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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I can't believe I have had the demo since last night and have only played the tutourial. That is amazing restraint. But, got off the phone with Peng a couple of hours ago and chose which scenario will be saved for TCP and just put the baby and wife down for a nap and am about to open the Stoli......wish me luck.
  2. Unlike you Dres I can put down the straight vodka. Hell, I am damn near an alcoholic goat. Can drink damn near anything anytime. Two things I can't put down gin and Southern Comfort (teenage bad experience). So, I will follow you instructions (you are a beta tester after all) and pick me a up bottle of Russian vodka for next Sunday night. Thanks for the idea...of course my wife and baby won't be thanking you but I do.
  3. Anybody know offhand if the demo will have TCP? The demo for CM:BO didn't because it wasn't built for CM until months after the game was released. I am asking because I don't know what to do about those 2 full scenarios. I would love to save one to play double blind but if I am only able to that through PBEM the full game may be in my hands before it is finished in which case I would rather just play them both vs the AI and maybe start a non-blind PBEM game.......Such are the worries in my life.
  4. Chad, unless I've missed something, there is no bad blood between the two camps. As a matter of fact I think they help each other because the more successful games of this type that are out there the more likely it will be that people continue to make them. Eric who moderates the GIC forum posts here at Battlefront from time to time. My feeling from him has been that he likes CM:BO very much and is looking forward to seeing CM:BB. He, of course, thinks his game is better but I would hope if I was in the same position I would think that I had helped create a better game. Either way it isn't really a competitive event because people can own both games...everyone wins! Their forum does have some Close Combat folks that will never like a turn based game. They are much more used to a "continuous time" game and will probably not be swayed. But the largest part of their forum are people who see advantages to both and/or are CM players. From what I understand about GIC it is on a much different scale than CM. It will be company level battles whearas CM can handle several battalions (if you PC can handle it).
  5. Mace, while your at it can you ask her to sent me the MBT mod. It was the only mod I have on my system for the longest time and after my computer crash I haven't had it.
  6. Or this http://www.dragonlair.net/combatmission/
  7. Fionn, I agree with you that just because someone is a PBEM player doesn't mean he is a slow player. Most of the very good players I know tend to be fairly fast at playing a turn for all the reasons you stated. However my gut tells me that the majority of TCP players are better than the majority of PBEM ONLY players (key words folks are "majority" and "ONLY"). Plus I have found TCP games to be more engrossing and interesting even though I have several PBEM games going at all times and am lucky if I get one TCP game in per week. Lengend42, not being high on a ladder or even playing in ladder and tournament type games has zero bearing on someones skill at CM. I have absolutely no interest in those types of group activities......it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them at all but it should be kept in mind that not everyone cares about someones status in those areas. The only group thing that interests me is something like CMMC which is not a king of the hill type group gig. To imply Fionn is less of a player because he doesn't participate in those things is wrong and unfair and just baiting him into a pissing contest....and no one wins them on this forum. Am I considered a weak player for not playing in a ladder? I played Skully once in a pick up TCP game while I was trolling the chat room looking for a game. He didn't want to play for a while because it wouldn't be a ladder game. I ended up winning. Does that make me a better player? Who knows if we played 10 more games he may have won the next 10. My point is.....ah damn...I've forgotten my point.....TCP players are better and leave Fionn alone. Let's just get back to bad mouthing PBEM players.
  8. OK..I'll chime in here. My feeling is that a TCP player is a better player than a PBEM only player. Decisions on the battlefield happened quickly. I rarely play TCP with the timer on but you still have the internal timer on because you know someone is on the other end of the connection waiting for you. I have heard of people taking 1/2 hour to an hour to plot a PBEM file. Unless you are playing some kind of HUGE game that amount of time is silly. So to complete my thought the TCP player has to have a better "feel" for the game and tactics needed in battle whereas a PBEM only player is a gamey looking at every nook and crany kinda player. Both the realistic and game playing aspects are being exploited to make up for what is lacking in natural knowledge and instinct of the battle being played.
  9. Dear Hiram, Thanks for cheering me up. Now where is my file you bandwagon jumping Eagle fan. Love, Elvis
  10. I love you Wankers...now get over here and give Elvis a big HUG.
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