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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. see the movie at the link! you won't believe it! :eek: if all that stuff ACTUALLY works the way it is supposed to the world's oil supplies will all be secured with no problem, by the USA in the next 10 years before it all runs out. :eek: -tom w
  2. WOW Thanks for the link Every person reading this thread should be interested and looking at those pics. They are AFV pics from a trade show floor. Pics of new AFV's hot off the production line and polished and presented to show their most glamorous and attactive AFV features. No mud or dirt anywhere, all very nicely shown somewhat like a custom car show.... -tom w
  3. also see FIBUA Fighting in built up area's = urban combat
  4. it seems to be gone now... [ January 10, 2006, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. Gpig : GREAT art work! nice to hear from you again! gibsonm: ONLY 6 More Days!! (and we are waiting with baited breath) MAC World is a BIG deal for the Mac faithfull! for Sure. I liked the "moving the goal posts" comment he he good one! -tom w
  6. Wiki says this about that: Under the heading Weapons of Star Trek: weapons of Star Trek and Just in case you had not noticed, this thread is NOW OFFICIALLY discussing Science Fiction, where as before there was only a suggestion or an allegation by some folks here that the subject matter was in fact "Science Fiction". -tom w [ January 04, 2006, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  7. Well.. Not according to these science geeks: I am guessing about this because if light had mass, then somehow some "extra" energy would be needed to accelerate that mass back up to the speed of light in air (about 300,000 km/sec, from the slower rate of speed in water, HENCE they have to claim light has no mass, I guess). -tom w
  8. Spoiler . . . . . "scientific answer" to the speed of light question above Just in case you actually care if "they" got it right....
  9. Things that do not make sense. if the speed of light is a constant (the "C" in E=mc2) at about 300,000 km per sec then how is it that if a beam of light enters a body of water its "speed" slow's down, (ok thats easy water is denser and slows the speed of light, down to what speed I don't know, but it is measureable and it does slow down) NOW here is the question, if the same beam of light exits the body of water it accelerates back to the speed of light in air (about 300,000 km/sec). OK So where does the energy come from to account for this "magical" acceleration??? Why does the speed of light not exit the water at the slower, "in water" degraded speed of light? What magical force makes the light accelerate back up to 300,000 km/sec? I have been told "Science" has a good answer for this question but it does not really make sense to me. I will dig up the "good answer" from an old e-mail and post it later today for those who care or are curious. You can just file that under "More Stuff that does not make sense." -tom w
  10. This whole LENR / Cold Fusion issue is interesting... web page -tom w
  11. Google Earth! John, Google has it here area 51 poor image there is free software (I think) for download called google earth its now beta for mac os x it gives images like this: (hold on I while I server them up) can you see those? Google Earth Beta for OS X -tom w [ December 31, 2005, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  12. Does that then rule out any form of amphibious assault scenario? :cool: -tom w
  13. Except that somehow, "theoretically" they had to travel great inter-galatic distances (presumably close to the speed of light, or something equally magical) to get here... theoretically speaking that is... -tom w
  14. For sure the Space Shuttle question is the big one... That technology is old and those old air frames seem to be a nightmare to maintain up to NASAs "new" safety specs... I like to believe in conspiracies and UFO and retro engineering all the alien technology and all the stuff, but why have they not replaced the space shuttle yet if they have been working on this alien technology (and alledgedly TALKING to aliens) since 1947! Why aren't we seeing that alien technology in more experiemental space craft and military aircraft???? Its a good question for sure.. -tom w But here comes the problem: why don't they? Or the US Air Force? Or the NASA? If they have flying discs, why do they bother to stick with the Space Shuttle?!!??! To leave the "Axis of Evil" in doubt? It just does not make any sense?! As long as I do not see Alien technology influencing anything, be it military or civilian, theories about the existence of the former do not impress me too much. Best regards, Thomm </font>
  15. John does need need, and is not seeking any form of "help" on the internet....
  16. Wow All I can say is WOW I will need to re-read John's post a few more times before any comprehensible reply might be forthcoming. WOW :eek: And for the rest of you, please try to keep an open mind... -tom
  17. Oh What the heck! Just go with that and lets get on with it! We all have visions of Strykers and ATGM's and attack helo's dancing in our heads, this Christmas Eve. " "the US invaded just because it wanted to" will go over too well" What the heck? Why not? It did not go over very well in Real Life when the US invaded Iraq either but it never stopped the invasion on what now appears to be false pretenses, i.e. no WMD's. (was that a political comment?) Oh well looks like there is a moratorium on Policitial Comment locks until New Years so what the heck?? (Posted in Good Cheer) -tom w
  18. While we are at it here is some more "stuff" on the edge... http://www.americanantigravity.com/hutchison.html AND this guy is Canadian! http://www.greaterthings.com/News/FreeEnergy/Directory/Inventors/Hutchinson/ http://hutchison.innoplaza.net/ ? http://www.hutchisoneffect.org/dirtcheap.html
  19. I like to think I am open minded but this Philadelphia Experiment takes the cake on stretching my level of believability or credibility... from here web page
  20. I have not yet found any web reference to this thing? What this heck is a " speed-of-light man portable gas plasma weapon" and why do the Allies and the US not use such a weapon? (if such a weapon acutally exists?) I am open minded, you can just call me Mr Curious But this one sounds like it borders on Science Fiction in a BIG way! -tom w
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