunted had made a Hi-Res horizon mod for CMBB which was really sharp. Could the same thing be done for CMSF?
  13. I used to load up my troops with 7.62 mm ammo until I realized they did not have a weapon which could use it. :eek: One thing we eventually have to get in CMx2 is an un- acquire button, so we can unload stuff we don't need or picked up by mistake.
  14. very nice, I still use your horizon mod in CMAK. ..now, about redoing every vehicle in the game...
  15. You have been holding out on us MikeyD, when are you going to redo all the armour in game?
  16. 1.- Korea 1950-51, I am currently reading David halberstam's last book "The Coldest Winter" and if that does not put you in a Korea mood, nothing will (great book, I heartily recommend it); and 2.-Nam, Nam, NAM!
  17. what is your system and video card?
  18. Merry Christmas everyone! Any chance we could get a hotfix to the low wall LOS bug as a late Xmas present?
  19. Well I have to admit this is starting to get very frustating, I was hoping to finally start the campaign with 1.05 and even start some PBEM games, but this low wall LOS issue makes any scenario that has walls in it unplayable, so again, I will put this game away until 1.06 comes out. I want to give BFC the benefit of the doubt based on CMx1, but these bugs are steadily eroding my enthusiasm for the whole CMx2 series.
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