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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. I don't think we are going to see little sprites doing this. I suspect that Steve's comment (above, yours in bold) was in reference to what actually happens in Real Life, NOT what we will see in the game. He has been pretty clear there wll be a substantial form of abstraction in CM:SF dealing with casualties. (I think) -tom w
  2. here's a link to the "Master Blaster" web page looks like it could have potential -tom w
  3. Is that correct? Theses VBIED's just materialize out of now where and blow up? Just wondering. -tom w
  4. From the blog: I am afraid I don't get it :confused: Is the game abstracting a chance that somehow, (and it appears to be out of control of EITHER the US or the Syrian player) that a "cloaked" VBIED will "sneak up" on a US vehicle or position and just blow up? Neither player having any real in game control over what gets spotted and what does not? What does the Syrian player need to know or do to decrease the chance of getting spotted? What does the US player need to know or do to increase the chance of spotting the cloaked threat? confused -tom w
  5. Thanks for the post fytinghellfish From the blog: " " That voice sounds like Steve. -tom w
  6. I was sort of looking forward to "Combat Mission - Med Evac" myself Or my other favourite, Combat Mission - Recon Patrol (tongue in cheek of course) Thanks for the update Steve. -tom w
  7. repeat post of a reasonable suggestion perhaps being considered by Steve and Charles... This one is almost a year old...
  8. I was never actually sure where the end result of this discussion settled out... Steve says: "We are not simulating the MV (Medical Vehicle) or the NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) variants. We've discussed how we're handling casualties in detail a few months ago so hopefully a search will pull up the thread/s. Steve" Where is the thread with the final word on this? Just wondering -tom w
  9. Maybe this question is too technical but it is a good one: "Though I gather than Action Spots are going to be more dynamic than a fixed hexagonal grid (are they going to overlap, for example?)" Action Spots are 8m x 8m thats a pretty big area for an LOS check on a map IMHO but what do I know? Its a good question... Are they going to overlap? Such that they would touch sides or corners and over lap a whole lot. Maybe that is not really relevant. -tom w
  10. Hi Steve! Please keep us posted, ...the truly hard core fans here can't wait to hear and read more about this critically important feature. (i.e. Relative Spotting) Thanks so much for the update! -tom w
  11. Found this on the BBC and thought it might be interesting here: web page BBC A short interesting article.. with a nice diagram. -tom w
  12. Well I opened the thread because the game CMSF is Syria Vs US right? So we are seeing some tactics (maybe) in the current conflict between Israel and their enemies, that might not be dissimiliar to what might happen if the US invaded Syria. Here's the main point. After an the regular military is destroyed by or surrenders to the invading force what's left? Insurgency and terrorism (terrorist tactics). They have said that they aren't interested in modeling anything like thar part of the invasion or the occupartion period of the "war" once the insurgency begins. OK.... But about this: So the US invades Syria and all of the Syrian regular army "declokes" (or more accurately clokes), all of them take of their uniforms and they ALL enmasse become insurgents. Then what? I am loath to look back at Vietman but that is sort of what war as become now a days. The enemy does not wear a uniform and is VERY hard to identify unless they are shooting at you. One minute that "military aged man" is a non combatant "citizen" but the minute you turn your back on him he picks up a weapons and shoots at you? This concept does NOT bode well for wargames because thats not really fun to play, and Steve says that HARDEST thing to do is model into the game civilians and non combatants that turn into enemy combatants when you are not looking. I guess I am just rambling on here.. carry on... sans the politics (Thanks KwazyDog!) -tom w [ July 16, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. thanks for the news update very interesting: "The drone's TV camera makes it relatively easy to mount such an attack, Pike said. "It's not bigtime rocket science to put explosives on the thing and then use the TV camera to home in on the ship," he said."
  14. Ok then I guess somebody knows what they are doing over there... I would not like to comment on the "politics" of the current situation but this is clearly an expample of assymetrical warfare that has proven effective today. Are we seeing any tactics in this conflict that might show up in the CMSF game? (wondering) Your comments? -tom w
  15. "With an M1, however, most shots will blow through the armor whereever you manage to hit the target. " Isn't that kind like a paradigm shift in thinking. We may be used to thinking in WWII terms were this was only really possible with the German 88 at close range: "most shots will blow through the armor whereever you manage to hit the target." So the whole aiming at the turrent ring in modern armour combat is completely irrlevant... (as posted). "With an M1, however, most shots will blow through the armor whereever you manage to hit the target." -tom w
  16. speaking of scenarios.... Here's a crazy idea to help promote the game.... (note, I did say it was a CRAZY idea!) Lets say there is a great demo scenario that lets the player ONLY play the America side No choice. The AI is played by the Syrians only. BUT like in the real life the Jessica Lynch story their/your convoy is off course and lost and ambushed. It is an unwinnable scenario and the only good way out of it is to surrender. BUT wait..... if you BUY the full version of the game you can send in a fully equipped Stryker Brigade and rescue them. In another scenario. Since there is nothing else really to talk about with regard to the new game I just thought I would post some nonsense about the demo scenario and one of them should be completely unwinnable by the America player JUST to keep things interesting! -tom w
  17. or they could just keep ignoring us because they are busy.....
  18. Hell yeah! Dirka Dikra DIRKA!!! P.S. Team America FYI
  19. YES YES YES this thread should have a NEW title me too! seriously!
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