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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: § XXX) NO and I mean NO racial, cultural or sexual insults here at all, that goes for you bloody unemployed, ex-criminal Sheep shagg'n Ozzies ya here??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ok, then employed, ex-criminal Sheep shagg'n Ozzies are exempt? Mace
  2. *Bows* "Your honor"! No, not you, Jo-anna, don't get all excited, just following correct legal procedure when entering the court. *takes place on jury stand* Well, this is exciting! Hey do they supply pop corn? Where's the legal council? Where's the prosecuting attorney? Where's the defendant? Where's the toilets? Anyone? Well, can we get this rolling? A fair trial and then the hanging, I want to be back home in time for dinner! Mace
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: provided its one of those civil type ones where we also get to impose sentence rather than leave that up to some do-gooder, liberal elven type<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I concur! Let's, by studying the evidence presented before us, discussing and debating it, and then deciding without reasonable doubt, determine the best way to have him executed. Mace
  4. I too wish to be appointed to the Jury, I am impartial and removed from the case, and thus I believe I can make an umbiased judgement. Any sort of cash inducement by either Joe Shaw or Seanachai - who's name may not be bolded, but italicised is fine, or their legal council will not sway me - at least not until the cheque clears and I get the money in the account. Mace
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: Sigh... I am truly saddened. We finally get a physicist to show up and prance around in the cess... and what do we get? Discussions relating to quantum math? String theory? The problem of storing anti-matter once it is created? NO! we get some slack arsed backwards comments about how Bauhaus plays CM. It is enough to make me weep. Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lorak, I’ve been prancing hither and yon here for some 8 months now, and did you think to ask me? Noooooo! Let me tell you a story about how the Universe is going to end. It’s not! It’s opened ended – no relapse back into a singularity, no big crunch. But, wait! There’s more (or is that, there's no more)!! Because it’s opened ended, the stars will eventually age and die, the number of new stars reborn will lessen and lessen, and after a while all stellar matter will eventually be swallowed up by black holes. Trouble is, black holes decay as well, so eventually they’ll evaporate and all that will be left in the universe is particles. Now, guess what! Over a long period of time, even stable particles can breakdown into constituents, so the universe over time will be a black void devoid of nothing but stray elementary particles. So the moral of the story? All the work you’ve ever done, every effort you’ve made to achieve something will in the long run all be for naught! So the meaning of life is that we all are a bunch of losers! Oh btw Lorak, you may have also missed the following from a previous post: Joe Shaw: Draw Mace: Draw but what’s the point. It all adds up to nihility eventually. Mace
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: There's nothing like rappeling into a few hundred feet of darkness to get the blood going.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh I don't know, I think being dashed on sharp rocks after falling some few hundred feet would get the blood going a bit faster...mainly all over the rocks. Mace
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy: it should be in the loungeroom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yah, with the dismantled carby sitting on a piece of newspaper, on the dining table! Mace
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: ...have too many...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...dangley bits! Maximus'sss.ss.ss dangley bits hung from his....
  9. Smell that, that's testosterone! Anyhow, I'm for one thankful of firm, good'ol Aussie soil...great for breaking falls when you land on your noggin. Good to see that Van shag(-pile carpet) has returned...Goes to show you can take the bloke out of the cess, but you can't take the cess out of the bloke. We'll you can, but I dont think this is the place to discuss his personal toilet-related habits. And if goanna/Joe Shaw don't stop bickering over Van shag, we'll have to settle this in a fair and reasonable manner...let's get a chainsaw and cut him in half then each can have a piece of him. Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Any Goon Show afficionadoes here? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Min: Eckles? Do you remember, Eckles? Eckles: Yaaaa! I remember Eckles! Mace
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Mace I don't know, I have my doubts about ANYTHING from Peng these days but shoot along a setup and I'll see if it looks playable UNLIKE THE PIECE OF TRASH HE FOISTED OFF ON BERLI AND I.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You'll be happy to know then that I was in fact referring to Goanna. Hey, how many cold blooded, blue tongue cesspoolers do we have here anyhow? Mace
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: perhaps along the lines of the Spanish Inquisition<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> NO BODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! Right, Quote classic line from Monty Python: that's Macey's life-goal no 231 done! *ticks* Mace
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I need some competent (SSNs need not apply) designer to shoot me a scenario so that I can lose to Mace as GAWD intended! Perhaps a nice small to medium, attack/defend sort of thing? All submissions will be reviewed by ... well ... ME I guess, I might let Mace look at it too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sir Joe, I believe I have just the thing! The Scaly one with the Blue tongue sent me a scenario for review and comment. Now I realise that he barely rates as competant, barely rates as human and that being cold blooded, barely rates on infra-red, but perhaps we can run this scenario through and see what transpires. Besides, we get our names mentioned in the text, we will be immortalized as Peng intended! Mace
  14. She's very much alive, and georgous as ever! Mace
  15. Well, Poor Joe Shaw, nabs the sole VL, pounds my troops, causes some to route, and what does he get? A draw!!! If I wasn't drunk, which I am, I'd celebrate by embibing copious amounts of alcohol!!! LORAK please note: Joe Shaw: Draw Mace: Draw Mace
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Commissar: I'd like to model the IS-2m, the T-34 and those wacky tank riders. I know Tamiya has a new T-34/85 set that includes some SMG tank riders. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Tamiya T34/85 is an old mold, although not too bad a representation. The best T34/85 on the market however is the Dragon one. Dragon also brought out an IS2, ISU152, ISU122, SU85, SU100 and an IS1. They also released a reboxed SU76 that was manufactured by a Russian company originally. All good kits although I'm not sure if they're still available. Mace
  17. Just keep making them, keep reading about various techniques, and use the ones that you're the most comfortable with. Mace
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: This will be my last post on this message board. (really)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> NooooOOOOOOOOoooooooo! Don't leave me! I... I... Loveyou, man!!! There's someone else, isn't there? You've found someone else?!!!! Well! Have your fling then! You'll be back! They always come back to me! Signed Your CMBO CD [ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  19. ROFLMAO!!!! You've all been hoodwinked! The E79 is in fact a tank from a Japanese developed Tactical wargame currently available only on Playstation! The game, Panzer Front , included a selection of historic and *ahem* non-historic AFVs (ie designed by the game developers) with which to fight with. The E79 was one of the latter. Mace [ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: ...In order to form a more perfect FAQ, Maximus...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...consoled Mace, who was heartbroken that GenSpatton didn't like us. *Sob* "Where did we go wrong? I mean .. *Sniff* .. we slave to come up with witty posts for the amusement of our peers, and all we get is... *sob* ...is... *sniff* scorn!!!" WhaaaAAAAAAaaaa! "In that *Sob* case, I'm going to take this here razorblade, and slash my"....
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: 9r]MOUSE{/q] - the game's in the mail.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Scene: cesspool parade ground. The SSN's are carrying out their daily drill. The drill sargeant-major storms up to Stalin's Organ, who is at attention in the ranks, leans in closer so that they are nose to nose, and then yells: You 'orrible, 'OORIBLE, little man! Have you forgotten the Queen's regs!!!! Where's the TAUNT in THAT!!!! Now sound off like you 'ave a pair, and don't ever, ever let me catch you doing that again!!!! oh,and by the way.... Do up your '[' and ']', you look SLOVENLY!!!!!!!! Mace
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: my interest in CM has wained<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does that mean we will never, never hear from you again? Oh, how unfortunate! Mace
  23. I think Scotland Yard will want to have a word with Mr Aitken! Mace
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: you were equally at fault by referring to the JU-88 as the Flying Pencil. That aircraft was the Donier DO-17 ... 217 ... something like that<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you have compounded that fault, Sir Joe. The Flying Pencil was in fact the Dornier Do 17Z. The nickname carried over to the Do 217 series. I LOVE THE SMELL OF GROG-PORN IN THE MORNING!!!
  25. Aiiieee! I have seen this..this...words fail to describe it!!! The Rune/Berli spawn is an abomination of such evilness and corruption, that it blighted the pastural lands within 1000km of my house, and drove insane all those within 500km. Curse them both! Btw, Joseph's flacid member, by the jib of your posts I believe it time for your daily dose of mental viagra. Mace
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