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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. I was playing a TCP game yesterday and at one point really wanted it to stop/pause for just a minute to collect my thoughts (they get scattered easily) Just a few moments to check out what is going on in all areas to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.
  2. x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel 2.39Ghz Windows XP Pro Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT 2GB Ram Runs smooth and fast and I always play with the best quality graphic settings.
  3. When you start the game at the boottom of the main menu splah screen you will see it.
  4. toxic.zen, I hadn't realized you left the game and Hamachi. Thank you for the game today. That was a fun scenario. Despite the "Draw" there is no doubt you whopped my arse. You may want to add causality points to the game, I think that would help.
  5. Just got done a hoot of a TCP against noxnoctum. One of the NATO scenarios (De Hinderlaag). He was like a well oiled machine taking a major VL from me. Stunning precision. I had a bunker (default placement) though that proved to be the right thing in the right spot and it did enough harm to give us a draw. Lots of fun.
  6. Oh I have tons of online experience...I just got beat like a drum
  7. Abi Baba just hammered me. Beat me like a red headed step child. Well done Ali...well done..
  8. Thanks for the bump. I need to have my Hamachi set up. I love a TCP game when I can get one.
  9. Is there any way you can provide a larger picture? I'm not sure what you are showing in this picture.
  10. Both need to be on the same build. The game can advance with the new build but both players will need to have it.
  11. I get this as well. I'll check out the new driver. Thanks for the tip, guys.
  12. I just loaded one up and it is working for me as well. Once it gets to the point that spotting is over and rounds are dropping the countdown is displayed in the icon of the firing unit and not in the "Mission Parameters" area for the arrival of the rest of the ordered load. Is there any chance you have a saved game you could send me?
  13. You're fine as long as both players have upgraded to v1.3 from either the module or the patch when it becomes available.
  14. Thanks for bringing this up. I have now seen it with Phillips saved game (if you had any idea how much time I spent trying, unsuccessfully, to make it happen you would pity me). The file I saw had one man in unit fire at an enemy unit just over 100m away.
  15. I am playing Ottoman Citadel via PBEM with Mord so no spoilers. I am Muj and am prepared to kick his butt. I hadn't played it before.
  16. That matches up with what I have seen. No matter how many different things I try I can't get anyone to fire out of a building through a wall only building side. There is only fire if there is some type of opening.
  17. You might be. If you bought the Paradox release of the game they stopped patching the game. But once you buy the 1.21 patch you will be good to for any CMSF patch that comes out. There will be at least one more when NATO is released. Also, if you were to purchase either the Marine or British module that will also get you patched up for good.
  18. I have been trying to duplicate it for hours and have not been able to recreate it. I have no doubt you saw something. Here is a screen shot of what I set up: The Muj will (and should) fire at the building using area fire and that fire will affect the Russians inside but the TacAI does not fire at the enemy units on its own and as I said before I can't get a target line from inside the building to the outside so I can't force it. If you see it again and are able to make a save game file it would be a big help.
  19. I'm sorry. You are right. I had played an earlier version of it where the Russians had no units in the villages but had arty support. My bad. Again, sorry. I know I played the demo but the older version is what still sticks out to me (probably because I played that one 10 times).
  20. Which one are you playing? The outpost one? Not an easy one to win. You need a co-ordinated effort of arty and suppressing fire to keep the Muj at bay while you whittle them down. Once their attack has been slowed you can take them out as they come at you. The key is to derail the attack. And remember...if you are defending you should be able to withstand a 3:1 ratio in the time period modeled in CM:A (And WW2 as well). Just my 2 cents, mate.
  21. You don't like the game because you feel that one briefing didn't provide enough/the proper information? You may very well not like the game and that is fine but I wouldn't base your entire like or dislike of the game on what you perceive to be a shortcoming in one written briefing. Or is there something else you don't like about it that I missed in your post in addition to the problem you had with the briefing?
  22. Also, unlike CMSF the Afghan game is a "theater in a box". If I remember correctly you can create battles from 1978 until 1988.
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