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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Well you never know what the weather will be like in 2007. Duh!
  2. You dont trust the AI to use smoke dischargers like we dont trust you to make any valid arguements.
  3. It might be Keyfrov. I recall hearing that before.
  4. The US Army doesnt forget things so to speak. They just change doctrine so much that there isnt enough hours in the day to remember. I can remember when Gen. Shinseki made his speech about going to a light mobile force and scaling down the heavy batts. Looks like he was prophetic but most commanders didnt like the idea of losing the heavy support. Sometimes its not about not remembering but the rigidness of the officer corps.
  5. I for one am glad that civilians wont be simulated, but I can see where people would want them in. But I think it would make this too realistic. Besides, most people here wouldnt cry if they offed civilians, especially in the game.
  6. Well I know I dont want Anderson, Indiana SWAT to try to rescue someone I know if they are taken hostage. So many tactical errors in about a 5 minute segment.
  7. Its not a bug. The problem isnt something that doesnt work correctly, Brian is a damn good programmer. Just something that may not work the way its intended. But soon I dont imagine will work out to be this weekend. After Dan and Brian work out the details maybe they can better tell you when a good time soon turns out to be. -Ray
  8. Well everyone knows the Marine slogan, "First to Fight, First to Die" right. Well we add something on the end.... "Cause they werent smart enough to get out of the way of the bullet." J/K
  9. Laso it needs to be said that you never actually know what someone is going to do in a battle situation, no matter the experience or training. CM represented this by panic. Its no different in a real world situation. Even if its only for a short time, having one less man on a fire team can make a marked difference. I have even seen guys refuse to fire cause they dont want to shoot another human. Thankfully this never caused me to lose my life but I guess looking back it could have come to that.
  10. Rivven, Hi well we are actually testing. We have been playing it for a long time on a different server. If you notice I am playing it on a different account than my main one. And I am pretty sure my record will be disappearing once it releases. We are actually having trouble with one aspect so thats why it is taking a bit longer. But be patient, we REALLY want to get this out to you.
  11. Wow Dark I think you need more fiber in your diet. No one even said anything remotely hostile to you. Do you need a link to where to get a hug?
  12. Wow Dark I think you need more fiber in your diet. No one even said anything remotely hostile to you. Do you need a link to where to get a hug?
  13. Also I imagine there will be support teams located around the area to engage disabled or isolated vehicles. I must say that the scope of this game is amazing. I think the military would be wise to use this as a tool before sending troops over. And I havent even seen the game yet, but with this feature I think it could be valuable.
  14. What types of IED? Will this include all the way up to say 105mm Arty shells? Man I dont know if I like this to be honest. It may bring back some close calls that so far I havent had nightmares about....
  15. Well different in one way.... I can see its done. Now if the powers that be decide they dont want your money after all the hard work and refuse to release it, well I am sure I can post some screens from time to time to show you how great of a time I am having. It wont be as much fun when its released though as I will no longer get to tease you guys anymore. But I bet it wont be much longer. I hope it comes soon so they may tell me whats next. I am more excited to find out whats next than I am playing! Remember good games dont die, they get BIGGER!
  16. Soon- Battlefront Unabridged Dictionary 1.) When its ready. 2.) When its done. 3.) After there is nothing left to do it will be released. 4.) Before too long but not before after its completed.
  17. Well this is a new one, telling Battlefront how to make the game better before even seeing it.
  18. There are a few options called MTT, but I cant recall exactly what that means. Also there is a higher sniper program for operators than the Army Sniper School. The regular school is 5 weeks whereas I think the Marine sniper school is what 9 or 10 weeks? I would not say that squad marksmen are really all that worse than someone who has completed the school. They have to be very proficient, just most of them dont have to live for days holding an AO as someone who isnt organicly attached to a specific unit with other duties.
  19. H A T E R ! ! ! ! I said I didnt harm any sheep with my bragging!
  20. rastak, Well its done as far as I know. Found a bug but Brian just has to get home from work and upload something that he forgot to do hehe. So now they are just waiting for the big guys to finish looking it over and doing what they do to "publish" it and all that good stuff. It was supposed to be out on the first of August but I didnt finish the campaigns on time and well you all got to wait for me. But you guys are going to be surprised how awesome this expansion is! So get ready as its coming VERY SOON!
  21. Oh ya and I am the first one to get a medal for shooting down a bomber.
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