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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. This is from John's link in the above post... There are pics on the link page... What the hell is this thing???? "hit by an 8-mm speed-of-light man portable gas plasma weapon. Plasma ball entered through skirt armor covering right track, cut through main hull armor (right side), then grazed rear of gunner's seat and control panel before gouging a 2" deep hole in main hull armor (left side). Just like sliding a hot knife through soft butter." Sounds like science fiction to me Please tell me more... -tom w
  2. just for the record this guy said that, Reviewer: John Beowulf "beowulfborealis" (Santa Barbara, CA) I would like to credit the original author for his words and idea's I was just posting some interesting opinions and reviews about the book. " My War " (style and form grogs note the title should be underlined but I don't know how to do that here) -tom w Yes..the government of Hell fighting the Axis of Evil..lol </font>
  3. REVIEWS: Review from a Flag-Waver, October 7, 2005 Reviewer: Larry R. Kephart (Boca Raton, FL USA) - See all my reviews I'm a baby boomer from Colby's Dad's generation. a long-haired, small L libertarian in the Ted Nugent mold. I was a daily reader of his war blog. When he closed it down, I sent him an e-mail thanking him for his service. A few week's ago, Colby replied thanking me for my e-mail a year after the fact. That's it. Nothing about his book. I decided to try his old blogsite on a whim and that's how I found out about "My War". I read this book at my office. I didn't even put it down when my boss stuck his head in the door unless he needed something specific from me, immediately. As others here have said, Buzzell's writing style is unique. It's clear and concise, blunt at times. It's not a lot of fluffy wordsmithing. You really can't classify Buzzell or his writing. You have to experience it for yourself. I can't say I "enjoyed" this book because It's not fiction. I did learn from it. I feel better about the generation following mine if there are a lot of Colby Buzzell's in it. A Volunteer Soldier's Perspective On The War In Iraq, October 3, 2005 Reviewer: James E. Hill, Jr. "jehilljr" (Charlotte, NC) - See all my reviews Colby Buzzell has candidly written one of the most interesting pieces of work in print today about the real life war in Iraq. This is not some "view from the top" but a look at the war from someone who fought it as a young soldier with mixed feelings about the military establishment and with solid feelings for America and our purpose there. His writing is refreshing, his humor is laugh out loud and his insight is immediately identifiable from those of us who have served our country in the military. I served 4 years on active duty with the Marine Corps from 1970-74 and left the Marines as a newly promoted Captain. Mr. Buzzell was the kind of thinker I'd loved to have had in my platoon. When presented with the mission, he gave it 100% every time, never losing his humanity and morals. For those who want to know the truth (and can handle the truth), this book is highly recommended and will come to be recognized as one of the best books to come out about this war from an infantry soldier's viewpoint. He has my respect. Excellent War Story..., December 19, 2005 Reviewer: John Beowulf "beowulfborealis" (Santa Barbara, CA) - See all my reviews Colby Buzzell is an unlikely war correspondent given his education (or lack thereof), and the fact that he was a soldier in the US ARMY in Iraq during operation Iraqi Freedom. Despite those credentials, Colby's Iraq Blog and later his book, represent factual and realistic portrayal of war and how a post-punk, Bay Area kid with a chip the size of Jello Biafra's ego tatoo'd to his collar bone can in fact, tell the story better than any embedded Fox News reporter. I think my favorite moment of focus was his description of a major firefight in Mosul with about 100 Iranian mercenaries, noncompliant Hajjis (my favorite term he uses), and other riff-raff and he looked over his shoulder and saw one of his compatriots shooting at a mosque with one hand, and giving the old heavy metal two fingered sign of the devil with the other. Fact is, whether you for for this war or against, you will find this book worth reading. Even if this is just a fight for bloody oil, its worth noting that America has stolen EVERYTHING it has from somebody, at some point in history. Perhaps the guy shooting the mosque knew that aside from the black gold, perhaps he saw the bigger picture emerging: we are from the government of Hell, and we are here to take your souls and oil...
  4. John! you make me Laugh! Did BFC just say we get to attack the French army as well? Oh wait let me post this now... I couldn't resist... Did that cross the line? Just wondering? -tom w
  5. this was the most recent question about Helicopters but the answers I reposted are not exactly current, BUT they may not have changed at all since Steve answered this question last time.... (I am guessing) -tom w
  6. sorry I should have linked it, you are correct. I was just lazy and it was easier to bump it. -tom w
  7. On Oct 8 Steve said: "Since helos are a common component of CAS, of course they will be included. However, if you don't have them assigned you don't get them. You can't just stop your attack and call up the chain to get something that isn't available just because you want it. Doesn't work that way in real life, shouldn't work that way in the game. Obviously in real life the commander can theoretically make a decision to abort a mission until such assets come into play, but that doesn't make for an exciting scenario. Though I can think of ways it could be. We'll just have to wait and see what we're able to do with stuff like that."
  8. I think the answer they gave (and it is posted in the forum here somewhere) was something like this: Yes, and yes they will be visible, and NO they will not be under player control. If you call in a helo air strike and you end up in a similiar situation as CAS in CMx1, helo arrives (sometime) tries to figure out which target you want it to hit, and fires and flies away. (or something like that?) (please correct me if I did not get that right) -tom w
  9. Will this game be serious competition for CMX2 WWII ETO or is it just another pretty RTS wargame? (one thing for sure it is pretty) I am impressed but I am guessing they have no plans to release it for Mac OS X if they do it might come out about the same time BFC releases their CMX2 ETO game. -tom w
  10. are those tanks SERIOUSLY leaving tracks in that fresh snow??? it sure looks like they are WOW -tom w
  11. AND and JUST look at the CONTOUR lines on the little map there, maybe they are JUST decorative BUT then maybe they offer REAL contour lines (elevation graduations) on another larger map somewhere in the interface. I REALLY like the look of that interface! It looks easy to use and well designed to me, but since we can't actually play the game and find out, that is just conjecture on my part, ( the ease of use comment). -tom w
  12. BUT as we have all been told now with their new "limited scope" design philosophy the concept of from "the opening moments of D-Day to the final shots of VE-Day" is nothing more than a pipe dream. BUT yes, bring on the civilians and the free french and the MOUT and FIBUA (depending on your nationality) in the cities and towns of the ETO of WWII! -tom w
  13. recap 1. Take the punches and just hope to merciful God (and or a school administration figure) that he stops smacking the crap out of you before you are out of the running as junior school bully for good. 1b "The Ghandi approach. Let the bully hit you, beat you, stomp on you. Offer no raction, no resistance, but give him no gratification either. The bully will eventually get bored and go home, and after the bruises heal you can continue as you had before." 2. Try to mount a conventional boxing defense and hope that you can at least score a few pokes before you black out on the pavement. 3. When the first puch is thrown, duck and pop him one in the nuts as hard as your fist can strike, then headbut him in the nose, then knee him in the gut, then puch him in the head on his way down.
  14. Mac fans unite! (All hail Steve Jobs ) Its a legitimate request. good point! -tom w
  15. Did I just hear the Great "sucking sound" Steve was refering to sometime ago in reference to the ever growing concern of "feature creep" ?? -tom w
  16. WOW thats interesting "Gameplay: Dead before hearing the gunfire? Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is the total conflict simulator. Everything happens for real, including the speed of sound. If the bullet is faster, anticipate a silent death." OK then it can be done I guess. - tom w
  17. Do any other games feature " the speed of sound" (enhancement) simulation you folks are talking about? Because for SURE that would be TOO COOL! I am guessing it is not on the "to do" list for this release. -tom w
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