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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. SF, was directed at me or Slappy? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  2. Slappy, If I am understanding you correctly some people playing QBs choose ome american units from '45, some UK units from '44, English tanks running with American infantry..that type of stuff? No one has ever done that against me. Is it common? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  3. Welcome aboard. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  4. My buzz is returning. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  5. Guys...you're really killing my buzz. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  6. Steve, it looks like it's time to lock this one up before I lose my buzz. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  7. I just noticed those damn smilies....they are NOT mine..they are Fionns. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  8. Steve, In an email from Fionn he told me a good thing about the pain I am having from my surgery. "Pain is good. It tells you that your nerves haven't been cut by the surgeon. ( Always a silver lining PLUS you need to be alive to feel pain. Being alive is good although it does mean you get beaten in PBEMs by me )" By the way, is it OK to quote Fionn even if he has been banned? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  9. COOL. I thought I was the only one on meds. I had an operation last Wednesday and have been eating Percocets like M&Ms ever since...They make me very chatty but do the job of killing the pain. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  10. Damn...I just remembered. During a hotseat with Peng we figured if you set the game up as a hotseat instead of a PBEM then you could just send the save files. You have to REALLY trust the person you are playing because someone will always be able to see the others stuff when the save file is opened. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  11. It would cut down the emails by 33%. It took me while to get over this point (with the beta) but I still wish there was a option. The only problem with an option is you might insult someone if you insit on playing the current way. So they might as well keep it the way it is so I don't make Berli cry. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  12. OK...your loss. If you want to continue to use an inferior product that is your prerogative. There once were people who thought the writing was much less useful than grunting. I'm not trying to convert anyone. I couldn't care less what you degenerates do. Just trying to help a newbie. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  13. Foo..I take your silence as cowardice. I will mark myself down for another win (that makes two). ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  14. Wrong on both counts hammereheads. The reason I got both a PC and VHS is because of the reasons listed above. It is however true that I had 8tracks. My AIM list right now is all the people I play against on a regular basis. Peng,Berli, Goanna, Moriarty, my father and Seanitea is on although I have yet to play him. I'm not trying to talk people into AIM just stating fact that for file transfer and sending messages AIM is MUCH MUCH quicker. Hey Foo, why don't we a go a round? One night we use ICQ the next AIM. I've always wanted to get smacked around by you and your little bitch. Send me a setup if you're interested my email is in my profile. (I know it's an AOL address but I get it for free.) ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  15. Beta WAS better than VHS. Just like MAC is supposed to be better than a PC but many more people buy PCs. As far as finding more people to play against with one or the other I have never FOUND anyone to play against with either. I have found people to against here on this board.My foe would just ask me if I had ICQ or I would ask if they had AIM. AIM takes about five minutes to get and set up so we pretty much all use it (not Fionn.. I think he has issues with AOL like I have with Coors products {Coors will never get any of my money}). Giftig, the ironic the is that the instant messenger that AOL has does not have file transfer. If you are AOL you must still download AIM. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  16. But AOLs AIM is MUCH MUCH faster than ICQ. I have used them both and there is no comparision. Get it at www.aol.com It's free and everyone can use it. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  17. There weird thing with my name being in it is that all the times I have played the Americans I have only seen it once. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  18. Also, I bet that search on the nebelwerfer turned up a good post or two. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  19. Yes. It did happen. I have seen several peoples names I know in the game (including my own). ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  20. 5 hours sounds kinda light dude. I have been in a file transfer PBEM game with my father for the past 5 hours and we are at turn 7 out of 16. We plan to play the whole. 10 hours a couple of times maybe 12 once. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  21. Also, if you go to the front page of the site you can link to see/answer what questions aren't answered yet.http://cm4mac.tripod.com/ ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  22. http://cm4mac.tripod.com/oldfaq.html That is what is up so far. It hasn't been updated in a while. I sent the answer to the "How does PBEM work" question a few weeks ago and it isn't up yet. But what is up is a start. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  23. Am I the only one that throws away my game boxes? (Cav, I got Madden2001 as a birthday gift last week. Drop me an email if you want to do a TCP/IP game sometime.) ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  24. I have paid for 3 copies of CM so far (one for me, my father and a friend). That's $159.00 US. I paid that much for dinner out the other night and it was through my system the next day. CM is still in my system. To me that is a deal. I understand that you really aren't complaining about what the game is worth..just what it cost you. I would be willing to bet in 6 months from now you might post something here like "Wow, I can't believe how far I streched that $95 AUS. Best $95 I ever spent." ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  25. Before someone believes you Bates I'll point out there wil be NO charge for TCP/IP. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
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