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Sgt Joch

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Everything posted by Sgt Joch

  1. tried the faded bases mod, looks very nice in daytime with the dark green, but at nightime, the bases show up as a light gray, anyone working on this? the rings mod also looks very nice.
  2. I remember there was an ancient thread where this was discussed as well as BFCs rationale. I believe it was due to updated research and differing ammo types used on the western front. I you search the posts by "battlefront" in the 2003-2004 CMAK archives, you may find your answer.
  3. hang in there guys, we are almost there...
  4. I was trying to be diplomatic:D...english is such an informal language, it is hard to know what the rules are, people seem to make them up as they go along...and who is going to argue with a marine... I don't think anything was done on this since 1.08.
  5. I say old chap, enough with tea time and crumpets, time to get crackin' on her majesty's forces and show those Yanks the proper way to fight a war... ...just getting myself in the mood.
  6. Is it "Ma Duece" or "Ma Deuce"? I had the same comment on the manual. In WW2, it was "Ma Deuce" although I also see that "Ma Duece" appears to be a contemporary alternate spelling.
  7. yes, the top of the line T-72M1Vs (2001 & TURMS T) already carry the AT-11.
  8. I would also add: Quick -use "quick" to move the JAVELIN team (you may need to split down to a AT team before) a bit closer where it is in LOS and hopefully will engage the tank. Red AFVs are notoriously slow to spot Blue infantry units. this is a bit more risky, but after months of using "Hunt" and "Assault", I now use almost exclusively "Quick" to move my troops around, but always in short bounds. If you pay attention to the terrain and move from cover to cover, it actually works quite well. ps - Huntarr, I know you will lecture me that "cover" is a hat, but everyone else knows what I mean..
  9. there was an interesting article in the NY times about developments in the NW frontier area. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/07/magazine/07pakistan-t.html?_r=1&ref=magazine&oref=slogin To summarize, Pakistan's NW frontier area has always been semi-independent. In colonial times, the British left the local tribal chiefs in charge, as long as they recognized the British Crown. After independance, Pakistan continued the arrangement. After they got kicked out of Afghanistan in 2001, the Taliban/Al Quaida found a safe haven in the tribal areas. Many elements in the Pakistani government knew they were there, but because different factions in the government are unsure whether they should be viewed as an ally or a threat, their presence has been tolerated. However, not content with merely being allowed to stay there, Taliban/Al Quaida has been gradually taking over control of the Tribal Areas, killing Chiefs and anyone else who opposes them and now in a more worrisome development (and one which is making the Pakistani Government frantic), they appear to be making moves to take over Pakistan itself, which is not so farfetched as it sounds since they do have supporters throughout society. Obviously a Taliban/AlQuaida dominated Pakistan would be a nightmare scenario...given that Pakistan has nuclear weapons... I am sure the US knows this, so the question is what should the US do, given Pakistan's proven inability to control anything that goes on in the tribal areas...
  10. Itael, no changes were made to the stock campaign and scenarios, the new units will only be found in the new Marines campaign...although I have just restarted the stock CMSF campaign and with the 1.10 changes, it feels like a whole new game.
  11. Steve, Not that I mean to contradict the Bossman in public , but if we are going to release the British module and maybe a NATO module for CMSF...and then or more or less in parallel, release a US/German west Normandy game, followed by a Canadian/British east Normandy module followed by, maybe, a Bulge module...and then we release a Operation Bagration Game (with mine rollers)...arent we looking at possibly two or more likely three or even four years before CMSF2 sees the light of day?
  12. Artillery delivered smoke is in 1.10, including Willie Pete. The rest of the list looks nice.
  13. I also think Operation Bagration is the most likely bet, since the 1944 German forces will already have been done for the western front game and most players prefer the late war german armor (King Tigers, Tigers, Panthers).
  14. the willingness to work long hours for little...(well actually no) pay helps... If you hang around long enough, show knowledge in the game/period and/or interest in improving the game, you may become part of the chosen few, the BFC serfs! In my case, the invitation came out of the blue and I think Steve is still wondering why he tapped me, but I am having a great time.
  15. Here is what I have seen during the beta tests: 1- the AI artillery support zone system is basically unchanged. You setup "zones" and the AI randomly fires into them beginning on the first turn. I am unsure if the other issues you mentioned have been adressed; 2- the new AI system works like a human player. The AI will call down air/artillery on your troops that it spots during the game, subject to the same time limit as the human player. From what I have seen, it works more or less as if you were facing a human player in PBEM, so don't leave friendly troops exposed too long on the same spot; 3-artillery smoke missions work like any other artillery missions, but you choose "smoke" . It can be delivered on a point, line or area by any US artillery or mortar. I have not checked out the red artillery.
  16. yes, the AI is very effective in its use of artillery...probably better than the Syrian Army in real life!
  17. I saw the first episode. It is better than I expected. The action, equipment, uniforms, terrain all seem fairly realistic. The dialogue and character interplay are good, striking the right tone between humor and drama and pro and anti-war sentiment..plus it has a politically incorrect streak which is refreshing. The look and story structure appear to have been heavily influenced by "Band of Brothers", which is not surprising. I am looking forward to seeing the rest.
  18. Pandur, to expand on my answer, my usual approach to dealing with enemy assets is to slowly do a lot of recon: -first, divide up the map in notional areas you want to search; -then move an infantry team (half squad/scout)to an area under cover from where it can look at the area while still being out of LOS of the other areas; -wait a 1-2 turns to see if they take fire or spot a unit; -move another unit to another concealed spot where it can watch the area you want to search from another angle. -Keep repeating that until you have a sizable force overwatching the area you are searching. -if they spot anything, either a unit or a question mark, you can then use your infantry, or if available, artillery or even maneuver a AFV to suppress/kill it. -then move on to the next area; Even on open maps, you can usually find some way to maneuver out of LOS. In a pinch, use smoke from your vehicles. I dont know if this is possible in "Al Hawl" since I believe it is short, but slow and deliberate is the key to survival in CMSF.
  19. The 4x4 km map size limit is a red herring. Unless you are designing a totally flat desert map, you will never even need a map that big for a company size armor battle. Using gently rolling terrain, you can create wide open armor battles on 2x2 or even 1.5x1.5 km maps. For example, just check GeorgeMc's' "Armour Attacks".
  20. If i remember "Al Hawl" correctly, the 1st time I played it as Blue, I lost half my strykers in the first two turns before I could even close the buildings, so it is not necessarily unbalanced. It is also supposed to be the 1st day of the war, so the US side would have a full load of javelins, altough the map is probably too small and open for the amount and type of troops. JasonC's comments on tactics is correct. You should keep your AFVs out of LOS and use your infantry to scout and hunt for the jav teams. [ May 26, 2008, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Sgt.Joch ]
  21. SOLD! will that be in the next build?
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