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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I have been trying to duplicate it for hours and have not been able to recreate it. I have no doubt you saw something. Here is a screen shot of what I set up: The Muj will (and should) fire at the building using area fire and that fire will affect the Russians inside but the TacAI does not fire at the enemy units on its own and as I said before I can't get a target line from inside the building to the outside so I can't force it. If you see it again and are able to make a save game file it would be a big help.
  2. I'm sorry. You are right. I had played an earlier version of it where the Russians had no units in the villages but had arty support. My bad. Again, sorry. I know I played the demo but the older version is what still sticks out to me (probably because I played that one 10 times).
  3. Which one are you playing? The outpost one? Not an easy one to win. You need a co-ordinated effort of arty and suppressing fire to keep the Muj at bay while you whittle them down. Once their attack has been slowed you can take them out as they come at you. The key is to derail the attack. And remember...if you are defending you should be able to withstand a 3:1 ratio in the time period modeled in CM:A (And WW2 as well). Just my 2 cents, mate.
  4. You don't like the game because you feel that one briefing didn't provide enough/the proper information? You may very well not like the game and that is fine but I wouldn't base your entire like or dislike of the game on what you perceive to be a shortcoming in one written briefing. Or is there something else you don't like about it that I missed in your post in addition to the problem you had with the briefing?
  5. Also, unlike CMSF the Afghan game is a "theater in a box". If I remember correctly you can create battles from 1978 until 1988.
  6. That is the card I have and it is great. Bought it in January and when I fired up the game I was surprised at what I had been missing with my old card (both CMSF and CM:N).
  7. My bad. I don't read your posts because they are normally rambling wastes of my time. I'll go further back to see if I can see what post you are even talking about. The only reason I saw this one is because I just decided to cruise through and see if I had missed a comment on it. In the time since I lost this bet I have probably consumed a half a dozen cases of my own and know exactly what I would have asked for had I won the bet. It isn't brain surgery we're talking about...it's beer. However, I do understand that some people are "slower" than others and you and your date can take as long as you need.
  8. Ok. So I bet dalem a case of beer about the release date of the Normandy title.I lost that bet a month ago. He STILL hasn't decided what he wants a case of!?!?!?!!?!? It would take me a New York second to answer that question but I understand that some of us are "slower" than others. So now I looking for new action. Which will come first the release of the Normandy title or dalem letting me know what kind of beer he drinks? I'm starting to lean toward the Normandy release............
  9. Here's an idea. It may be an old fashion one but it's an idea. Why don't you do what I was gonna do and ask for the beer that you usually buy? (Hell, if it is some cheap stuff I'll buy you 2 cases if it is a money thing) However, if you were looking to make this a special beer experience why don't you make it a mixed bag. Here is a suggestion. A six pack each of Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier (great summer beer, although at this rate it may be an autumn beer), Chimay, Pilsner Urquell (Chech beer...yummy) and 33 Export Many store carry all 4 of these. None of them are heavy (good thing in hot weather) and there is a chance you have never had any of them (OK...maybe the Chimay...everyone has had that....)
  10. Yup. That's the one. Can someone please help the poor guy out. Does he not drink beer?
  11. Good point. When you won this bet how long would it take you to pick a beer?
  12. If you won a bet with me for a case of beer how long would it take you to decide what brand of beer you want?
  13. I'm with you. Nothing as tension building as watching a half a dozen rounds bounce off your Mark IV.
  14. One cool thing about buying the mail/cd version is that you are still able to download the download version. SO you don't have to wait for the mail to arrive. Second hand copy? Might not be the best place to ask that because they would rather you bought a new one from them on this site. Plus, you do need to be careful with the cd key. If it is currently installed twice already it won't work for you.
  15. FAIL!!!!! The word "challenge" is not in the title.
  16. Cool. I've made my connection!
  17. And rounds that bounce off almost as often as they kill...
  18. I think if that were the case we would already have it. 20mb may only take me 3 or 4 minutes but when you start getting into the 50mb or 75mb files that is too much sitting around and waiting, for me, while playing any game via TCP. However, I hope I am wrong and you are right because it is my number 1 wish.
  19. If Redwolf were one of them then he would have been 0 for 2 and just assumed that the same thing happened with the Brits.
  20. There was a problem with the Marine campaign when it was released. I am pretty sure Redwolf does not have the Brit module so I can't answer to his comment of "and the beta testers have failed before in making the campaign actually work at release time". That I'll leave him to explain himself.
  21. The way previous CM games did TCP WeGo the turns were processed on the hosts computer and then sent to the client for viewing of the movie and then plotting etc...So it wasn't a "saved game" exactly but is was a similar type file. It has been a very long time since I played Steel Panthers via TCP (I think only the modern era one was available with TCP) but Steel Panthers was not WeGo so I wouldn't expect the information being transfer from one player to the other to be as much as with a WeGo game. And yes. I am aware of other turn based games out there that are available for TCP. But I am not aware of any that are WeGo (I'm not saying there aren't any...just that I don't know them).
  22. It's been a while since it was discussed but my understanding is that it is the size of the files that would need to be transferred that will prevent any kind of WeGo TCP now. It is the #1 with a bullet on my wish list. The addition of no other feature would make me as happy as that would. Have you gotten to play any PBEM games? The files are enormous with CMSF. One game I have going now the files are 20mb and we haven't even engaged in battle yet. I've seen them as high as 70mb. That's a lot of data to transfer back and forth quickly enough to be tolerable.
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