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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Jon, thank you for the link. I would never have seen it otherwise. You are the man! I will try to reivent myself now...please check below.
  2. When I tried to post "Wankers." I got a message saying my reply was too short and had to be at least 10 charactors. Fix it or do somefink.
  3. It's summertime and we all know what that means...... Your Mama's yappin' in the back seat Tell her to push over and move them big feet Every Monday morning I gotta drive her down to the unemployment agency Well this morning I ain't fighting tell her I give up Tell her she wins if she'll just shut up But it's the last time that she's gonna be riding with me You can tell her there's a hot sun beating on the black top She keeps talkin' she'll be walkin' that last block She can take a subway back to the ghetto tonight Well I got some beer and the highway's free And I got you, and baby you've got me Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin' Now there's girls melting on the beach And they're so fine but so out of reach Cause I'm stuck in traffic down, here on 53rd Street Now Sherry my love for you is real But I didn't count on this package deal And baby this car just ain't big enough for her and me So you can tell her there's a hot sun beating on the black top She keeps talkin' she'll be walkin' that last block She can take a subway back to the ghetto tonight Well I got some beer and the highway's free And I got you, and baby you got me Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin' Well let there be sunlight, let there be rain Let the brokenhearted love again Sherry we can run with our arms open before the tide To all the girls down at Sacred Heart And all you operators back in the Park Say hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin' Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin'
  4. Ho, ho, ho! Well, if it isn't fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison! How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou! (into movie quotes lately and I just love that one) [ June 02, 2008, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Elvis ]
  5. I'm curious to hear about this as well. In CMx1 it was an issue and now it is again. In CMx1 you would have broken and routed squads getting up and sometimes even running toward enemy units. Is it modern weaponry that is the cause of what we're seeing? As in "if you get caught in the open you're toast...period". The TAC AI really has 2 choices. Hug the ground and hope you can crawl to safety. Or get up and make a run for it and hope you make it. Either one could be a death sentence. What makes it difficult for me is once your unit is pinned you can't make the decision yourself because full control of the unit is usually taken away because of the pinned status. Is one really better than another (not a rhetorical question)? I'd be very interested to hear from any Afgan/Iraq vets that might have some first or second hand stories about it.
  6. I'm curious to hear about this as well. In CMx1 it was an issue and now it is again. In CMx1 you would have broken and routed squads getting up and sometimes even running toward enemy units. Is it modern weaponry that is the cause of what we're seeing? As in "if you get caught in the open you're toast...period". The TAC AI really has 2 choices. Hug the ground and hope you can crawl to safety. Or get up and make a run for it and hope you make it. Either one could be a death sentence. What makes it difficult for me is once your unit is pinned you can't make the decision yourself because full control of the unit is usually taken away because of the pinned status. Is one really better than another (not a rhetorical question)? I'd be very interested to hear from any Afgan/Iraq vets that might have some first or second hand stories about it.
  7. I'm curious to hear about this as well. In CMx1 it was an issue and now it is again. In CMx1 you would have broken and routed squads getting up and sometimes even running toward enemy units. Is it modern weaponry that is the cause of what we're seeing? As in "if you get caught in the open you're toast...period". The TAC AI really has 2 choices. Hug the ground and hope you can crawl to safety. Or get up and make a run for it and hope you make it. Either one could be a death sentence. What makes it difficult for me is once your unit is pinned you can't make the decision yourself because full control of the unit is usually taken away because of the pinned status. Is one really better than another (not a rhetorical question)? I'd be very interested to hear from any Afgan/Iraq vets that might have some first or second hand stories about it.
  8. Was that Germanboy I saw in here? What rock did he crawl out from underneath? I need to go bathe.
  9. Fornicate the other thread, Stuk. Just drown yourselves in the glory of my newish sig line....
  10. Rob, Last turn I got was received on the 10th and I returned the file. Please resend or maybe I should.
  11. I like that it is modern first too because far and away WW2 most interests me and by the time it is released the major kinks will be worked out of the engine.
  12. Michael, I think you should carefully read this response you made to Webwing as it is an excellent example of what Steve has been trying to convey to you about the manner with which you state your points: " You don't need to own a Smart Car to realize that they don't deliver a family of four complete with groceries from point A to point B, so do you really need to own one before you can criticize it for being poorly designed for that purpose?" The Smart car is NOT designed for that purpose. There is not "poorly designed" for the purpose of moving a family of four it is simply not designed for tha. And if someone had expectations that it should have been designed to transport the wife and kids and is disappointed that it doesn't it is not because the design was poor. It just isn't the car that meets your needs. And telling the designers that you woul like to be able to transport your posse in a Smart Car and asking if they would consider altering the design so that you could is a different thing than saying it is poorly designed. I think this intellectual masterbation is a good example of what bothers Steve about your comments. John
  13. From what I'm seeing with TCP it is functioning as designed and not broken. securityguard, have posted what you've seen in the Tech forum? Perhaps there is a quick fix for you or it is a bug that others are getting as well and needs to be addressed.
  14. FaxisAxis, I can't believe I am actually defendng them.....but look at their member numbers. They appear to have been around here for a while. Doesn't mean their points are shared by me but does mean they aren't "Johnny come latelys". This game was released nowhere near the Alpha level that has been insinuated by Echo(trust me on this one) but the current build of the game has not only fixed previous issues but made it a VERY fun game to play.
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