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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. I'm confused. Is PBEM going to be in CM:SF?
  2. Hi guys, Round Three is almost here. There are still 2 outstanding games to be played for round two but we will make them up instead of due to technical problems. Axis has a commanding lead 138 to 103.5 http://sixxkiller.bravehost.com/web-content/tourneyvic.html
  3. Hora they have drugs for that condition you have. OK GUYS FIRST ROUND IS OVER! ALLIES TAKE THE LEAD WITH A 65 to 57.5 advantage! Dont worry folks help is coming, read the new rules for round 2 in the additional rules section! http://sixxkiller.bravehost.com/web-content/tourneyvic.html And we always have Hora to beat up on!
  4. Scott, I get mad at this too as some people here will attest. I did kill horas wingy first in the tourney. I honestly felt bad about it.
  5. Ok new update on the site. Axis retake the lead with ease. Axis doing very well and the Allies are still scum sucking sleeze balls that must be shot down and buried in thier scum sucking capitolistic holes they call countries.
  6. And attacking the wingman with a 12 card leader on the first move vs a human isnt fair and really shows no skill whatsoever and should be changed, especially since you can buy an ace card before the game.
  7. Ok site is updated with the Allies having a small lead 31-22.5. http://sixxkiller.bravehost.com/web-content/tourneyvic.html
  8. Hello guys, the VIS has started with a lopsided win of the opposing commanders over Italy. The defenders consisting of P-38's manhandled the Fw190's and thier brave He-177's to score a 9-1 victory. You can go to the page and look at the first round of action and whom you will be facing off against. Tornado hasnt submitted the Allied escort missions yet but the German escorts are up. You may begin play and I will send a complete listing on who you will be playing and thier email addresses when I get the complete info. Good luck!
  9. Ok guys your squadron commanders are Tornado for scummy Allies and Loki_88 for the victorious German side. I will have your assignments to you in email shortly!
  10. Cy can fly the Germans and will take Tornados spot as Hitler has booted him from the German side. He is now going to fly the US pilots in Italy with Stalin moving to Cy's UK slot.
  11. Ok folks, 12 people signed up for the tourney with the addition of Roland to the fray. Welcome all that have joined. So Friday night I think I will finalize the maps and get your submissions for Commanders. You will be getting a nice email and all the details. Also the webpage has been updated with the final rules unless you guys can think of anything to add. This looks to be a clash of titans on each side. I am thinking this will be a resounding success! Thank you all for signing up! -Ray Tournament Director and Overall Sexy Guy
  12. Ok folks, I have 11 people signed up for the tournament. Still working on getting 1-3 more. If I dont get 1 more person I guess I will play. All the targets and bombers are fixed so its not like I can cheat, nor will I be the commander so it wont matter anyway. I will have to get a German pair up to speed though. But you guys need to elect a leader for Allied and Axis so he can assign who will target on turn 1. If you guys can let me know by Friday that would be great! -Sixx
  13. Well Rich, gotta tell you that you seem rather angry about this subject. I do not know why but it seems you watch a lot of TV if you think every Muslim hates us. Fact is that most Muslims dont hate us yet. As for Muslim leaders not decrying the violence, well some have. Most dont because even if they dont hate the US, whats the point of trying to deal with fanatics that wouldnt listen anyway? But here in the USA, people get killed everyday and I hardly ever see leaders ever do anything but enact tougher laws which do nothing to stop the violence. I believe little would change if the Muslim leaders said anything, same as here. I figure all in all I have spent over 10% of my life in one Muslim country or another and I hated being there and I could tell those who hated us being there, and even most of those people didnt try any violence on us. But if you have any solutions let me know eh?
  14. Rich, You are out of line here. First its obvious he is pointing out the contridiction that all religions have. All humans are contridictory too so since religion is made up of humans this is bound to happen dont you think. And hes had it for a long time and if battlefront doesnt have a problem with it then theres nothing we can do. Personally I would thing he'd have a tagline like "Sheep, not just for eating anymore!"
  15. I have 10 people so far. I can remove 2 countries and switch one guy to Germany and still run the tourney so its a go. I do need cyranos email though. Other than that you can just go to the site and see all you need to see. Have fun watching the Yankees... NEXT YEAR!!!!
  16. Well believe it Tom. It is possible to have a fair battle but its also easy to create an unfair one too. You being around for testing wouldnt have helped.
  17. Well my advice is to take half of the bombers xp away and let people have the full value for kills and damages for the fighters. It was really easy to get major points as you could fly against the heavy US bombers with new pilots. I was able to actually get 700+ for leader and about the same or more with the wingman.
  18. Pia, Hi there. I think your problem is that this game looks simple but is actually complex to where you really need to play for longer to really appreciate what DIF can do. Kind of like a real flight simulation but with no reflexes required. The learning curve for lots of us was surprising. I have a huge background in D2 Hardcore as you do. I can honestly say I love a few of my pilots as much or more than I did with any of my godly characters in D2. I would still play D2 HC but too many tppks (which I know a lot of them anyway) have ruined that. This game is atleast the same difficulty for all of us and you wont find cheaters here. But I hope you dont give up so soon.
  19. Ok Heres the dealo guys.... I need 1 more Allied pilot (US) and 4 more German Squadrons
  20. Keep talking and I will switch your plane to the I-153!!! Yankee Fan!!!
  21. I never realized how many Beaufighters they had still flying in 1945 and beyond.
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