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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Yes Mr Bride. You were 2nd to 1000 kills and 2nd to this post. Must not be so sexy in that wedding dress as you get older. Now wheres my campaign details so I can get it out to Dan for map making????
  2. Sam, First off its Sixx. Six would be the far less sexy version of me and that just wont do! As far as the running copies on your laptop and on your home system, Dan or Brian will have to answer that for you. My answer would be that if you are using it on the same account then it would seem ok. I have it on my laptop too so when I go to my wife units university I can sit in the library for that free wireless. If you are in the states, Burger King has it free in just about every resteraunt. Anyway, Dan or Brian will have to answer the legality of usage. Altitude changes in a pilot with no skills are +1 for a dive. -1 for a climb. Following an altitude change by an enemy can cause you to lose up to 3 cards to follow, depending on the skill choices. The skills to purchase for pilots to not be as effected are zoom climb, power dive, stay with him!. Shake him Off! is good to cause the enemy to lose cards. As far as pilots being able to grow during campaigns, I am not as sure about this. I believe its most likely no at this point as its the most requested thing by us fans. I am not privy to all of the plans and sometimes they surprise me with what they have planned. I actually like being surprised though. Brian is a pretty smart guy , so if its at all possible then I am sure he will do it eventually. I will tell you this though, its hard to balance the campaigns and still not lose all historical value. As far as putting your stud pilot in there, it may break my beautiful campaigns! Also I believe Brian is the only person who programs on DIF so anything that may be done in the future will take some time. Dunkirk is a fun campaign. But there are many more that rate better in my opinion with around 15 more upon release of the expansion pack. Is That a Sixxkiller on Your Tail? Nope, You Have Had Your Tail Shot Off!!! -Ray
  3. Hi Sam, Welcome aboard. I hope you are enjoying the demo. Full version is much better especially with the awesome expansion pack coming soon. Dogfights/Patrols: victory/defeats are based on the damage or shooting down your enemys planes. For example, if you are in a 2 element dog fight and you damage one of his planes but you are not damaged, its a victory for you. Now if you damage his plane but one of yours is shot down, you have lost. If both teams damage one enemy then its a tie. Victories net you 2 points. Fighter Sweeps are the same concept but you get 5 points for a victory. LB=1.00x,MB=1.00x,HB=0.75x are damage modifiers based on the bomb points each bomber has in relation to that particular target. LB= Light Bomber (Like a Ju-87 Stuka) MB= Medium Bomber (Like a He-111) and HB=Heavy Bomber (Like a B-17F). This is really to ensure that the Heavy Bombers dont go on a rampage on those nice little carriers you have and so those Stukas cant decimate London. Now buy the game so you can play the rest of the campaigns! See ya in the skies Sam -Ray
  4. Steve, I would like to add that a better title for a new topic would be, "CM:SF Now Taking Pre-Orders".
  5. LOL if it doesnt say JAPANESE PLANES INSIDE I most likely missed it.
  6. Thanks, I will have to get it when I get a chance. Is it that obvious I like the Japanese??? I think Dan had to reign me in on the Japanese camps a bit otherwise the game name would have to change to Down in Rising Sun and the expansion pack would be named Empire Japan: And One Other Campaign Not Related To Japan.
  7. Stalin wrote, "There have been some suggestions as to how to handle the 163, but I've no idea what path it's actually going to take, or even if it will be included in the near future." Wow there has? I must not be privy to all sorts of information at the DIF Skunkworks! I think its because Dan sent me a list of planes and then decided not to tell me some werent going to be made for the expansion and others were! I quit, send me my final paycheck! -Ray
  8. I dont know Zanadu, I think Hitlers insistance on the Me-262's "bomber" development had a lot to do with its delay. Disobeying Hitler wasnt a wise move and most of what they did had to be out of sight of his henchmen. -Ray
  9. Cause it was a test flight and the A version of the Komet didnt get made. Going Mach .8 in the 40's must have been as good as going Mach 2 today for the pilots. Damn sexy job!!!
  10. And the first Me-163A went 1033 km/h in a test flight, but I guess no one counts that one
  11. I think the P-80's max speed was 967 km/h which is 601 or so MPH. The Me-163 (960) was right in that range but it weighed a few thousand lbs less at its highest loadout IIRC. All of the speeds are a grain of salt though in some ways with most of these Jets.
  12. Forgot the de Havilland Vampire I for the Brits Also could make a case for these German ones.... Horten Ho229, Heinkel He280, Focke Wulf Ta183, and Messerschmitt P.1101. The Germans also had a few bombers that would be sweet. Arado Ar234B, Arado Ar234C-3, Henschel Hs132 (Maybe the most neat idea for Jets )
  13. Now that all of you know about the Me-262 being in the game, now its time to think about What the Brits and the like have to counter it at a jet level. First up would have to be the Gloster Meteor even though the only combat it saw was intercepting V-1's. Next would be the P-80 Shooting Star. No combat either but it was actually the fastest a/c of WWII even though the German fans wont admit it. The US would also get the XFR-1 Fireball and the FH-1 Phantom, both of which were made in WWII and would have seen action if not for Japans surrender. Have to add the Me-163B of course The Japanese het the Nakajima Kikka which actually had 2 produced before the end of the war. Also a Ram-Jet version of the J7W1 could be possibly in. The Italians even get in here with 2, the Campini Caproni CC. 2 and the Reggiane Re 2007, which had it been built it may have been the best jet plane of the war. The Russians could possibly get the I-300 (Mig-9) -Ray
  14. There is no way that the Syrians will be able to mount any sustained offensive against US Forces with armored vehicles, let alone T-72 and 55's. ANY thought of that would be suicide as the USAF and Naval aviation wings would not only have intel on almost any large armored troop movement, but that would be thier first strike assessment and the secondary targeting packages. I am pretty sure that 80% or better would be handled by Hellfires from the air with the balance from Apaches and ATG mounted AFV's and Abrams. In the event anything did slip by, I am not sure how effective a few platoons of tanks could be when JSTARS and sat relays would most likely get the attention from the rest of the air wings. Hell even if they did get to that lone Abrams platoon, they would need more than a few platoons to even kill 1 or 2. -Ray
  15. Misty did I tell you I need to be adopted??? I went on that cruise back 10 years ago. You will absolutly love it! Watch out for the birds though. (They call em birds but the rest of the world call them mosquitos, but they are bird sized so its fitting i suppose). Dont let the wife get off the ship in the Vancouver Islands, otherwise keep your mortgage broker on 24 hour call and be prepared to be washing lots of dishes! You guys will have so much fun. -Ray
  16. Dont forget he also remade King Kong..... glad he is passing.....
  17. And as always Stalin and I will be doing more campaigns than will be included in the pack. The East Front was so large you just have to have more right???? -Ray Yes, there will be jet sound files for the Me-262. Campaigns will still not allow player-pilots to participate. Sorry. There will be lots of new campaigns, though. </font>
  18. Lake I know its no consolation but the local games work great too. -Ray
  19. Ya you only like her cause she almost took out the competition and made me clean her fish! It used to be You catch em, you clean em but hey these youngens these days!
  20. Man did we have fun. The WIFE UNIT and I just got back this morning so I guess I will give you guys a little run down of the trip. We went to a great place in the Santa Barbara area called Los Padres. Theres a few camp grounds located about 20 minutes from the city there and we stayed at a marvelous one called Paradise. Truly was. So about my trip. We get there with only our sleeping bags and the food and water. So we look around and discover everyone BUT us has an RV and tents. Well being the first civilian camping trip I have ever went on I figured they were all just a bit too equiped. I was right of course. No tents for camping for this family!!!! So there is a river located less than a km away. Nice river with like 10 billion rocks. You know when you go to a river you must throw rocks right? Well dont do that with your wife unit, or if you do want her to throw rocks with you, YOU be the one to be on HER flank. So I say , "Babe, I bet you cant out throw me with my left hand" (I am mostly right handed) and she says, I bet I can. So I chuck one pretty far with my off hand and I am admiring my throw when I see she has this little rock. So of course I tell her to get a bigger one. So she picks up one thats about 1 lbs. She throws it but it only goes about 2 feet. Why did it only go 2 feet you ask???? Well thats because she hit me full force in the back of the head with that rock!!! People almost could have called me SixxKILLED. Funny thing is she blamed me for telling her to pick up a bigger rock.... and the rock has little red stains on it that arent from my head. I even brought the rock home so I have proof that she tried to knock me off. But she did have her moments. We got her a fishing pole and some gear right. Well the first day she picks this spot thats what you might call rapids and expects to not only find the worms (She found 1 worm I swear) and then she proceeds to go and try for 2 hours to catch fish in the whitewater LOL. 2nd day I picked the spot and to my shock she lands 2 5 lbs trout (Its cause I made her get real bait in the non-worm based family). This guy caught easily 10 fish in 3 hours on a fly rod setup. Next time we go I will teach her the fly method! Gonna hear about her "catches" forever now hehe. She even refused to "clean" the fish as it was too gross for her to handle. Sixxkiller got to eat those bad boys though!!!! Even got 2 local games in on DIF before my laptop died. But thats 2 more games playing the Me-262 than you guys got so there! Even got to buy a $10 22 oz beer at the local store as a reward! But the rest of the trip was just neat fun rediscovering the woman who isnt DIF. And Mistura, maybe we will have to get a little fishing trip together this summer with the family. -Ray
  21. I have never seen a remake that was better than the Original!!!
  22. SWEET, I am actually getting closer to being able to put the real East Front page up on my site as Brian and Dan are now leaking information. You guys are going to be really happy with this AWESOME EXPANSION PACK!!! The J7W1 is such a beautiful plane. Its not a secret anymore but the best part of the expansion is right here IMHO, 2 new Japanese planes that are comparable to some of the Allied machines. -Ray
  23. Bride, Honestly the new skills are not meant to be earth shattering and some are pretty much the same in additions to skills as what we already can use. What they do do however is make this more of an RPG as you can be interception, escort, or a dogfighter. I can also tell you that I am really not worried about more than a few of the skills. The wingman gets the really good stuff anyway IMO. But I will tell you that if you want to use these new skills, well Sadahara will be more than happy to end your reign as the monthly killer!!! I will give you the directions to an airfield near Japan where he will be flying CAP in the near future! That way you can make your wingman the new leader and buy all the new fangled skills!!! -Ray
  24. LOL you guys. I leave for a while and you guys start making every record known to all..... reminds me of me!!!! Anyway congrats bride. I havent even checked the ladder rankings yet but I am sure you are in the lead now. -Ray
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