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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I am having a little operation on Wednesday morning (yes it is a brain implant...won't my mother be proud). I should be out of work for a couple of days with hours to kill. Anyone up for trying to do a full PBEM game in one day. I'm thinking small...like 15 turns. If anyone is up for it drop me an email at DeclanMac@aol.com.....And yes I know this sounds like an SS_bootlicker post. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  2. GhostOne, I will be shocked if there doesn't end up being a CM2 board in the future. But now is not the time. And here is why. I followed this board since it was at BTS' old site (that's a very long time ago) and there are two things about those times that I don't believe you are taking into consideration. First, and maybe most importantly, Steve and sometimes Charles were VERY active on the board back then. Right now they are WAY too busy getting me my TCP/IP,making patches,counting their money and (hopefully) taking a well deserved rest. Without their constant input the type of board there used to be cannot exist. It is just mental masturbation for the people that post to that type of board if their opinions aren't being considered the way they were during the creation of CM1. Secondly, during that time I lurked and never posted. Why? Because the level of discussion was so high I felt I had nothing to contribute so I kept my mouth (fingers) shut. Once the Beta version came out I was in a position where I felt I did have something to offer (besides my silly comments). Now that CM1 is finished and in our hands there is much less to talk about from a game development point of view so everyone is having fun and enjoying the game and the community we have all created. Some on topic posts, some silly fun posts, some hammerhead posts. When an official CM2 board is created I am confident that in that board all of us silly people will know how to behave because we remember how we behaved the first time around or heard about how it was and will want to be a part of it next time. To limit the people who can post or bounce people for an off topic comment or two or five would also remove what those people thrown out could contribute to the board in a positive way also. Therefore, I believe you are dead wrong about everything except that at some point there should be a CM2 board. Oh yeah...I just thought of a third thing...Remember.."You can never go home." ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  3. Where the hell am I gonna go? Who else would have me besides you degenerates. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  4. Me for both...although didn't start posting till the beta demo came out. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  5. I am with Mike. I do not want to try to convince anyone of why TCP/IP will be a great feature. I KNOW I will have time (or make time) to play entire games in one sitting. I am also like deanco, I feel I play better when I feel the flow of a game. I also know TCP/IP is coming at some point. A staus update would be cool. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  6. JOCHEN PEIPER and everyone..maybe the thread was closed not just because that idiot JOCHEN can't use email but because Napster, like warez, is an infringement of a lot of artists copywrite proctection. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  7. hnh3_cm, sorry man I have no interest in holding on to any of my brain cells either. Belgium beer does kick butt (in taste and alcohol content). There are two bars in my 'hood that carry almost only Belgium beers. They seem to be a bit competitive about who has the best selection. It is always fun to go in and see what they have new to try. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  8. The Captain is still with us!!!! ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  9. Kingfish, Like I said in my post we used the scenario editor not the quick battle. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  10. Dirtweasle, with this particular we agreed beforehand on 2000 points each and no vehicles at all. You can really only do this type of set up against someone you trust. You don't want to get in a situation where you buy 2000 points worth of units and your prey buys 3000 without telling you. The soon to be dead person I am playing is known for his level of integrity so there was never any fear that he would cheat. I guess it is really more of an advance through each other than a meeting engagment. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  11. I recently started a PBEM DYO meeting engagement(not quick battle) with someone. And the victory flags (6 worth 100 each) are set up near our set up areas (3 near his, 3 near mine). For one of us to take more victory locations than the other we must cross centerfield and have a "meeting engagenment". Maybe this type of game would help eliminate the "gameyness" you are talking about without having to creat rules. It really didn't take longer to set up than a quick battle. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  12. Thanks guys. I haven't felt this good about spending $53 since that time in Hong Kong. When $53 could still buy ya two hamsters and a fifth of Wild Turkey. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  13. Putting my money where my mouth is. I have been telling a buddy of mine about this game for a very long time. He asked me to give him my disc so he could burn a copy. I told him I would buy it for him before I would let him do that. I just paid for his copy and ordered it. He has no idea that I did this. It will just appear at his door. I'm feeling very good about me right now. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  14. When I first saw the title of this thread I said to myself "Self, not another of these hammerhead posts" But after reading it and thinking on it a little a body flying out of one of those nuclear expolsion looking shells wouldn't be too bad. It might add more tension. Now body parts and blood are a whole different thing. And remember I was from the no dead bodies camp when people were asking for that. PS David..is that an REM reference in your signature? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  15. GREAT question Mortiis. I appears that I can open the game with each version. That may solve my PBEM dilemma. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  16. guachi, I still have the stuff you and peter and I did a while ago. Do you want me to resend it? The reason I didn't pursue the FAQs more when we started doing it was because the game had not been released and anything we did would have been obsolete when the game was released (I remeber writing an answer the "why are there no bodies in the game?" question and then they added them and I was like damn...maybe us people who don't have the full version aren't the people to be wrinting this. Happy to help again if you would like. Let me know if you want me to mail you what I already have. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  17. mfred, Keep in mind many Allied tanks had gyrostablizers which make them more accurate on the move. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  18. "There are a lot of Krauts in that town. We have to get them out at all costs. Level the town if you have to but get them out." It could happen. In most cases though using your armor for nothing execpt trying to level buildings and nothing else is not using your resources to their fullest. But it is a very valid way flushing out your enemy. The closest I ever can to doing what you describe was I knocked own a couple of buildings to open up my LOS for the building I really wanted to target while I was moving infantry into postion. It worked very well. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  19. Neat idea but it sounds like it would be a lot more programong than it would be worth. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  20. Blasphemer!!!!!!!! ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  21. As I remember they are. If not I am sure someone will. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  22. Great article Basil. I always kinda get a gushy, warm feeling whenever I read Charles or Steve talk about how much this board contributed to the development of the game. I makes ya feel like you were part of someting good (not me of course I usually just made silly posts). ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  23. NP, I disagree big time. You are right about the human aspect. As an example I will use myself and MrPeng. We play turns in about the same amount of time. So I would expect to be able to play an entire TCP/IP in the same amount of time it takes me or him to play against the AI because we both move at the same pace. I have heard people on this board say that they take 30 minutes or 60 minutes to play one complete turn. For someone who plays at that speed TCP/IP against me would be a waste of time because I would spend as much time waiting for the other player to finish as I would with an email game. An ICQ or AIM would HAVE to(once again assuming simutaneous plotting and movie watching)take twice as long to play because one person would always be waiting for a file to be sent. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  24. Toad, you just scared me to death. All along I have assumed that with TCP/IP we would be plotting and watching the turns at the same time. Nah...they have to set it up where simultaneous turns are taken, right? As far as the timer goes aside from the setup phase a good timer idea I saw on the board before was not a timer for plot and another for movie watching but one timer. Like you have ten minutes to watch the movie as much as you want and plot your moves. If you spend 8 minutes watching the movie than you have 2 left to plot with. The big attraction with TCP/IP for me is that a TCP/IP game should take about as long to play as a game vs the AI takes you AND the flow and continuity of the game is not broken up creating more immersion. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  25. Who sold it to ya Doug? You can tell us. And what is the utility you spoke of and how can I get it? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
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