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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. OK. I like this....... Did I just breach my NDA?
  2. What do ya say,Steve? It ain't too late. The module hasn't been released yet.
  3. I am also late to this party. Yes. If you have CMSF you will be patched/upgraded to include all the features added with v1.2. As for the module, I think there should be a big shout out to the scenario designers. They are challenging and clever. The campaign is unlike the others in ways that may be inappropriate or spoileresque to talk about before release.
  4. Unless I am misunderstandin someting the game I am current playing does the to an extend already. Much of what you are asking woud require you to loosening the reigns on the sobordinante units. Still some manangement of the smalleroredrs would need to happen but the general plancould all be started with the HQ,
  5. Thanks Boo. You made me blush. Please nobody say say anything to Steve about this but I think I also started the thread before last. Really don't point it out to him as it may only draw attention to his "condition".
  6. Dear Joe, Sorry about dropping the ball on the rules. I have spent all day writing some up for you. I think it is my best work ever...Again sorry for the slip up and I hope this makes up for it. Do you like rules? 0 Without rules, I would not be as beloved as I am 0 Anarchy Rulez! Do you like to tell long pointless stories and have jolly singsongs? 0 Funny you should say that, because I remember a time... 0 ...back when I was just a little Gnome... Do you like to curse people with unlimited Mondays? 0 Die now! 0 Die now! Are you large and gray and hang out in a paddock? 0 Yer pointy rubber gnome is known to frequent paddocks 0 Is that like a double wide in Oregon? How do you like Australians? 0 AUSSIE, AUSSIE AUSSIE, OI! OI!! OI!!! 0 Thinly sliced See Below for your score! Love, Elvis
  7. Here isa link to some "byte battles". Small and fun. http://www.kretsen.nu/bytebattler/cmsf/index.htm
  8. I would suspect as we get closer to release Steve will release the TO&E for CM:N. Until then it is speculation by everyone.
  9. Pvt., you are, of course, correct and I can understand how that would piss off anyone who wasn't enjoying it as I was. My apologises got out to Mike and the whole wino family. I am an insensitive bastard.
  10. BFC has never released a title that there was not a free demo available for. My suggestion, for you, is to wait for the demo and then decide if your investment is wothwhile. I won't cost you a penny and you won't lose a thing taking that route. I would suggest thts not simA (an what are you runing with over there wino? I've been working comfortable '05 Montagne St Emilion produced by Chateau Haut-Plaisance. Chiled it at first but have been lettening it open to it full pontenlial.
  11. Yeah. Really odd. Any shot at emailing one of the saved game files? I have a similar rig (except 2gigs of RAM instead of 3).
  12. The first time I saw "cook offs" in a night battle.
  13. With CMx1 I almost never use the "right click for menu" and have used the hotkeys for a very very very long time now (probably since before CMBB and maybe even before CMBO was officially released when we were still playing the beta demo). With CM:SF Other Means hotkey file was a godsend. A side benefit of it is that if I hit "F" for "Fast" but decide I don't want "Fast", but want ""Hunt" or something instead, having hit "F" got me into the movement menu so I can either hit the hotkey for what I would rather do or click on it in teh movement menu. Hope it helps.
  14. The Brits have a lot of odd looking vehicles, don't they?
  15. You know what? You got a 2fer here. You managed to insult Steve and Cid in the same sentence. Well done, sir. After thinking about it for a bit Cids idea isn't a bad one. Do I want to sit in 1 hour battle and watch people dig? No, of course not. But what about a large and long battle? Battalion vs battalion? 3 or 4 hour monster (I don't remember offhand what they high end of the time scale is supposed to be)? You have one company take patch of woods and another taking a village. After the woods have been secured you are able to issue dig in orders to protect the area and cover the flanks while another company moves to another objective. You're not sitting there watching the guys dig in. It is just what they are doing while you are engaged with other portions of your task force. An epic battle like that would be something between single battle-CMx1esque operation-CMx2 campaign. Not something you would want to do in one RT sitdown but sounds like fun via PBEM.
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