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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Hey Joe. Yeh shut up. You're not helping my hangover! PS can I adopt this Syria bloke if he puts an email in his profile. I bet he gives great dental work!
  2. Hey Joe. Yeh shut up. You're not helping my hangover! PS can I adopt this Syria bloke if he puts an email in his profile. I bet he gives great dental work!
  3. Oh yeh? OH YEH?!!! We'll I double dare Seanachai to send me Vodka!!! Besides last time I was sent something, it became a long and beautiful relationship. Who knows what could happen this time?
  4. That is excellent news! :cool: So...what's the maximum angle of slope can you get with the engine?
  5. actually, when you think about it, every day is one less day you have to put up with anyone. Bappy Hirthday, Berli!
  6. I'm going to share a little story here about a bus and a female sports team. About 2 years ago I was driving around my home town and pulled up behind a bus stopped at traffic lights. It was with interest I noticed what I think were women in their 30s sitting right at the back of the bus. Obviously a sports team (netball maybe?) Anyhoo they looked around and gave me a wave (and of course I waved back) then they started talking and giggling at one another. and then.... and then... 2 stood up, dropped their drawers and mooned me by pressing their bottoms up against the back window of the bus! And let me tell you the view was particularly nice!! Now the thing I want to know in all seriousness is...... Will this be simulated in the bus game?
  7. I'm still basking in the after-glow. But okey dokey then (now where did I leave that last turn)?
  8. "It's terrible to run out of beer" Australian lament.
  9. Oh so that's whats in your drawers in that photo? And here I thought you were just happy to see us.
  10. Johnny Jump Up? What's that, and what's it's alcohol content? And if you go, can you leave the bottle behind?
  11. More than enough, or so I've been told. btw I'd insert a pokey tongue smiley here but I'm not allowed to.
  12. URK! *looks right, looks left, looks skeptical* Me? Allright? You've been kidnapped by aliens and lobotomized, haven't you?
  13. ooh congrats mate. To both you and yours! :cool:
  14. Awww shucks. about 6 years of posting here and I finally get the recognition I deserve. *sniff* Fortunately, I just happened to have my acceptance speech prepared. *ahem* I'd like to thank.....
  15. CMSF? I will. And btw the game's set in Syria.
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