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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Dear Peng, Yes, BrMcGr did weep.....but so did many of us. I stream of tears and beer. But then again I cry for ATT commercials. BrMcGr was crying like a 2 year old when Chad Lewis scored a touchdown that ended his career (blew out his Achilles tendon) but sealed the Eagles victory to go to the Super Bowl. At the risk of gets all sports guy on ya I gotta point something out about me Eagles. 3 years ago the only thing that seperated the Eagles from the New England Patriots was 3 points in that Super Bowl. It blows the mind how different the teams paths have gone since. Ciao, Elvis
  2. New Years story for a Gnome: He became a man on a cool November weekend in 1978. Everything he was to learn about common decency and morality he would acquire in the sand of the New Jersey Pinelands on a wicked and evil weekend during his 17th year. Young to be subjected to the kind of savage behavior that he was about to face but when you think about it is any age old enough to embrace that madness? My bet is on “no”. We only left the campsite for a little while and returned to find Ranger Ted Smith standing in our site. This didn’t go over well with the potheads and drunkards that we traveled with during those days. Only one of us was of drinking age at the time (drinking age in N.J. 1978 was 18 years old so you could still die for your country and have a beer in the Garden State) and the stacked cases behind our tent in the state park were not “regulation”. The second shift of stoned freaks did a drive by while we spoke with the Ranger and hid the balance of the weed at Carranza Memorial (Emilio Carranza was the Mexican Lindberg and had attempted a non-stop from Mexico City to New York and back…….there is a monument in New Jersey where his plane was found). They then joined us for the line up and lecture by the good Ranger. We were instructed to put the beer in the trunks of our cars and not touch again. In case you have forgotten…we are talking about 8 17-18 guys being told to put beer in our cars and leave it alone. Of course we said we would and began to load it into the cars for Ranger Dumas. Well…….a couple of minutes into the loading Ranger Dumas notices a bong by the fire. Sensing we have been discovered we say we found it by the pump and that maybe the Boyscout troop that had been trough during the night had left it and we brought it back as a curiosity. Ranger Dumas became Ranger Einstein at about this time. He demanded we pour our beer out and leave. In 2008 that seems like a very very minor penalty but when you’re 17 and asked to pour out 13 cases of beer. Hard fought for beer. An entire weekends stash……inhumane. I received my first speeding ticket that day. Bad craziness.
  3. Look at Seanachai droppoing a little Ian Hunter on my first thing in the morning. Mad props. I'll work up something and try to include him. There are several true stories that involving that filthy swine that the statute of limitations hasn't been reached on yet. Maybe I could just change the names.
  4. Dear Bugged, Thanks for the response. I will see what I can do about a creative writing project. For Christmas Peng sent me an HST biography so I am in a writing mood now anyway...but like HST making the deadline may be an issue. Love, Elvis P.S. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
  5. Seanachai mentioned toward the end of the last MBT that he wanted or expected me to write something of some lenght. Does anyone know what it is? I'd rather not try to sort through the drivel to find out what he was on about.
  6. OK...This thread was just brought to my attention by a friend and I have 2 comments about it. First, is Para theory that because the whole minute isn't procesed before you watch that the result is somehow watered down and not as complete. This fails to take into account that CMBO is now over 8 years old (from a serious testing point of view. I know the game was released 7 1/2 years ago). Is it possible that computing power has progressed enough in that time that not only can the same level computations be completed "on the fly" but actually many many more? I remeber bragging about my 500MB processor around that time. and 64MB of RAM or something. Think about it. Think about what can be done now that couldn't be touched in any previous version of CM in the processing of action both turn based and RT. Second, and I think this is the harder one to really grasp, has anyone seen any war games lately that offer both turn based and real time? Hell, any programing company with half a bit of forethought would try to program allowing both turn based and RT. But I only know one company who did. I don't post often out here but this one just has me shakin my head in disbelief. Like the game ...don't like the game...fine. It may not be for everyone....but this? Come on...There are better axes to grind. Like the mandatory turn numbering for PBEMs. Now that is something that offends me. I've got to page trhough 5 pages of turn files to get to the game file I want to load......Maybe I'll save that for a different thread.
  7. OK...I have been playing some of these scenarios endlessly over the last few months (if I play "ATGM Ambush" one more time I'm gonna blow my brains out [that is not a promise]) and would love to hear what the best and most clever new scenarios are and where they can be found. Or someone send me a fookin set up file. Thanks.
  8. athkatla, I guess the only way to know for sure is to move all exisiting maps out of the QB map folder and only put these new ones in. When you talk about the stratAI remember if a QB doesn't have it then it is nearly worthless for solo play. To play solo in ANY CMSF battle you need to have some type plan written in for the AI.
  9. (How's this?) This is the immortal and impulsive Mutha Beautiful Thread, and if you don't know what it is, that's just as well. Go away. Go. We'll wait. Are you still here? Not very bright then, we take it. Well, you obviously need things spelled out for you, so here goes. Give a challenge, that's what it's all about. Do not Pause. Do not replay. Do not maunder on with global challenges to the crowd. Pick someone specific and issue a challenge that show's you have some matter between your ears and between your legs (but speak not of what's the matter down below). Challenge someone that's not above your station. If you don't know what that is, Go Away and find common comfort with the scum of the ditches and murky ponds. Talk only sweet and friendly things to the Ladies of the Pool, for it is through the pleasant presence of the fairer sex that we can envision an eventual rise above the stink-hole of testosteronated cess. There are many other rules, sub-regulations, and dictates. Most of them point to the fact that you shouldn't be here. Now go away again, or we shall ignore you a second time.
  10. I understand what you're saying Limey. Variable WEGO would be the killerest bestest.
  11. I am seeing some folks have experienced what myself and most testers did. Reluctance toward RT and then being drawn back to it over and over again. I'm not here to sell anyone on one way or the other. Just curious if my release date proclaimations panned out for the general pubic as they did for the testers. WHich it sounds like they did.
  12. I did a fair amount of yammering when the game was released and there was afair amount of crying from some folks like "I'll never play real time" and "real time is just a click fest" and things along those lines. I was popping off about how I never thought I would never have much interest in real time until I started to test this game for a while. And about how (except for PBEM) real time is all I play anymore. I also prattled on about how after a few weeks of playing it most of you will feel the same way. Did it happen? Be honest. Who here started off thinking that real time wasn't their bag and now play pretty much all real time? Or if you haven't gone that far you have changed your opinion about it being a clickfest? (Micahel Dorosh is not permitted to respond....Matt please ban him for life if he does.)
  13. BigAlMoho, you were incorrect when saying "in your opinion" to Mords "I am loving it". He is correct. It is a fact (according to him) that he is loving not an opinion. If he had said "it is a great game" them you could say "in your opinion" but only he knows if he loves it or not and if he does love it then it is a fact not an opinion. Metallica sucks by the way. (pissy mood today...perhaps I should shut up)
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